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In This Article

  • Summary
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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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Here, we describe a method to transplant and identify human cell spheroids into chick embryos. This xenograft model uses the embryonic microenvironment as a source of instructive signals to assay cell migration, differentiation, and tropism and is especially suited for the study of primary and/or heterogeneous cell populations.


Xenografts are valuable methods to investigate the behavior of human cells in vivo. In particular, the embryonic environment provides cues for cell migration, differentiation, and morphogenesis, with unique instructive signals and germ layer identity that are often absent from adult xenograft models. In addition, embryonic models cannot discriminate self versus non-self tissues, eliminating the risk of rejection of the graft and the need for immune suppression of the host. This paper presents a methodology for transplantation of spheroids of human cells into chicken embryos, which are accessible, amenable to manipulation, and develop at 37 °C.

Spheroids allow the selection of a specific region of the embryo for transplantation. After being grafted, the cells become integrated into the host tissue, allowing the follow-up of their migration, growth, and differentiation. This model is flexible enough to allow the utilization of different adherent populations, including heterogeneous primary cell populations and cancer cells. To circumvent the need for prior cell labeling, a protocol for the identification of donor cells through hybridization of human-specific Alu probes is also described, which is particularly important when investigating heterogeneous cell populations. Furthermore, DNA probes can be easily adapted to identify other donor species. This protocol will describe the general methods for preparing spheroids, grafting into chicken embryos, fixing and processing tissue for paraffin sectioning, and finally identifying the human cells using DNA in situ hybridization. Suggested controls, examples of interpretation of results and various cell behaviors that can be assayed will be discussed in addition to the limitations of this method.


Xenografts are useful tools to investigate the behavior of human cells in vivo. These models have provided invaluable information for a wide range of scientific topics, such as the biology of human stem cells1, the observation of cellular events in real time2, and the investigation of tumoral angiogenesis and metastasis3. In addition, several aspects of cancer biology, including the tumorigenesis of patient-specific xenografts, have been studied4,5. Each of these xenograft models has their advantages and disadvantages and, thus, e....


All in vivo procedures used in this study complied with all relevant experimental guidelines for animal testing and research, in accordance with the Brazilian experimental animal use guidelines (L11794). The protocols used for handling chicken embryos were all approved by the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals in Scientific Experimentation (Health Sciences Centre of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro). The use of human cells was approved by the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital Clementino Fraga Filho (numbers 043/09 and 088/04). Specific pathogen-free (SPF) eggs of White Leghorn chicken (Gallus gallus) were used.

Representative Results

Identification of Alu-positive ADSCs in histological sections
Alu sequences are repetitive elements that comprise ~10% of the human genome and thus are excellent targets for identifying human cells in a species-specific manner43. In situ hybridization with DNA probes can be used to identify genomic elements on histological sections, including primary human cells29,


