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Here, we describe measuring the axonal transport rate of constitutive stabilizers of mitochondria-associated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membranes (MAMs) by increasing or maintaining neurotoxic β-amyloid (Aβ) generation from Alzheimer's disease (AD) neurons in real-time to serve as a direct and quantitative metric to measure MAM stabilization and aid the development of AD therapeutics.


A method to quantitate the stabilization of Mitochondria-Associated endoplasmic reticulum Membranes (MAMs) in a 3-dimensional (3D) neural model of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is presented here. To begin, fresh human neuro progenitor ReN cells expressing β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) containing familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) or naïve ReN cells are grown in thin (1:100) Matrigel-coated tissue culture plates. After the cells reach confluency, these are electroporated with expression plasmids encoding red fluorescence protein (RFP)-conjugated mitochondria-binding sequence of AKAP1(34-63) (Mito-RFP) that detects mitochondria or constitutive MAM stabilizers MAM 1X or MAM 9X that stabilize tight (6 nm ± 1 nm gap width) or loose (24 nm ± 3 nm gap width) MAMs, respectively. After 16-24 h, the cells are harvested and enriched by a fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). An equal number of FACS-enriched cells are seeded in the 3-dimensional matrix (1:1 Matrigel) and allowed to differentiate into mature neurons for 10 days. Live cell images of the 10-day differentiated cells expressing the RFP-conjugated MAM stabilizers are captured under a fluorescent microscope equipped with a live-cell imaging culture chamber maintaining the CO2 (5%), temperature (37 °C), and humidity (~90%). Toward this end, we performed live-cell imaging and kymographic analyses to measure the motility of free mitochondria labeled with Mito-RFP or ER-bound mitochondria of tight or loose gap widths stabilized by MAM 1X or MAM 9X, respectively, in the most extended neuronal process of each ReN GA neuron which is at least 500 nm long, considering these as axons.


Emerging evidence suggests that the specialized Mitochondria-associated Endoplasmic Reticulum Contacts (MERCs), biochemically harvested as Mitochondria-Associated ER Membranes, often referred to as MAMs1,2 play a role in several neurodegenerative diseases, including AD3,4. These MAMs are composed of cholesterol-rich lipid raft-like microdomains in the ER and the outer membrane of mitochondria tethered by a series of proteins that create structural and functional diversities among the MAMs5,....


AD neural culture models: This study used neurons derived from human neural progenitor ReN cells [naïve ReN (Millipore)] or ReN cells expressing familial AD (fAD) mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene (APPSwe/Lon), ReN GA cells. ReN-GA three-dimensional (3D) culture system recapitulates AD pathology, namely Aβ oligomer- driven neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) 23,24. Naïve ReN cells are commercially available. ReN GA lines were obtained from Dr. Doo Y. Kim, Associate Professor, Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)23,<....


Live-cell imaging and kymographic analyses were performed to measure the motility of free mitochondria labeled with Mito-RFP or ER-bound mitochondria of tight (6 nm ± 1 nm) or loose (24 nm ± 3 nm) contact widths stabilized by MAM 1X or MAM 9X, respectively, in the longest neuronal process of each ReN GA (AD) or ReN (naïve) neuron which is at least 500 nm long, considering this as an axon (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Frequencies of movements (overall, .......


Inhibition of sigma-1 receptor (S1R) downregulated MAM stabilization in the neuronal processes and dramatically reduced (~90%) Aβ generation from axons but not from soma of a three-dimensional (3D) culture system of human neural progenitor (ReN) cells expressing familial AD [FAD] mutations in the amyloid precursor protein [APP] gene (ReN GA)23,24,25,27. RFP-labeled constitutive MA.......


We thank Dr. György Hajnóczky, Professor, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia for generously providing us with expression plasmids encoding RFP-Mito, MAM 1X, MAM 9X, and MAM 18X. A special thanks to Dr. Lai Ding, Senior Imaging Scientist, Brigham and Women’s Hospital for helping us write the code for generating, tracking and measuring the kymograph data. This study was supported by the Cure Alzheimer's Fund to RB and NIH grant 5R01NS045860-20 to RET.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
6 Well Glass Bottom PlateCellvisP06-1.5H-N
B-27 Supplement (50X), serum freeGibco/Thermo Fisher Scientific17504044
bFGFR&D System 233-FB
BSAFisher Scientific501781532
Countess Cell Counting Chamber SlidesInvitrogenC10283
DMEM/F12 with L-glutamine Gibco/Thermo Fisher Scientific11320-033
EDTA  Life Technologies41116134
Falcon 6 Well Plates VWR International41122107
GAPDH Polyclonal AntibodyThermo Fisher ScientificPA1-988
Gelatin VWR International9000-70-8
Graphpad Prism N/APrism 9, version 9.5.0N/A
HeparinSigma-Aldrich H0200000
ImageJ Software ImageJ 1.53aN/A
Matrigel Basement Membrane Matrix  Corning356234
mCherry Polyclonal AntibodyInvitrogenPA5-34974
MS Excel  Microsoft Excel, version 2302N/A
Multi-array electrochemiluminescence assay kitMeso Scale Diagnostics (MSD)K15200E-2V-PLEX Aβ Peptide Panel 1 (6E10) kit
NaCl  Fisher Scientific7647145
NuPAGE 4–12% Bis-Tris gel  InvitrogenNP0321BOX
Penicillin/Streptomycin/Amphotericin B Lonza 17-745E
PhotoshopAdobe Photoshop CC 20.0.10 N/A
Rat Neuron Nucleofector KitLonzaVPG-1003
StemPro Accutase GibcoA1110501
Tris-HCL, pH 7.6  Boston BioProducts42000000
Triton X-100  Sigma-AldrichT8787
Tween 20Fisher Scientific501657287


  1. Giacomello, M., Pellegrini, L. The coming of age of the mitochondria-ER contact: a matter of thickness. Cell Death Differ. 23 (9), 1417-1427 (2016).
  2. Degechisa, S. T., Dabi, Y. T., Gizaw, S. T.

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