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  • Summary
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  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
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Here, we present a protocol to synthesize two metal chalcogenides (Cu1.8S and SnSe) suitable for thermoelectrics via an ultrafast (second-range), solvent-free, and one-step mechanochemical synthesis using elemental precursors. Simultaneously, we demonstrate the monitoring of the temperature in the jar during planetary ball milling in situ by the newly developed device.


Mechanochemical synthesis is an extremely useful strategy to reach thermoelectric materials due to its solvent-free one-step character, as the targeted thermoelectricity (TE) materials in a nanocrystalline format can be prepared by mere high-energy milling of elemental precursors. Nevertheless, the subsequent densification method (e.g., spark plasma sintering or hot pressing) is required afterward, similarly to other synthetic methodologies. In this study, the simplicity of mechanochemical synthesis is presented for two selected metal chalcogenides, namely copper sulfide (Cu1.8S, digenite) and tin selenide (SnSe, svetlanaite), which are known for high ZT values. These compounds can be prepared via a mechanically induced self-propagating reaction (MSR), which is a combustion-like process instantly yielding the products in a very short timeframe (within 1 min). The occurrence of MSR can be well-tracked by in situ temperature monitoring since an abrupt temperature increase occurs at the moment of MSR. We have developed a device which is capable of monitoring the temperature inside the milling jar every 80 ms during planetary ball milling, and it is therefore possible to very precisely track the moment of MSR ignition. The developed device presents an improvement in the monitoring capabilities in comparison with commercially available analogs. This contribution aims to provide a visual insight into all steps, with simple high-energy ball milling of elements to reach TE materials and in situ temperature monitoring being the central points.


Statistically, more than 60% of energy in the world is lost, mostly as waste heat. Utilizing the waste heat for thermoelectricity (TE) applications has a great potential. TE offers a suitable method to convert waste heat into electrical energy. Special applications, like electrical energy sources in radioactive thermoelectric generators for space research and/or replacing the old Hg-Zn batteries in cardiac pacemakers, can be mentioned1.

Among various TE materials, chalcogenides belong among the favorites, especially if they are composed of abundant and non-toxic elements. Chalcogenides with tellurium, lead,....


1. Preparation of CuS mixture with the stoichiometry 1.6:1

  1. Tare the weighing paper.
  2. Weigh 7.6024 g of elemental copper and 2.3974 g of elemental sulfur powder to achieve the stoichiometry ratio of Cu and S at 1.6:1, with a total mass of 10 g.
  3. Before milling, mix the Cu and S powder. After weighing, introduce both Cu and S powders into a plastic weighing dish and mix intensively with a spatula, until a powder of homogeneous color free from large lumps of sulfur is obtained.
    NOTE: The purpose of the mixing is to homogenize the powder and ensure a uniform distribution of powders before the milling experiment.
  4. <....

Representative Results

The temperature during milling was recorded using Project SAV 1.0 software and plotted accordingly. Figure 3 demonstrates the changes in temperature with milling time. For the Cu1.8S samples (Figure 3A), the ignition times fall within the range of 0-0.6 s. In the sample Cu1.8S-1, the MSR occurred before temperature data collection began. Therefore, when performing the two next experiments (Cu1.8S-2 and 4), data collection was sta.......


Mechanically induced self-propagating reactions (MSR) are an immediate transformation of precursors into products via an exothermic combustion-like process activated by mechanical action (similar to self-heat sustaining reactions where similar processes are activated by heat). The occurrence of MSR can often be identified by changes in the physical appearance of the product, a distinct smell at the moment of the reaction, or a scratching sound from the milling jar. However, empirical evidence suggests that these sen.......


The authors have no competing financial interests


The present investigation was supported by the Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (project 2/0112/22). The present investigation was also supported by ERA-MIN3 POTASSIAL 27 project.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
CopperPometon, Germany7440-50-8Red powder
D8 Advance diffractometer Bruker, GermanyM88-E03036X-ray instrument
DiffracPlus Evaluation package releaseBruker, GermanyDOC-M85-EXX002Diffraction analysis software
EtabenMikrochem, Slovakia64-17-5solution
JeditOpen Source softwareProgrammer's text editor
Project SAV 1.0Software developed to record data from in situ temeprature monitoring
Pulverisette P7 planetary millFritsch, Germany07.5000.00The milling device, utilized in the synthesis of Cu1.8S and SnSe
SeleniumAcros Organic, Germany7782-49-2Gray powder
SulfurSigma Aldrich, Germany7704-34-9Yellow powder
TinMerck, Germany7440-31-5Gray powder
Topas AcademicCoelho SoftwareGeneral non-linear least squares software driven by a scripting language. Its main focus is in crystallography, solid state chemistry and optimization.


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Mechanochemical SynthesisThermoelectric MaterialsMetal ChalcogenidesCopper SulfideTin SelenideHigh energy MillingSelf propagating ReactionIn Situ Temperature MonitoringSpark Plasma SinteringHot PressingZT ValuesPlanetary Ball MillingMonitoring Device

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