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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Disclosures
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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This protocol demonstrates how to use Cytosim, an Open Source cytoskeleton simulation, to investigate the behavior of a network of filaments connected by molecular motors and passive crosslinkers. A generic workflow with step-by-step instructions is followed to vary the number of crosslinkers and plot the resulting network contractility.


Many cytoskeletal systems are now sufficiently well known to permit their precise quantitative modeling. Microtubule and actin filaments are well characterized, and the associated proteins are often known, as well as their abundance and the interactions between these elements. Thus, computer simulations can be used to investigate the collective behavior of the system precisely, in a way that is complementary to experiments. Cytosim is an Open Source cytoskeleton simulation suite designed to handle large systems of flexible filaments with associated proteins such as molecular motors. It also offers the possibility to simulate passive crosslinkers, diffusible crosslinkers, nucleators, cutters, and discrete versions of the motors that only step on unoccupied lattice sites on a filament. Other objects complement the filaments by offering spherical or more complicated geometry that can be used to represent chromosomes, the nucleus, or vesicles in the cell.

Cytosim offers simple command-line tools for running a simulation and displaying its results, which are versatile and do not require programming skills. In this workflow, step-by-step instructions are given to i) install the necessary environment on a new computer, ii) configure Cytosim to simulate the contraction of a 2D actomyosin network, and iii) produce a visual representation of the system. Next, the system is probed by systematically varying a key parameter: the number of crosslinkers. Finally, the visual representation of the system is complemented by the numerical quantification of contractility to view, in a graph, how contractility depends on the composition of the system. Overall, these different steps constitute a typical workflow that can be applied with few modifications to tackle many other problems in the cytoskeletal field.


The cytoskeleton consists of filaments within the cell and associated molecules such as molecular motors, which often constitute a dynamic meshwork with remarkable mechanical properties. The cytoskeleton exists in various configurations in different cell types across nearly all life forms. Its correct functioning is essential for fundamental cellular processes such as division, motility, and polarization. It also governs cell-to-cell mechanical interactions, thereby influencing the morphogenesis of tissues and organisms. The cytoskeleton underlies several functions and manifests itself in many biological processes. For example, the contraction of muscles is linked to ....


NOTE: The protocol consists of these steps: platform preparation for Windows 10, MacOS, and Linux; the installation of Cytosim; configuration of the simulation and test run and the graphical display; multiple runs, varying a parameter: the number of crosslinkers in the network; generating a graph to view how contractility is affected by the number of crosslinkers; parallel runs; and random sampling. All text following a ">" are commands that are to be entered verbatim in the terminal window. The ">" represents the terminal prompt and must not be included, but all other characters are important.

1. Platform prep....


In section 2, successful compilation of Cytosim using "make" should produce sim, play, and report in the subdirectory "bin". The output of step 2.3 ("sim info") should indicate "Dimension: 2" among other things. In section 3,the configuration file should be similar to jove.cym, provided as Supplementary File 1. In section 4,images obtained in step 4.8 from simulations should be similar to the one shown in Figure 2


The method outlined in this article relies on three small and independent Python programs, which were used in diverse ways throughout the described protocol. The first script preconfig is a versatile tool that can replace the need for writing custom Python scripts27. It is used to generate multiple configuration files from a single template file, specifying which parameter should be varied and how it should be varied. To vary multiple parameters, one can simply add more code snippets into.......


The authors declare having no conflicts of interest.


We thank members of the SLCU modeling club, especially Tamsin Spelman, Renske Vroomans, Cameron Gibson, Genevieve Hines, and Euan Smithers, and other beta testers of the protocol, Wei Xiang Chew, Daniel Cortes, Ronen Zaidel-Bar, Aman Soni, Chaitanya Athale, Kim Bellingham-Johnstun, Serge Dmitrieff, GaΓ«lle Letort, and Ghislain de Labbey. We acknowledge support from the Gatsby Charitable Foundation (Grant PTAG-024) and the European Research Council (ERC Synergy Grant, project 951430).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
A personal computerMacOS, Windows 10 or Linux
config.cym.tpltemplate configuration file; https://gitlab.com/f-nedelec/cytosim.git
jove.cymCytosim configuration file
make_page.pyPython script; https://github.com/nedelec/make_page.py
preconfigPython script; https://github.com/nedelec/preconfig
scan.pyPython script; https://github.com/nedelec/scan.py


  1. Chugh, P., Paluch, E. K. The actin cortex at a glance. Journal of Cell Science. 131 (14), (2018).
  2. Elliott, A., Shaw, S. L. Update: Plant cortical microtubule arrays. Plant Physiology. 176 (1), 94-105 (2018).
  3. Odde, D. J.

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Cytoskeletal SystemsMicrotubuleActin FilamentsAssociated ProteinsComputer SimulationsCytosimFlexible FilamentsMolecular MotorsCrosslinkersNucleatorsCuttersCytoskeleton Simulation2D Actomyosin NetworkContractilityNumerical Quantification

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