Circulating microRNAs have recently emerged as promising and novel biomarkers for various cancers and other diseases. The goal of this article is to discuss three different probe-based real-time PCR platforms and methods that are available to quantify and determine the abundance of circulating microRNAs.
Probe-based quantitative PCR (qPCR) is a favoured method for measuring transcript abundance, since it is one of the most sensitive detection methods that provides an accurate and reproducible analysis. Probe-based chemistry offers the least background fluorescence as compared to other (dye-based) chemistries. Presently, there are several platforms available that use probe-based chemistry to quantitate transcript abundance. qPCR in a 96 well plate is the most routinely used method, however only a maximum of 96 samples or miRNAs can be tested in a single run. This is time-consuming and tedious if a large number of samples/miRNAs are to be analyzed. High-throughput probe-based platforms such as microfluidics (e.g. TaqMan Array Card) and nanofluidics arrays (e.g. OpenArray) offer ease to reproducibly and efficiently detect the abundance of multiple microRNAs in a large number of samples in a short time. Here, we demonstrate the experimental setup and protocol for miRNA quantitation from serum or plasma-EDTA samples, using probe-based chemistry and three different platforms (96 well plate, microfluidics and nanofluidics arrays) offering increasing levels of throughput.
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are ~22 nucleotide non-coding(nc)RNAs, functioning as regulators of gene expression1-3. Most miRNAs in animals function through sequence-specific base pairing with an mRNA, targeting the 3’ UTR, which leads to negative regulation of the gene expression2-4. This usually occurs via inhibition of mRNA translation or by ribosomal drop-off. miRNAs in circulation have been shown to be novel biomarkers in research and clinical fields for a variety of diseases, such as diabetes5-7, ovarian8, prostate9 and breast cancer10,11, hepatitis B12 and other autoimmune diseases13. Research has been conducted to identify abundant miRNAs in different cells or tissues, as well as in circulation from human plasma and serum samples, which is more accessible and less invasive9,11-15.
Different methods of miRNA quantification have been established using multiple platforms, such as the standard 96-well plate platform 4,12,16-18, the microfluidics card platform12,18-23 and the nanofluidics array platform17,24. Quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) offers the ability to measure relative or absolute numbers of transcripts using multiple (dye- or probe-based) chemistries. Probe-based real-time PCR chemistry offers the benefit of low background fluorescence and high sensitivity to detect a single transcript copy. It is relatively cost effective, simple to use and highly reproducible, making it a favoured method for quantifying and determining miRNA expression25. Probe-based qPCR method generally involves two steps: reverse transcription (RT) and qPCR4,26,27. RT is where the stem-loop RT primer is hybridized to a mature or primary miRNA molecule and converted to complementary (c)DNA. Quantification of the cDNA product is then carried out using miRNA-specific PCR primers26-28. The principle of probe-based qPCR is based on the detection of complementary strand extension in real time, which involves hydrolysis of the fluorescently-tagged probe. These probes are designed to contain a fluorescent reporter and a quencher that are just apart to allow FRET (Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer). Detection of the emission from the fluorescence reporter (emitter) is masked by the close proximity of the quencher molecule. When Taq polymerase (pol) extends from the upstream primer and reaches a fork (the 5’ end of the probe), the Taq pol exonuclease activity hydrolyses the probe, leading to a physical dissociation/separation of the fluorescent emitter from the quencher. This release of a single molecule of fluorescence emitter is recorded by the detector and presented as an incremental increase in fluorescence signal from that well/reaction. The increase in fluorescence is proportional to the amount of PCR product generated, allowing an accurate quantification of the amplified target26,28.
