This protocol describes an optic nerve transection that preserves the optic nerve sheath in rats. Hydrostatic pressure from microinjections into the optic nerve generate a complete transection, allowing for sutureless reapposition of the transected optic nerve ends and direct targeting of the axonal compartment in a transection model.
Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons converge at the optic nerve head to convey visual information from the retina to the brain. Pathologies such as glaucoma, trauma, and ischemic optic neuropathies injure RGC axons, disrupt transmission of visual stimuli, and cause vision loss. Animal models simulating RGC axon injury include optic nerve crush and transection paradigms. Each of these models has inherent advantages and disadvantages. An optic nerve crush is generally less severe than a transection and can be used to assay axon regeneration across the lesion site. However, differences in crush force and duration can affect tissue responses, resulting in variable reproducibility and lesion completeness. With optic nerve transection, there is a severe and reproducible injury that completely lesions all axons. However, transecting the optic nerve dramatically alters the blood brain barrier by violating the optic nerve sheath, exposing the optic nerve to the peripheral environment. Moreover, regeneration beyond a transection site cannot be assessed without reapposing the cut nerve ends. Furthermore, distinct degenerative changes and cellular pathways are activated by either a crush or transection injury.
The method described here incorporates the advantages of both optic nerve crush and transection models while mitigating the disadvantages. Hydrostatic pressure delivered into the optic nerve by microinjection completely transects the optic nerve while maintaining the integrity of the optic nerve sheath. The transected optic nerve ends are reapposed to allow for axon regeneration assays. A potential limitation of this method is the inability to visualize the complete transection, a potential source of variability. However, visual confirmation that the visible portion of the optic nerve has been transected is indicative of a complete optic nerve transection with 90-95% success. This method could be applied to assess axon regeneration promoting strategies in a transection model or investigate interventions that target the axonal compartments.
Axonal injury and degeneration occur in retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) following trauma or in neurodegenerative diseases such as glaucoma1,2. The loss of RGCs and disruption of retinofugal projections result in permanent vision loss3. To understand the molecular pathways responsible for the degenerative processes and to develop strategies to mitigate axonal and RGC loss or to regenerate RGC axons, experimental animal models have been used to simulate optic nerve injury, including optic nerve crush and optic nerve transection models. In selecting an experimental model, one must account for the advantages and disadvantages of each approach as well as the molecular pathways activated by the injury4.
The rationale for developing the method described here is to leverage the advantages of optic nerve crush5 and transection6 models while mitigating the disadvantages. The objectives of this method were to generate a reproducible optic nerve injury in which all axons are unquestionably and completely transected, exposure to the peripheral immune system is minimized, and the transected ends of the optic nerve are easily reapposed to allow for the evaluation of RGC regeneration. Additionally, the method was developed to allow for compartmentalized access to the axonal portion of injured RGCs and to deliver axon specific interventions (e.g., neurotrophic factors, cellular transplants) locally to the retroorbital optic nerve.
There are multiple advantages of this technique over alternative methods. Compared to an optic nerve crush, this method completely and reliably transects the optic nerve; this addresses a potential issue of undesirable axon sparing7. Additionally, the described method causes a severe axonal injury that is not dependent on the amount and duration of force applied by the operator as in a crush injury, thereby reducing variability8. In contrast to established methods of transecting the optic nerve, the approach detailed in this protocol maintains the integrity of the optic nerve sheath. An advantage of preserving the optic nerve sheath is that it prevents the optic nerve from being exposed to the peripheral immune system. Furthermore, the mechanical forces exerted by the optic nerve sheath on the transected optic nerve reappose the cut nerve ends without the need for challenging microsurgical manipulations9,10,11. Finally, with the optic nerve sheath intact, the method produces a physical space between the optic nerve stumps into which stem cells, neurotrophic factors, or polymers can be introduced to lesioned RGC axons directly.
