Using a confocal microscope and a 40X objective, create a scan profile with the appropriate fluorescent channels for the lipid marker used. After setting up the acquisition mode and channels, optimize the focus strategy by clicking on Software Autofocus. Then set the range of the Z Stack to 20 microns.
After this, optimize tiles and open the viewer to select the tile positions. Next, using a batch image processing method, create maximum projections of each Z Stack with the extended depth of focus method. Before exporting the images, set the compression to none and ensure original data is checked.
The resulting image is a maximum projection gray scale TIFF of only the fluorescence channel, expressing the lipid marker. Identify the TIFF images representing either Nile Red, BODIPY, or APOE and move them into the Images folder within a directory named either Nile Red, BODIPY, or APOE, depending on the method being used. Open the lipid unit software.
In the Predict tab, select the relevant directory by clicking on the ellipsis and navigating to the named directory. Confirm that lipid unit has identified the images correctly by checking the class entry. Click Predict to observe the task progress, then using the Mask Analysis tool, iterate through the generated masks and provide a quantitative count of the threshold lipid deposits from the mask images.
Successful differentiation and maturation of RPE showed a confluent monolayer with pigmentation and polygonal morphology. In contrast, unsuccessful differentiation showed clusters of dying cells. In fluorescent images, Nile Red and BODIPY deposits appeared as small, bright circular points.
A negative result shows incorrect image segmentation by mistaking background fluorescence as a deposit, either due to weak staining or high background intensity. APOE deposits varying in size, shape, and signal intensity and requiring optimization of staining and imaging methods to minimize variation are shown.