Penn Cardiovascular Institute,
Perelman School of Medicine,
Penn Cardiovascular Institute, Perelman School of Medicine
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IL-4 suppresses UVB-induced apoptosis in skin.
Journal of biochemistry and molecular biology Jan, 2007 | Pubmed ID: 17244480
Advanced Thermopower Wave in Novel ZnO Nanostructures/Fuel Composite.
ACS applied materials & interfaces Sep, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25133980
Investigation of the effect of the structure of large-area carbon nanotube/fuel composites on energy generation from thermopower waves.
Nanoscale research letters , 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25285059
Effects of chemical fuel composition on energy generation from thermopower waves.
Nanotechnology Nov, 2014 | Pubmed ID: 25319506
University of Pennsylvania
Korea University
Hayoung Hwang1,
Fang Liu1,
Mark D. Levin1,
Vickas V. Patel1
1Penn Cardiovascular Institute, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
Hayoung Hwang*,1,
Taehan Yeo*,1,
Yonghwan Cho1,
Dongjoon Shin1,
Wonjoon Choi1
1School of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University
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