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This protocol outlines the fabrication of lipid microbubbles and a compatible one-pot microbubble radiolabeling method with purification-free >95% labeling efficiency that conserves microbubble physicochemical properties. This method is effective across diverse lipid microbubble formulations and can be tailored to generate radioactive and/or fluorescent microbubbles.


Microbubbles are lipid-shelled, gas-filled particles that have evolved from vascular ultrasound contrast agents into revolutionary cancer therapy platforms. When combined with therapeutic focused ultrasound (FUS), they can safely and locally overcome physiological barriers (e.g., blood-brain barrier), deliver drugs to otherwise inaccessible cancers (e.g., glioblastoma and pancreatic cancer), and treat neurodegenerative diseases. The therapeutic arsenal of microbubble-FUS is advancing in new directions, including synergistic combination radiotherapy, multimodal imaging, and all-in-one drug loading and delivery from microbubble shells.

Labeling microbubbles with radiotracers is key to establishing these expanded theranostic capabilities. However, existing microbubble radiolabeling strategies rely on purification methodologies known to perturb microbubble physicochemical properties, use short-lived radioisotopes, and do not always yield stable chelation. Collectively, this creates ambiguity surrounding the accuracy of microbubble radioimaging and the efficiency of tumor radioisotope delivery.

This protocol describes a new one-pot, purification-free microbubble labeling methodology that preserves microbubble physicochemical properties while achieving >95% radioisotope chelation efficiency. It is versatile and can be applied successfully across custom and commercial microbubble formulations with differing acyl lipid chain length, charge, and chelator/probe (porphyrin, DTPA, DiI) composition. It can be adaptively applied during ground-up microbubble fabrication and to pre-made microbubble formulations with modular customizability of fluorescence and multimodal fluorescence/radioactive properties. Accordingly, this flexible method enables the production of tailored, traceable (radio, fluorescent, or radio/fluorescent active) multimodal microbubbles that are useful for advancing mechanistic, imaging, and therapeutic microbubble-FUS applications.


Microbubbles are micron-sized supramolecular theranostic agents with a gas core stabilized by a protein, polymer, or, in most cases, a lipid shell (Figure 1A). When injected into the bloodstream, microbubbles maintain gas/liquid interfaces that are detectable by ultrasound for minutes-long timeframes prior to the dissolution of their gas cores1,2. Consequently, the first clinical use of microbubbles was as real-time ultrasound imaging contrast agents3. The invention of therapeutic focused ultrasound (FUS) expanded microbubble clinical utilities. When stimul....


1. Preparations of reagents

  1. Prepare ammonium acetate buffer (0.1 M, pH 5.5)
    1. Using an analytical balance, weigh 770.8 mg of ammonium acetate onto a weigh paper. Transfer the weighed amount to a clean 250 mL glass beaker.
    2. Add 90 mL of double distilled water (ddH2O), measured via a graduated pipette, to the beaker. Add a stir bar and place the beaker on a magnetic stir plate to dissolve the ammonium acetate. Stir at a speed that creates a slight vortex but without solution splashing.
    3. Calibrate a pH meter according to instrument instructions using standards of pH 4 and 7. Once calibrated, insert the....

Representative Results

The key quantifiable results when fabricating radiolabeled microbubbles are radiochemical purity and radiolabeling efficiency. This protocol uses iTLC and a validated centrifugal procedure, respectively, to characterize each. Figure 2A shows that average radiochemical purities and efficiencies of ≥95% were achieved across commercial microbubble mimicking formulations in which the host lipid was substituted for pyro-lipid at compositions of 1 mol%, 10 mol%, or 30 mol% of the total lipid.......


The current lipid microbubble radiolabeling protocol achieves >95% radiochemical purity, >95% chelation efficiency, and retention of microbubble physicochemical properties without necessitating any post-labeling purification. These accomplishments represent advancements previously unattained for existing labeling protocols. Lack of purification steps allows quicker use of radioisotopes (in this case, copper-64), and thus, reduction of inefficient activity loss from radioactive decay. The resulting retention of mi.......


The authors report no conflicts of interest.


