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Two techniques can be used to establish this model: injection of a cancer cell suspension into the cecal wall or transplantation of a piece of subcutaneous tumor onto the cecum. This model is useful for studying the natural progression of colorectal cancer and testing new therapeutic agents against colorectal cancer.


The traditional subcutaneous tumor model is less than ideal for studying colorectal cancer. Orthotopic mouse models of colorectal cancer, which feature cancer cells growing in their natural location, replicate human disease with high fidelity. Two techniques can be used to establish this model. Both techniques are similar and require mouse anesthesia and laparotomy for exposure of the cecum. One technique involves injection of a colorectal cancer cell suspension into the cecal wall. Cancer cells are first grown in culture, harvested when subconfluent and prepared as a single cell suspension. A small volume of cells is injected slowly to avoid leakage. The other technique involves transplantation of a piece of subcutaneous tumor onto the cecum. A mouse with a previously established subcutaneous colorectal tumor is euthanized and the tumor is removed using sterile technique. The tumor piece is divided into small pieces for transplantation to another mouse. Prior to transplantation, the cecal wall is lightly damaged to facilitate tumor cell infiltration. The time to developing primary tumors and liver metastases will vary depending on the technique, cell line, and mouse species used. This orthotopic mouse model is useful for studying the natural progression of colorectal cancer and testing new therapeutic agents against colorectal cancer.


I. Cell Preparation

  1. Colorectal cancer cells are grown in culture and harvested when subconfluent.
  2. A single cell suspension is prepared in phosphate buffered saline and kept on ice.

II. Tumor Preparation

  1. A mouse with a previously established subcutaneous colorectal tumor is euthanized.
  2. The subcutaneous tumor is removed using sterile technique and divided into 2-3 mm pieces
  3. The tumor pieces are kept in phosphate buffered saline on ice.

III. Mouse Preparation

Note: In our laboratory we use inhaled isoflurane to an....


Although mouse subcutaneous tumor models are easy to establish and monitor, it is clear that this model cannot replicate the original anatomic site of colorectal cancer. Due to the difference in microenvironment, colorectal cancer cells growing under the skin have been shown to change their phenotype and almost always fail to progress and metastasize 1,2. In fact, tumor response to therapy can vary dramatically depending on whether cancer cells are implanted in an ectopic (subcutaneous) versus orthotopic locat.......


Department of Surgery, University of California, San Francisco
Raymond Shaheen, M.D.



Material NameTypeCompanyCatalogue NumberComment
NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Cell culture media and components   will vary depending on cell line used
Phosphate Buffered Saline BioWhitaker17-512Falso sold by a number of other vendors
15 mL centrifuge tubes, polypropylene Corning430790 
6 well plates with lid Becton Dickinson Labware353046 
Iris forceps, straight, serrated tips World Precision Instruments15914best to have a pair of these instruments
Iris dissecting scissors, straight, sharp World Precision Instruments14393 
Needle Holder (regular) World Precision Instruments14109 
Needle Holder (Castroviejo) World Precision Instruments14137 
Cidex Plus World Precision Instruments7364instruments should be autoclaved periodically, but may also be sterilized by soaking in Cidex
6-0 or 7-0 suture   for cecum; courtesy of Department of Surgery, UCSF
3-0 or 4-0 suture   for abd wall; courtesy of Department of Surgery, UCSF
Anesthetic machine / Isoflurane J.A. Baulch and Associates3206also sold by a number of other vendors
Heating Pad, disposable, 6" x 6" Prism Technologies20419 
Tape, orange, 13 mm x 13 m Fisher Scientific15901Ffor restraining anesthetized mouse
Pro-Cord/Cordless Trimmer Oster78997-010for shaving mouse fur
Betadine Fisher Scientific19-027132may also be purchased at any medical supply store
2 x 2 gauze, 3-ply Johnson and Johnson7635may also be purchased at any medical supply store
Sterile Field, Barrier, 16" x 29" Johnson and Johnson0905may also be purchased at any medical supply store
Cotton tipped applicators, 6" Fisher Scientific14-960-3Qmay also be purchased at any medical supply store
Syringe, 10 cc, Luer lock tip BD309604 
Syringe, 1 cc, tuberculin, slip tip BD309602 
27 1/2 G needle BD305109 
30 G needle BD305106 


  1. Heijstek, M. W., Kraneburg, O., Rinkes Borel, I. H. Mouse models of colorectal cancer and liver metastases. Dig Surg. 22, 16-25 (2005).
  2. Kobaek-Larsen, M., Thorup, I., Diederichsen, A., Fenger, C., Hoitinga, M. R.

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Orthotopic Mouse ModelColorectal CancerSubcutaneous Tumor ModelCancer CellsNatural LocationHuman DiseaseHigh FidelityTechniquesMouse AnesthesiaLaparotomyCecumColorectal Cancer Cell SuspensionSingle Cell SuspensionInjectionLeakageTransplantationSubcutaneous TumorEuthanizedSterile TechniqueTumor PieceTumor Cell InfiltrationPrimary TumorsLiver MetastasesTherapeutic Agents

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