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最近、アルツハイマー病(AD)において多くの性特異的バイオマーカーが明らかになりました。しかし、脳グリア細胞はほとんど報告されていませんでした。この研究では、GEOデータベースに登録されているADの33人の前頭皮質から得られた220,095の単一核トランスクリプトームを分析しました。性特異的差次的発現遺伝子(DEG)は、アストロサイトに243個、ミクログリアに1,154個、オリゴデンドロサイトに572個を含むグリア細胞で同定されました。Gene Ontology(GO)の機能アノテーション解析と京都遺伝子・ゲノム大百科事典(KEGG)のパスウェイエンリッチメント解析により、シナプス、神経、ホルモン関連パスの機能的集中が明らかになりました。タンパク質間相互作用ネットワーク(PPI)は、アストロサイトにおけるMT3、CALM2、DLG2、KCND2、PAKACB、CAMK2D、およびNLGN4Y、ミクログリアにおけるTREM2、FOS、APOE、APP、およびNLGN4Y、およびオリゴデンドロサイトにおけるGRIN2A、ITPR2、GNAS、およびNLGN4Yを主要な遺伝子として同定しました。NLGN4Yは、3つのグリアが共有する唯一の遺伝子であり、ADの性別特異性のバイオマーカーとして同定されました。遺伝子転写因子(TF)-miRNA共調節ネットワークは、NLGN4Yとその標的TCMの主要な調節因子を特定しました。Ecklonia kurome Okam(Kunbu)とHerba Ephedrae(Mahuang)が同定され、ADに対する有効成分の影響が示されました。最後に、KunbuとMahuangの濃縮分析は、彼らがADの性別特異性の治療候補として作用する可能性があることを示唆しました。
解析のステップ2から9はRソフトウェアを使用して実装し( 補足図1 および 補足ファイル1を参照)、残りのステップはオンラインプラットフォーム上で実行しました。このプロトコルで使用されるデータベースの詳細(およびWebリンク)は、 資料の表に記載されています。
1. データ取得
著者は、GSE167490データセットを提供してくれた Jessica S Sadick、Michael R O'Dea、Philip Hasel などに感謝しています。著者らは、Faten A Sayed、Lay Kodama、Li FanなどがGSE183068データセットを提供していることを高く評価しています。著者は、データ分析の支援を提供してくれたShuqing Liuと、データ分析プラットフォームを提供してくれたWen Yangに感謝します。この研究は、中国国立自然科学基金会(82174511)、成都伝統中国医学大学アプリコットグローブ奨学生、規律人材研究強化プログラム(QJJJ2022001)、遼寧活性化人材プログラム(XLYC 1807083)、四川行政局中医薬薬薬基金(2023MS578)、全国学部イノベーションおよび起業家精神トレーニングプロジェクト(202310633003X)、および科学研究実践の革新的なトピックの支援を受けました成都中国伝統医学大学(ky-2023100)の大学生向け。Hanjie LiuとHui Yangは、研究のデザイン、データの収集、データの解釈、原稿の起草と改訂に貢献しました。Shuqing LiuとSiyu Liは、研究のデザイン、データの収集、原稿の起草に参加しました。ウェン・ヤンとアンワル・アイシャは、データの収集と解釈を担当しました。Xin Tanは図や表を用意しました。Cen Jiang、Yi Liu、Lushuang Xieが研究を考案し、原稿をレビュー/編集しました。す....
