
Fabien Gosselet

Laboratory of the Blood Brain Barrier

University of Artois

Fabien Gosselet is the Head of the blood-brain barrier laboratory (BBB-Lab), located in Lens (France) and is full Professor at University of Artois.

He graduated in Cellular Biology and received a PhD in Cancerology (2006) from the Medicine faculty of Paris XI. He completed his education at the BBB-Lab as post-doctoral fellowship. In 2008, he obtained an assistant Professor position at the BBB-Lab and defended his Habilitation in 2014 on links between Blood-brain barrier, neurological disorders and cholesterol metabolism. The 30 members of his lab use house-made in vitro BBB models not only for investigating BBB physiology and its role in neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, stroke, brain tumor metastasis,…) but also for improving drug delivery and for providing data in pharmaco-toxicological field and to pharmaceutical companies. In 2014, the BBB-lab developed and patented a human in vitro BBB model consisting to co-cultivate human endothelial cells derived from umbilical cord blood stem cells with brain pericytes. This model is now transferred into more than 25 European Labs.

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