We thank Deborah Scollard and Teesha Komal (University Health Network Spatio-Temporal Targeting and Amplification of Radiation Response (STTARR) program, Toronto, Ontario) for their technical services and guidance. We also thank Mark Zheng and Dr. Alex Dhaliwal for their technical assistance during confocal microscopy and the Advanced Optical Microscopy Facility (Toronto, Ontario) for providing associated equipment. We acknowledge our funding sources: the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Terry Fox Research Institute, the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
64CuCl2Washington University School of Medicine, Mallinckrodt Institute of RadiologyN/AOrder in small volume (<10 µL) dissolved in 0.1 N HCl
Acetic acid Any company≥ 95% purity
Aluminum foilAny company
Ammonium acetateAny companyPurity: ≥ 98%
Balance - analyticalAny companyAble to measure down to 0.1 mg
Bath sonicatorAny companyCan be heated to 69 oC
CC aperture - 30 micronBeckman CoulterA36391Particle diameter range: 0.6-18 um
CC electrolyteBeckman Coulter8546719Isoton II diluent
CC SoftwareBeckman CoulterMultisizer 4e
Centrifuge filter units (0.5 mL 30,000 MWCO) with compatible microcentrifuge tubesMilliporeSigmaUFC503096Amicon Ultra - 0.5 mL
Centrifuge tubes - 15 mL with capsAny company
ChloroformAny companyPurity: ≥ 99.8% 
Coulter counterBeckman CoulterB43905Multisizer 4e Coulter Counter
Cover slipsVWR48393081VWR micro cover glass
CuCl2Any companyEnsure not oxidized
Cuvette- quarts, 1 cm path lengthAny company
Cuvettes - 10 mL plastic for CC measurementsBeckman CoulterA35471Coulter Counter Accuvette ST
ddH2OAny companyCan be obtained through an ultrapure water purification system
DiI (1,1'-Dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-Tetramethylindocarbocyanine Perchlorate)Any companyPowder form
Dose calibratorAny companyAble to read copper-64
DPPA (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphate (sodium salt))Avanti Polar Lipids830855PPowder form
DPPC (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine)Avanti Polar Lipids850355PPowder form
DPPE-MPEG (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-[methoxy(polyethylene glycol)-5000] (ammonium salt))Avanti Polar Lipids880200PPowder form
DTPA-lipid (1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine-N-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (ammonium salt))Avanti Polar Lipids790106PPowder form
EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)Any company
Gamma counterAny companyAble to read copper-64
Gamma counting tube push capsGlobe Scientific22-171-665Flanged plug caps for 12 mm tubes
Gamma counting tubesSarstedt55.15795 mL, 75 x 12 mm, PS
Glass beaker - 250 mLAny companyAble to withstand temperatures up to 100 oC
Glass drying ovenAny companyCan be heated to 80 oC
Glass microliter syringes - 25, 50, 100, 1000 µLAny companyCompatible with organic solvents
Glass scintillation vials - 20 mLVWR66022-081VWR® Scintillation Vials, Borosilicate Glass, with Screw Caps, With pulp foil liner
Glass vials - 0.5 dramVWR66011-020VWR Vial 1/2 dram, with black phenolic screw cap and polyvinyl-faced pulp liner
GlycerolSigma AldrichG7757-1LPurity:  ≥ 99.0% 
Graduated pipette/gunAny company
Hot/stir plateEquipped with temperature prob for automatic tempearture control
Hydrochloric acid - 0.1 NAny company
iTLC platesAgilentA120B12 iTLC-SA chromatography paper
Laboratory tissuesAny company
Media vaccuum filtration unitAny company0.22 micron pore size, PES membrane, 500 mL funnel capacity
MethanolAny companyPurity:  ≥ 99.8%, HPLC grade, meets ACS specifications
Microcentrifuge tubes non sterile - 1.5 mLAny company
Microcentrifuge tubes sterile - 1.5 mLAny company
Micropipetes - p1000, p200, p20, p10Any companyEnsure are calibrated
Microscope slidesFisher Scientific12-550-15Superfrost Plus Microscope Slides Precleaned
Needles - 18 GSterile
ParafilmAny company
PBSSigma AldrichD8537-500MLDPBS, modified, without calcium chloride and magnesium chloride, liquid, sterile-filtered, suitable for cell culture
PFPFluoroMedAPF-N40HPPurity:  ≥ 99.8%
PFP lineAny company1/4 inch diameter plastic hose cut about 50 cm in length
PFP regulatorSwagelokSS-1RF4 and SS-4HC-1-4
pH meterAny company
pH standards 4 and 7Any company
Pipette tips for p1000, p200, p10 - non sterileAny company
Pipette tips for p1000, p200, p10 - sterileAny company
Plastic syringe - 1 mLAny companySterile
Propylene glycolBioShopPRO888.500Purity:  ≥ 99.5%
Pyro-lipidN/AMade in-house
Rubber tipped forcepsAny companyMix of fine-tipped and flat/square edges recommended
ScissorsAny company
Sodium hydroxide - 1 NAny company
Sodium hydroxide - 10 NAny company
SpectrofluorometerAny companyCapable of 410 nm excitation and 600-850 nm emission
Spectrofluorometry softwareHoribaFluorEssence
SpectrometerAny company
Syringe - 1 mLAny companyDisposible, plastic, sterile
Syringe filters - 0.2 micron pore sizeAny companyMembrane material: PES or other compatible with ammonium acetate/acetic acid and PBS
Test tube - 10 mL
Triton X-100Any company
Vacuum desicator/vacuumAny company
VialmixLantheus Medical Imaging515030-0508Referred to in protocol as a mechanical vial shaker
Weigh paperAny companyTo avoid losing product, cutting weigh paper into 3x3 cm squares is recommended


  1. Itani, M., Mattrey, R. F. The effect of inhaled gases on ultrasound contrast agent longevity in vivo. Mol Imaging Biol. 14 (1), 40-46 (2012).
  2. Kong, W. T., Wang, W. P., Huang, B. J., Ding, H., Mao, F.

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