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Database | |||
Coremine Medical database | Jointly developed by Norway, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, the National Medical Library of the United States and other institutions | When you explore concepts in CoreMine Medical you access a database that is structured to relate important concepts, ranked by statistical relevance, to your topic. For example, if you type in "Alzheimer disease," in addition to retrieving documents and resources that discuss the disease, you will be able to view networks and lists that show how your query concept is related to other bio-medical concepts. This provides an overview of concepts that relate to your search as well as being an interface for navigating information on these concepts. Weblink: https://coremine.com/medical/ | |
Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) | National Center for Biotechnology Information in the United States (NCBI) | GEO is a public functional genomics data repository supporting MIAME-compliant data submissions. Array- and sequence-based data are accepted. Tools are provided to help users query and download experiments and curated gene expression profiles. Weblink: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/ | |
Integrative Pharmacology-based Research Platform of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCMIP, version: 2.0) | None | Introduction to the Integrated Pharmacology Based Network Computational Research Platform for Traditional Chinese Medicine [TCMIP v2.0], http://www.tcmip.cn/ ) It is an intelligent data mining platform based on the online database of the Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ETCM), which integrates medical big data management and pharmacological computing services. It aims to reveal the scientific connotation of traditional Chinese medicine theory and the scientific value of original thinking in traditional Chinese medicine, summarize and pass on the experience of famous doctors, control the quality of traditional Chinese medicine, explain the principles of traditional Chinese medicine action, research and development of new Chinese medicine, especially the discovery and optimization of modern drug combinations, Provide a strong data foundation and analytical tools. Based on TCMIP v1.0, a comprehensive upgrade is implemented, including five major databases and seven functional modules. Through system integration and module integration, a comprehensive analysis of the multi-level correlation of the "disease syndrome prescription" interaction network can be quickly achieved. As an intelligent data mining platform, TCMIP v2.0 will provide a strong data foundation and analysis platform for revealing the scientific connotation of traditional Chinese medicine theory and the scientific value of original thinking in traditional Chinese medicine, summarizing and inheriting the experience of famous doctors, quality control of traditional Chinese medicine, elucidating the principles of traditional Chinese medicine action, research and development of new traditional Chinese medicine drugs, especially modern drug combination discovery and optimization. Weblink: http://www.tcmip.cn/TCMIP | |
NetworkAnalyst | None | Networkanalyze is an online visualization analysis platform for gene expression analysis and meta-analysis. It can perform comparative, quantitative, differential and enrichment analysis of gene expression, protein-protein interaction analysis, integration analysis of multiple datasets, and can also draw high-value images such as PCA, protein-protein interaction network diagram, heatmap, volcano diagram, Wayne diagram, etc. Weblink: https://www.networkanalyst.ca/NetworkAnalyst/ | |
PubMed database | National Center for Biotechnology Information in the United States (NCBI) | The Pubmed database is a biomedical literature database maintained by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) in the United States, aimed at providing the latest medical research results to scientists, doctors, researchers, and students worldwide. This database collects biomedical literature from around the world, including journal articles, papers, books, etc. As of now, the Pubmed database has collected over 30 million articles and is continuously updated every week. Weblink: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ | |
R software | Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman | R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is a GNU project which is similar to the S language and environment which was developed at Bell Laboratories (formerly AT&T, now Lucent Technologies) by John Chambers and colleagues. R can be considered as a different implementation of S. There are some important differences, but much code written for S runs unaltered under R. Weblink: https://www.r-project.org/ | |
STRING database (STRING, version 11.0) | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics | STRING is a database of known and predicted protein interactions. The interactions include direct (physical) and indirect (functional) associations Weblink: https://string-db.org/ | |
Traditional Chinese Medicine Systems Pharmacology Database and Analysis Platform (TCMSP) | Zhejiang Jiuwei Health Co., Ltd | TCMSP is not only a data repository, but also an analysis platform for users to comprehensively study Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM): including identification of active components, screening of drug targets and generation of compounds-targets-diseases networks, as well as the detailed drug pharmacokinetic information involving drug-likeness (DL), oral bioavailability (OB), blood-brain barrier (BBB),intestinal epithelial permeability (Caco-2), ALogP,fractional negative surface area (FASA-) and number of H-bond donor/acceptor (Hdon/Hacc). So far, TCMSP has attracted broad attentions and several groups have published more than 10 papers by using our TCMSP database within about one year. Weblink: https://tcmsp-e.com |
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