The protocol described here (Figure 1) presents a feasible option for screening the behavior of primary populations of human cells in vivo, using chick embryos as a model. This paper describes the formation of cell spheroids (Figure 2), transplantation of the spheroid into the chick embryo (Figure 3), processing of specimens and in situ hybridization (Figure 4), representative results .......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This work was supported by Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ for J.B.), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq for J.B.) and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ for J.B.). We thank T. Jaffredo (CNRS, Paris, France) for the Runx2 (Cbfa1) probe. The HNK1 antibody was obtained from the Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank developed under the auspices of the NICHD and maintained by The University of Iowa, Department of Biological Sciences, Iowa City, IA 52242 USA. We thank V. Moura-Neto for granting access to the microtome and R. Lent for gr....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Gallus gallus eggsGranja TolomeiSPF-freeWhite leghorn chicken
Alcian Blue 8GXSigma-aldrichA5268
AluFw primersSigma-aldrichOLIGO5’-CGA GGC GGG TGG ATC ATG AGG T-3’
AluRev primersSigma-aldrichOLIGO5’-TTT TTT GAG ACG GAG TCT CGC-3’
Aluminum sulphateSigma-aldrich368458For Nuclear fast red solution preparation
Anti-Digoxigenin-AP, Fab fragmentsRoche11093274910Antibody Registry ID: AB_514497
Anti-Human Natural Killer 1 antibody (HNK1, CD57)Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank3H5Antibody Registry ID: AB_2314644
Anti-mouse, goat IgM-HRPSanta Cruz Biotechnologysc-2973Antibody Registry ID: AB_650513
Anti-mouse, goat IgG (H+L)-HRPNovexG-21040Antibody Registry ID: AB_2536527
Anti-Smooth Muscle Actin/ACTA2 antibodyDakoM085129Antibody Registry ID: AB_2811108
AquatexMerck1085620050Aqueous mounting agent
5-Bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate p-toluidine salt (BCIP)Sigma-aldrichB8503-100MG
Blocking ReagentRoche11096176001
Citric acidVETEC238For SSC buffer preparation
Collagenase type IASigma-aldrichSCR103
dCTP, dGTP, dATP, dTTP setRoche11969064001
Denhardt solution 50XInvitrogen750018For hybridization buffer preparation
Dextran sulphate sodium saltThermo Scientific15885118For hybridization buffer preparation
DIG RNA Labeling MixRoche11277073910Contains Dig-11-dUTP
DMEM low-glucoseSigma-aldrichD5523
3,3′-Diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride (DAB)Sigma-aldrichD5905-50TAB
N,N-Dimethylformamide (DMF)Sigma-aldrich227056For NBT and BCIP solution preparation
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)Sigma-aldrichE6758For trypsin solution preparation
Entellan newMerck107961Non-aqueous mounting medium
Fetal bovine serumThermoFisher12657029Inactivate at 56 °C before use
Formaldehyde 37% solutionProquímiosN/A
Glacial acetic acidProquímiosN/A
India inkPelikan221143
L-glutamine solution (200 mM)Gibco25030-149
Magnesium chlorideMerck8147330100For NTM buffer preparation
Maleic acidSigma-aldrichM0375-500GFor MAB buffer preparation
Normal Goat SerumSigma-aldrichNS02LInactivate at 56 °C before use
4-Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride (NBT)Roche11585029001
Nuclear fast redSigma-aldrich60700
Paraplast PlusSigma-aldrichP3558
Penicillin G sodium saltSigma-aldrichP3032
Phosphate buffered saline (PBS)Sigma-aldrichP3813
Phosphomolybdic acidMerck100532
Proteinase KGibco BRL25530-015
Salmon sperm DNAInvitrogen15632011For hybridization buffer preparation
Sodium chlorideSigma-aldrichS9888For SSC, MAB and NTM buffer preparation
Streptomycin SulfateSigma-aldrichS6501
Taq Polymerase kitCenbiot EnzimasN/A
Tween 20Sigma-aldrichP1379
Microscope and equipments
Axioplan upright microscopeCarl Zeiss MicroscopyN/A
Axiovision softwareCarl Zeiss MicroscopyN/A
Cell incubatorThermoForma3110
Egg incubator- 50 eggsGP
Gooseneck lampBiocamN/AFor egg manipulation
Fiji software; Cell Counter pluginImageJ
Laminar flow hoodTROX1385
Nanodrop LiteThermo ScientificND-LITE-PR
Rotary microtomeLeica BiosystemsRM2125 RTSFor sectioning
StereomicroscopeLabomedLuxeo 4DFor egg manipulation
Sterilization ovenREALIS7261690For sterelization of surgical materials
0.2 mL (PCR) polypropylene centrifuge tubesEppendorf30124707
15 mL polypropylene conical centrifuge tubesCorningCLS430791
1.5 mL polypropylene centrifuge tubesAxygenMCT-150-C
2 mL polypropylene centrifuge tubesAxygenMCT-200-C
50 mL polypropylene conical centrifuge tubesCorningCLS430829
Barrier (Filter) Tips, 200 μL sizeInvitrogenAM12655For egg manipulation
Excavated Glass Block (Staining Block) with Cover GlassHecht Karl42020010
Embedding cassettesSimportM480Used as a paraffin block holder
Glass coverslides, 24 x 40 mmKasviK5-2440
Glass Pasteur pipettes 230 mmNORMAX5426023For preparation of glass capillaries
Microtome bladesLeica BiosystemsHIGH-PROFILE-DISPOSABLE-BLADES-818For sectioning
Parafilm MParafilmP7793
Plastic Petri dish, 30 mmKasviK13-0035For egg manipulation
Plastic Petri dish, 60 mmProlab0303-8For cell spheroids preparation. Should not be treated for cell adhesion. 
Silanized glass slides (Starfrost)Knittel Glass198For sectioning
Syringe 1 mL , Needles 26 G (0.45 x 13 mm)Descarpack32972For egg manipulation (albumen aspiration)
Surgical tools
Aspirator tubeDrummond2-000-000For egg manipulation
Dissection scissorsFine Science Tools14061-11For egg manipulation
Microforceps (tweezers)Fine Science Tools00108-11For egg manipulation and preparation of glass capillaries
Needle holder (adjustable dissection needle chuck)Fisherbrand8955For egg manipulation
Oil whetstone, 10.000 gritN/AN/AFor sharpening needles
Pair of small paint brushesN/AN/AFor handling paraffin sections. Any brand may be used.
Sewing needlesN/AN/AFor sharpening into microscalpels. Any brand may be used.
Sterile disposable scalpel No. 23Swann-Norton110For sectioning
Surgical scalpel handleSwann-Norton914For sectioning
Wecker iris scissors, sharp/sharpSurtexSS-641-11For egg manipulation


  1. Herbert, K. E., Lévesque, J. P., Haylock, D. N., Prince, M. The use of experimental murine models to assess novel agents of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell mobilization. Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation. 14 (6), 603-621 (2008).
  2. Parada-Kusz, M., et al.

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XenograftHuman Stem CellsSpheroidsChick EmbryosCell MigrationDifferentiationMorphogenesisAlu ProbeIn Situ HybridizationCell Labeling

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