With increasing demand in miRNA quantification, medium to high-throughput technologies have been developed to allow a larger number of samples to be processed in a short amount of time. TaqMan Low Density Array (TLDA) is a medium-throughput innovative microfluidic design based on probe-based qPCR chemistry offering an increase in the number of miRNAs analysed on one plate. TLDA involve the use of a predefined pool of RT-primers that are used to synthesize the cDNA. These cDNAs are then spun into a customized 384 well micro-fluidic card to determine the expression of multiple miRNAs using qPCR22,26,29. Each well of the card contains dried primers and probes to amplify specific miRNA(s), therefore up to 384 reactions can be processed in single TLDA card26.
The nanofluidics array is a high-throughput platform that is used for detection of gene transcripts24 using the same probe-based chemistry. It utilizes a proprietary matrix offering hydrophobic-hydrophilic interactions to facilitate easy loading of the 33 nanoliter reaction mixture into an array of 3072 through-holes on a stainless steel slide24. This article focuses on demonstrating how these methods for quantifying miRNAs in serum/plasma are performed and the critical factors that must be considered when performing and interpreting such data. Taken to account, their individual benefits and limitations will be discussed in this article.
Total RNA can be isolated from serum using a protocol established in our laboratory 30 or using other commercially available kits.
NOTE: Supplementary interactive spreadsheets for calculating the reaction volumes in each experiment (with the 5% excess volume accounted for pipetting included) are provided.
1. Probe-based Real-time qPCR Using a Standard 96-well Plate Platform
2. Probe-based Microfluidics Array Card (Card A and B)
NOTE: Probe-based miRNA panel comes as a set of two 384-well microfluidic cards (Array card A and Array card B). Each card contains dried Primers and probes for up to 380 miRNAs and controls. cDNA product (with or without pre-amplification) specific to card A or card B is loaded onto the respective array for real time PCR.
3. Probe-based Nanofluidics Human miRNA Panel
The recommended volume for a miRNA probe-based assay qPCR reaction is 20 µl. NOTE: We have confirmed that a reaction volume of 5 µl is able to produce results similar to those achieved using 20 µl volume4,7,30. Lowering the reaction volume to 5 µl allows for a 75% decrease in reagent costs without appreciable loss in sensitivity. As presented in Figure 2, reaction volumes of 20 µl and 5 µl show a strong co-relation up until 39 cycles (with r2 of 0.92, p = 0.0002).
Microfluidics array provides a tool for obtaining data on 754 miRNAs expressed in a sample in around 5 hrs (for Card A and Card B), which is a more efficient way of analyzing multiple samples as compared to conventional 96 well plate PCRs. We compared miRNA microfluidics array cards for the same sample (Sample A and Sample A repeat). Figure 3A-B shows a Bland-Altman plot (3A) and Correlation plot (3B) for all 754 miRNAs tested for these samples. There are 3 different control miRNAs (U6, RNU44 and RNU48) placed randomly on both the cards (Card A and B) in multiple locations. When U6 cycle threshold (Ct) values are compared between the 2 runs, we did not observe significant differences between the values (Table 4). It is also important to note here that U6 is expressed at greater abundance (lower Ct value) in the sample assessed. We then compared all miRNAs that have Ct values between 0-19.99 in both the runs (n = 150), which had similar expression of miRNAs overall with a co-efficient of determination of 98% (Figure 3C-D). Of all the 277 miRNAs that have Ct values between 20 and 29.99 in both the runs, 16 miRs differed significantly between the original and repeat runs (Figure 3E-F). The number of miRNAs with significant difference between the runs increased (89 of 327) when the Ct values were selected between 30-40 for both runs (Figure 3G-H).
The nanofluidics array platform provides data for 754 miRNAs from each serum/plasma sample tested, as represented in Figure 4A. It is important to examine these amplification curves – as it is with all qPCR – to ensure that the result is indicative of true amplification. Each of the 48 subarrays (Figure 1) also contains an assay for the three most popular “housekeeping” ncRNAs: U6, RNU44 and RNU48. Figure 4B illustrates a typical clustering of U6 replicates from a single sample. These replicates display low standard deviation (SD <0.5) and so are an indicator of reliability. Alternatively, Figure 4C demonstrates the increased variability of U6 replicates (SD >0.5) in a second sample. This does not negate the validity of the remaining assays, although it does necessitate a more thorough critique. U6, as with most “housekeeping” miRNAs in biological fluids, can have a variable expression. It should be noted that one of the samples, outlined in Figure 4C, displays 4-fold less U6 content than that presented in Figure 4B. Since the level of U6 in sample presented in 4C is 75% less to begin with than the one presented in panel 4B, greater technical variability is expected due to the Poisson distribution of transcripts, which is exacerbated by the small reaction volume17.
