Novel Approach for Simultaneous Recording of Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity and Blood Pressure with Intravenous Infusion in Conscious, Unrestrained Mice.
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Implantation and Exteriorization of the Jugular Venous Catheter
Sample Experimental Protocol and Validation of RSNA Signal
Results: Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity (RSNA) in Conscious Mice
The overall goal of this novel surgical and experimental method is to evaluate renal sympathetic activity in conscious, unrestrained mice without confounding effects of anesthesia. Given the recent interest in mouse models, this approach provides
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Anesthetized mice exhibit non-physiological systemic blood pressure, which precludes meaningful assessment of autonomic tone given the intimate relationship between blood pressure and the autonomic nervous system. Thus, a novel method to simultaneously record renal sympathetic nerve activity and blood pressure with intravenous infusion in conscious mice is outlined.