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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Results
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This article describes how to perform an optimized in situ protocol for tendons. This method discusses tissue preparation, section permeabilization, probe design, and signal amplification methods.


In recent years, many protocols have been developed for high-resolution transcriptomics in many different medical and biology fields. However, matrix-rich tissues, and specifically, tendons were left behind due to their low cell number, low RNA amount per cell, and high matrix content, which made them complicated to analyze. One of the recent and most important single-cell tools is the spatial analysis of gene expression levels in tendons. These RNA spatial tools have specifically high importance in tendons to locate specific cells of new and unknown populations, validate single-cell RNA-seq results, and add histological context to the single-cell RNA-seq data. These new methods will enable the analysis of RNA in cells with exceptional sensitivity and the detection of single-molecule RNA targets at the single-cell level, which will help to molecularly characterize tendons and promote tendon research.

In this method paper, we will focus on the available methods to analyze spatial gene expression levels on histological sections by using novel in situ hybridization assays to detect target RNA within intact cells at single-cell levels. First, we will focus on how to prepare the tendon tissue for the different available assays and how to amplify target-specific signals without background noise but with high sensitivity and high specificity. Then, the paper will describe specific permeabilization methods, the different probe designs, and the signal amplification strategies currently available. These unique methods of analyzing transcription levels of different genes in single-cell resolution will enable the identification and characterization of the tendon tissue cells in young and aged populations of various animal models and human tendon tissues. This method will also help analyze gene expression levels in other matrix-rich tissues such as bones, cartilage, and ligaments.


Tendons are connective tissues that enable the transmission of force between muscle and bone1. Developmentally, axial tenocytes are derived from mesenchymal cells within the sclerotome of the somites2; limb tendons derive from the lateral plate mesoderm; and cranial tendons arise from the cranial neural crest lineage3,4. Tendon can be characterized by the expression of the scleraxis transcription factor5, although several markers also play a key role in tendon development, including tenomodulin, mohawk, and early growth response 1/2


All animal experiments were performed in accordance with the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) and AAALAC guidelines. Experiments were performed under approved protocol #2013N000062 at Massachusetts General Hospital. In this study, C57BL/J6 mice (5 weeks of age and P0) were used. See the Table of Materials for details related to all materials, reagents, and instruments used in this protocol.

1. Sample preparation and fixation

  1. Euthanize mice in a CO2 chamber followed by cervical dislocation as a secondary method of euthanasia. Then, use scissors to cut the mouse hindl....


Figure 1: Poly A RNA expression in adult mouse Achilles tendon using RNAScope. Representative image of successful Poly A labeling in mouse Achilles tendon (left panel) using the commercialized ISH assay. Colocalization with DAPI confirms the specificity of the probe (middle and right panels), allowing control for background noise. Images were t.......


In this paper, we describe modifications made to leverage existing ISH tools such that they can be used in tendon tissue with a high degree of specificity and sensitivity. Since the tendon is a highly matrix-dense tissue, protocol adjustments must often be made to achieve similar degrees of probe penetration and specificity. These specific permeabilization methods and signal amplification strategies of the tendon tissue are integral to improving the efficacy of the ISH protocols discussed. Without these steps, it is chal.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


The authors thank Jenna Galloway and the members of Galloway Lab for their support and encouragement in the development and troubleshooting of these protocols.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 M triethanolamine buffer
10% Formalin solution
10% Tween-20
20x Saline Sodium Citrate buffer
4% PFA
ACD RNAscope Fluorescent Multiplex Fluorescent Reagent Kit V2ACD323100
Acetic Anhydride
Axio Imager MicroscopeZEISS
C57BL/J6 mice JAX ID: 000664
CoverslipsFisher 12-541-042
GlucoseVWR Chemicals BDHBDH9230-500G
HCR RNA-FISH BundleMolecular Instruments Inc.
HybEZ II Hybridization SystemACD
Immedge Barrier PenVector LaboratoriesH4000
Leica SPE Confocal MicroscopeLeica
Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS, 1x)InvitrogenAM9625Dilute 10x PBS in milli-Q water to get 1x solution
Protease IV
Proteinase KRoche3115836001
RNAscope H2O2 and Protease ReagentsACDPN 322381Included in ACD RNAscope Fluorescent Multiplex Fluorescent Reagent Kit V3
RNAscope Multiplex Fluorescent Detection KitACDPN 323110Included in ACD RNAscope Fluorescent Multiplex Fluorescent Reagent Kit V2
RNAscope Target Retrieval reagentsACD322000Included in ACD RNAscope Fluorescent Multiplex Fluorescent Reagent Kit V4
RNAscope Wash BufferACDPN 310091Included in ACD RNAscope Fluorescent Multiplex Fluorescent Reagent Kit V5
RNAscope Probe DiluentACD300041
Slide holderStatLab4465A
Staining Dish with LidStatLabLWS20WH
Superfrost Plus Microscope slidesFisher1255015treated, charged slides


  1. Sharma, P., Maffulli, N. Tendon injury and tendinopathy: healing and repair. Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. 87 (1), 187-202 (2005).
  2. Brent, A. E., Schweitzer, R., Tabin, C. J. A somitic compartment of tendon progenitors.

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Spatial TranscriptomicsIn Situ HybridizationSingle cell AnalysisTendonMatrix rich TissuesGene ExpressionTissue CharacterizationHistological ContextCell PopulationsTissue Aging

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