The optic nerve crush is the gold standard model in which optic nerve regeneration strategies are assessed to determine the effectiveness of treatments. The size of the rodent optic nerve limits the possible manipulations, especially the transection and re-adaptation of the nerve. However, in the field of spinal cord injury and regeneration, there is consensus that a complete transection is the ideal model to distinguish axonal regeneration from spared axon12. The method described here reduces the technical barriers to assess regenerative strategies in an optic nerve transection model. As such, this model could be used to validate promising strategies identified in optic nerve crush paradigms with an optic nerve transection. Additionally, as this model directly targets the axonal compartment, it enables studies of interventions on injured adult RGC axons and the mechanisms responsible for axonal degenerative and regenerative processes.
The model of optic nerve transection described in this study completely transects the optic nerve while preserving the optic nerve sheath. This novel approach is appropriate for experiments that aim to assess axon regeneration in a transection model without the need for the technically challenging process of reapposing the optic nerve ends. Aspects of the technique are similar to performing an optic nerve crush; therefore, the approach can be performed by operators experienced with an optic nerve crush. The surgical approach does not require specially designed instruments and can be completed with readily available surgical instruments and a microinjection system, making it accessible and economical.
Procedures involving animals were approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) of the Veterans Affairs San Diego Healthcare System. Surgical instruments and solutions were sterilized prior to surgery to limit postoperative infections and complications.
1. Surgical technique
2. Anesthesia
3. Surgical approach
4. Accessing the optic nerve
5. Transecting the optic nerve inside the optic sheath
6. Closing and recovery
Transection of the optic nerve typically results in the apoptotic loss of 80–90% of injured RGCs within 14 days after injury. The described technique transects the optic nerve while maintaining the optic nerve sheath integrity (Figure 1). The degree of RGC loss is comparable to traditional optic nerve transection and optic nerve crush models with the advantage that the cut nerve ends are effortlessly apposed after transection with the method described here (Figure 2). Reconnecting the cut optic nerve ends in this manner enables evaluation of RGC axonal regeneration in a transection model by providing a substrate on which axons may grow and without the need for microsurgical manipulation to reconnect the cut nerve ends (Figure 3). Anterograde tracing of RGC axons with cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) demonstrates that CTB positive axons are completely transected following a sheath preserving optic nerve transection (Figure 4). Preserving the optic nerve sheath while transecting the optic nerve also creates an enclosed space into which investigative materials, such as neurotrophic factors or cells, can be delivered to lesioned RGC axons and maintained in position (Figure 5). During initial phases of training, there is an expected 60-70% success rate of total transection. With experience, the success rate of total transection is approximately 90-95%.
Figure 1: Transecting the optic nerve while preserving the optic nerve sheath. (A) Picture of the surgical field demonstrating exposure of the intact optic nerve prior to transection. (B) Picture of the optic nerve following transection. A fine glass pipette pierced the optic nerve sheath at the transection site and delivered a cell suspension (turbid solution) into the space between the optic nerve ends. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Retinal ganglion cell loss following an optic nerve sheath preserving optic nerve transection. Representative whole retina flat mounts from eyes with (A) an intact optic nerve, (B) an optic nerve sheath preserving optic nerve transection, (C) a traditional optic nerve transection, or (D) optic nerve crush 14 days prior were immunolabeled for gamma synuclein (SNCG). Images were obtained from a fluorescence microscope using a 10x objective, corrected for shading, and stitched to generate a single image. The loss of retinal ganglion cell (RGC) bodies throughout the retina was apparent in lesioned eyes. Insets show higher magnification images of the retina and demonstrate significant loss of RGCs following optic nerve injuries. (E) Quantification of RGC survival demonstrates significant RGC loss following optic nerve injuries compared to control intact optic nerves. *p< 0.05 compared to intact; one-way ANOVA with post-hoc Tukey test. n = 3 animals per group; error bars represent SD. SP-ONT, sheath-preserving optic nerve transection; ONT, optic nerve transection; ONC, optic nerve crush. Scale bars = 1,000 µm. Scale bars in insets = 100 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Sections of optic nerves following optic nerve injuries. Representative images of longitudinal section through optic nerves 14 days after (A-C) an optic nerve sheath preserving transection, (D-F) traditional optic nerve transection, or (G-I) optic nerve crush. (A,D,G) Immunolabeling for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) delineates the extent of the lesion while (B,E,H) DNA labeling with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) demonstrates contiguous cellularity along the length of the optic nerve and within the lesion site. (C,F,I) Merged images demonstrating localization of GFAP-positive neural tissue and cellularity at the lesion site. Scale bars = 200 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Section of an optic nerve following an optic nerve sheath preserving optic nerve transection. Representative images of a longitudinal section through an optic nerve 14 days after an optic nerve sheath preserving transection with anterograde axon tracing with an intravitreal cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) injection. (A) Complete lesioning of CTB labeled RGC axons extending from the globe (left) toward the brain (right) can be observed. (B) Immunolabeling for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) delineates an extensive lesion that involves the entire diameter of the optic nerve. (C) DNA labeling with 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) demonstrates cellularity within the lesion site. (D) A merged image demonstrating localization of CTB-labeled axons, GFAP-positive neural tissue, and cellularity at the lesion site. Scale bars = 200 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: Longitudinal section of a transected optic nerve that received a cell graft. Representative images of a longitudinal section through an optic nerve 14 days after an optic nerve sheath preserving transection and transplantation of neural stem cells (NSCs) expressing the fluorescent protein tdTomato. (A) Immunolabeling for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) demonstrated complete separation of the transected optic nerve ends. (B) NSCs expressing tdTomato were contained within the space created by the described technique and continued to survive following transplantation. (C) Grafted NSCs were directly apposed to both cut ends of the transected optic nerve. Scale bars, 200 µm. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Surgical procedures describing the optic nerve transection model have been published previously6. However, the techniques detailed in those protocols involve incising the meningeal sheath to transect the optic nerve. Furthermore, in order to assess RGC axon regeneration in previous transection models, challenging microsurgical manipulations were required to either appose the cut optic nerve ends or a peripheral nerve graft to the proximal optic nerve stump10,13. The protocol described here minimally disrupts the optic nerve sheath while transecting the optic nerve and allows for evaluations of RGC axon regeneration in a transection model without the need for technically challenging microsurgical manipulations.
Several steps are critical in this protocol. Care should be taken to avoid damaging the ophthalmic artery and the vasculature supplying the optic nerve head. Therefore, step 5.1 should be completed at least 1.5-2.0 mm posterior to the globe. If damage to the ophthalmic artery occurs and disrupts the retinal blood supply, the eye should be excluded from further experiments as phthisis is likely to follow. During steps 5.4-5.6, it is important to maintain the integrity of the optic nerve sheath and minimize the size of the opening through which the glass pipette enters the optic nerve. Doing so forms a tight seal around the pipette tip to reduce fluid reflux and allows the generation of sufficient hydrostatic pressure to transect the optic nerve. Beveling the tip of the glass pipettes will improve the ease with which the pipette enters the optic nerve without causing collateral damage.
There are potential modifications that operators could make to improve the accessibility of this method. The described procedures involve minimal dissection and removal of orbital tissue with preservation of the facial and trigeminal nerve. While this reduces morbidity and risks of bleeding, tissues such as orbital fat and the lacrimal gland may limit visualization of crucial structures. Careful removal of tissue obstructing the surgical field may be necessary to enhance visualization, especially in older animals. A lateral approach could also be used to improve access to the optic nerve. However, a lateral dissection risks damage to additional structures including the trigeminal nerve, is more involved, and may present its own challenges to directing instrumentation for injections.
A possible limitation of this method is the inability to directly manipulate the optic nerve and completely visualize the entire transection. Therefore, there is the possibility of an incomplete transection. However, we have observed that visual confirmation of the nerve ends separating during step 5.8 is a reliable indicator of a successful and complete transection. Should the nerve ends fail to separate, repositioning the injection pipette or increasing the pressure of the injection by 50% should provide sufficient force to completely transect the nerve.
