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Bovine colostrum is both a primary source of nutrients and immunological support for the newborn calf. The understanding of the level of therapeutic proteins (lactoferrin and IgG) is important for the bovine colostrum dosing and standardization for human consumption.


Colostrum is a complex biological fluid produced by mammals immediately after parturition. It meets all the nutritional requirements for neonates as a good source of macro- and micronutrients, bioactive peptides, and growth factors. Bovine colostrum is also a potential source of nutrition and bioactive because of its rich protein content that includes immunoglobulin G (IgG) and lactoferrin. However, the level of lactoferrin and IgG in bovine colostrum changes markedly during the lactation period. Therefore, monitoring the concentration of IgG and lactoferrin for the use of bovine colostrum as a protein source is an important question to study. Methods in this article describe how to determine protein content, as well as specific concentrations of lactoferrin and IgG. These methods include the following steps: Isolation of bovine colostrum proteins, Determination of protein concentration via Bicinchoninic acid assay (BCA), Visualization of proteins via SDS-PAGE, Determination of lactoferrin, and IgG concentration using an ELISA Assay.


Colostrum is the initial secretion of the mammary gland produced by mammals shortly after parturition. Colostrum is rich in macro- and micronutrients, antimicrobial peptides, and growth factors1,2,3,4. The composition varies gradually over time through the transition to mature milk5,6,7 but most significantly within 24 h after parturition8. The composition of colostrum is also influenced by maternal factors, including age, pa....


Colostrum samples were collected for 6 days after calving in the noon over the period July-August, from 28 Holstein dairy cows from Uluova Milk Trading Company in Çanakkale, Turkey, and deep-frozen. The samples collected on the same day were pooled according to the day of each sample and analyzed for their total protein, lactoferrin, and IgG concentrations. All samples were assayed in duplicate.

1. Sample preparation

  1. Mix 200 µL of bovine colostrum with 400 µL of dH2O to obtain a diluted sample for the analysis. Dilute all the samples accordingly.
  2. Centrifuge diluted and undilut....


Following the protocol, the bovine colostrum samples were analyzed to determine protein, lactoferrin, and IgG concentration. The results of protein, lactoferrin, and IgG analyses of bovine colostrum are shown in Table 4.

Table 4: Concentration of protein, lactoferrin, and IgG of bovine colostrum.


This study provides information about considerable changes in the protein, lactoferrin, and IgG concentrations in colostrum throughout the transition to mature milk. Detection of changes in the lactoferrin and IgG concentration was carried out by sandwich ELISA, and total protein concentration was analyzed by the BCA assay. Results indicate that early colostrum has the highest protein, lactoferrin, and IgG concentration, that subsequently decreased over the next 3 days. Accurate measurements of these proteins are relevan.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


This study is supported by Uluova Süt Ticaret A.Ş (Uluova Milk Trading Co.). RMD and BMH are employees of Evolve BioSystems, a company focused on restoring the infant microbiome.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10X Running Buffer (Tris-Glycine-SDS)ClearBandTGS10SDS-Page analysis
2-mercaptoethanolgibco31350-010SDS-Page analysis
Acetic Acid GLACIALIsolab901,013,2500SDS-Page analysis
Bovine IgG ELISA KitAviva Systems BiologyOKIA00005Determination of IgG concentration
Bovine LF / LTF / Lactoferrin ELISA KitLSBio Lifespan BiosciencesLS-F4884Determinaton of lactoferrin concentration
Coomassie Brillant Blue R 250amresco0472-25GSDS-Page analysis
Hydrochloric Acid Fuming 37%Isolab932,103,2501SDS-Page analysis
IsopropanolIsolab961,023,2500SDS-Page analysis
Laemmli Sample Buffer (2X)ClearBandLSB-2xSDS-Page analysis
MethanolIsolab947,046,2500SDS-Page analysis
PageRuler Plus Prestained Protein Ladder 10 to 250Thermo Scientific26619SDS-Page analysis
Pierce BCA Protein Assay KitThermo Scientific23225Determination of protein concentration
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)BioShopSDS001.500SDS-Page analysis
SureCast Acrylamide Solution 40% (w/v)InvitrogenHC2040SDS-Page analysis
SureCast Ammonium persulfate (APS)Thermo Scientific17874SDS-Page analysis
SureCast Tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)InvitrogenHC2006SDS-Page analysis
TECAN Infinite M200 Plate ReaderTecan30035094Measurement of absorbance
Tris baseBioShopTRS001.1SDS-Page analysis


  1. Kehoe, S. I., Jayarao, B. M., Heinrichs, A. J. A survey of bovine colostrum composition and colostrum management practices on Pennsylvania dairy farms. Journal of Dairy Science. 90 (9), 4108-4116 (2007).
  2. Levieux, D., Ollier, A.

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Bovine ColostrumProtein ConcentrationBioactive ProteinsLactoferrinImmunoglobulin G IgGBCA AssaySDS PAGEELISA Assay

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