Our lab studies the impact of environmental pollutants, like heavy metals, on liver function and diseases related to reactive oxygen species production. This protocol aims to quantitatively measure ROS levels in cells using a dihydroethidium fluorescence probe. This protocol uses a high-content screening platform to quantitatively measure intracellular ROS species levels in hepatocellular lines.
Measuring intercellular ROS level accurately is of critical importance in high-throughput toxicology study, which is a key area of interest in our lab. DHE fluorescence is a highly specific method for measuring total ROS levels, particularly targeting the superoxide radical, are giving it a significant advantage over other commonly used ROS fluorescence probe. Additionally, this protocol offer the unique ability to measure total cellular ROS level in a high-throughput platform.
Our protocol is a robust and reproducible choice to characterize intracellular total ROS production. High-throughput approaches to measure ROS levels are helpful in a variety of studies, such as toxicology, drug screening, and cancer biology, which will be our focus in the future.