With respect to existing methods, this approach preserves the integrity of the optic nerve sheath. In maintaining the integrity of the optic nerve sheath, the ends of the transected optic nerve are not exposed to the orbital environment and peripheral immune system, thereby limiting exposure to immune factors that could potentially influence RGC responses. Additionally, preserving the integrity of the optic nerve sheath while transecting the optic nerve creates an enclosed physical space bounded by the optic nerve ends and the optic nerve sheath. Localized delivery of neurotrophic factors, cells, or polymers to the axonal compartment of the injured RGCs can be achieved by injecting into the newly formed space.14 Alternatively, RGC axon regeneration can be evaluated in a transection model by allowing the transected optic nerve ends to anastomose without the need for challenging microsurgical techniques.
Applications of this method include the evaluation of the injured RGC axonal compartment with axon-specific interventions to identify pathways responsible for axonal degeneration and prevent axonal loss following a transection injury. Furthermore, this method makes studies of RGC axonal regeneration in a transection model accessible to the broader research community by removing the need for technically difficult optic nerve anastomoses procedures. Interventions aiming to promote RGC axon regeneration could be evaluated with this severe injury model and provide consistent and reproducible results without the concern for spared axons.
The authors have no competing or conflicts of interest to disclose.
This works was supported in part by a K12 Career Development grant (5K12EY024225-04, National Eye Institute), a P30 core grant (P30EY022589, National Eye Institute), a Mentoring for the Advancement of Physician Scientists award (American Glaucoma Society), and an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent Blindness (New York, NY).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
4-0 Polyglactin suture | Ethicon | J315H | |
9-0 Polypropylene suture | Ethicon | 1754G | |
Acepromazine | Butler | 003845 | 0.5-4 mg/kg Stock Concentration: 10 mg/mL Final Concentration: 0.25 mg/mL |
Ampicillin | Sandoz | 0781-3404-85 | 80-100 mg/kg Final Concentration: 50 mg/mL |
Anesthesia System | VetEquip | 901806 | |
Animal incubator | Precision Incubators | Chick Chalet II | |
Banamine | Schering-Plough | 0061-0851-03 | 2.5-5 mg/kg Stock Concentration: 50 mg/mL Final Concentration: 0.5 mg/mL |
Borosilicate glass capillaries | World Precision Instruments | 1B150F-4 | |
Colibri forceps | Katena | K5-1500 | |
Dumont #5/45 forceps | Fine Science Tools | 11251-35 | |
Heat therapy pump | Kent Scientific | HTP-1500 | |
Isoflurane | Covetrus | 29404 | |
Johns Hopkins Bulldog Clamp | Roboz | RS-7440 | |
Ketamine | Putney | 26637-411-01 | 40-80 mg/kg Stock Concentration: 100 mg/mL Final Concentration: 25 mg/mL |
Microinjection system (Picospritzer II) | General Valve, Inc | ||
Microliter syringe 5 µL | Hamilton | 88000 | |
Micropipette puller | Sutter Instrument Co. | Model P-77 Brown-Flaming | |
Neomycin/Polymyxin B sulfates/Bacitracin Zinc Ophthalmic Ointment | Bausch + Lomb | ||
PBS | Millipore | BSS-1005-B | |
Povidone-iodine | Healthpets | BET16OZ | |
Proparacaine hydrochloride 0.5% | Bausch + Lomb | ||
Ringers | Abbott | 04860-04-10 | 2-3 mL/injection |
Stereotaxic Frame | Kopf | ||
Surgical Microscope | Zeiss | ||
Vannas scissors | Fine Science Tools | 91500-09 | |
Xylazine | Lloyd | 0410 | 2.5-8 mg/kg Stock Concentration: 100 mg/mL Final Concentration: 5.8 mg/mL |
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