Another useful tool is the Quality control (QC) images, available for export once the run has completed. A selection of these uses the fluorescence of ROX, the passive dye found in the qPCR reagent mix, to confirm that each through-hole has been correctly loaded (Figure 5). A through-hole, or indeed an entire subarray, may not load due to insufficient sample volume, evaporation, bubbles present in the wells of the 384-well sample plate, failure to completely remove the sample plate seal, or defects within the Accufill system or its tips. Any unloaded through-holes must be identified to avoid labelling miRNAs as “undetectable”, when in reality the assay was never loaded. If this problem is encountered, confirm that at least 5 µl of sample/mastermix is loaded into each well of the 384-well sample plate, the sample plate is properly centrifuged prior to loading, the foil seal is completely removed, and the loaded OpenArray slide is sealed and run within the allotted time for all successive runs. If loading issues still persist, these may be more likely pertaining to specific batch or lot of the arrays or related consumables and further assistance should be sought through the manufacturer.
Figure 1: Layout of samples for the Nanofluidics Array workflow: (A) Each 384-well sample plate can hold samples for up to 8 nanofluidics arrays. (B) Diluted, pre-amplified cDNA is placed into 8 wells (2 columns by 4 rows), with Pool A and Pool B in adjacent 8-well groups. Each circle represents one well. (C) Each well of the sample plate will be loaded into one subarray of the nanofluidics array. Each small square represents one subarray.
Figure 2: Co-relation analysis for conventional 96-well PCR platforms: Co-relation between 20 µl and 5 µl reaction volumes on TaqMan Real-time qPCR using a standard 96-well plate platform in CT values (39 cycles). We compared 4 different microRNAs (miR-375, miR-30c, miR-30d and miR-7) in 4 different human serum and plasma samples. Only 11 data points are plotted since the others were undetectable. R2 = 0.92, p = 0.0002.
Figure 3: Circulating miRNA profiling using microfluidics array cards. Using 2 microfluidics cards (card-A and card-B), a profile of 754 miRNAs is generated (A-B). As shown here, we used same sample for 2 microfluidics array runs to check reproducibility of the microfluidics card results. We observed a similar expression of miRNAs overall, with Ct values between 0-19.99 (C-D). There are few miRNAs (16 of 277) with Ct values between 20-29.99 and significant differences between repeat runs (E-F). Eighty nine of 327 microRNAs with higher Ct values (30-40) exhibited significant differences between both runs (G-H). Data are analysed using paired T test. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Representative Profile of PCR ProductAmplification Curves: Is a representative figure of the combined (A) amplification curves of all miRNA targets for a human plasma sample. An assay for U6 (a common control ncRNA) is placed in every subarray. The sample in (B) demonstrates low variability (SD <0.5) while (C) shows high standard deviation (SD >0.5) within U6 replicates. Both samples are total RNA isolated from human plasma. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 5: QC Analysis of Nanofluidics Arrays: Quality control (QC) images of a correctly loaded nanofluidics array (left) and an incorrectly loaded nanofluidics array (right). The passive dye, ROX (present in the qPCR reagent mix), fluoresces to indicate a correctly loaded through-hole. The array on the right has several subarrays/through-holes that are not loaded with the qPCR reagent mix and these should be identified as false-negative PCR reactions.
Components | Volume per 5 µl reaction (µl) |
RT buffer (10x) | 0.5 |
dNTPs (100 mM) | 0.05 |
RNase inhibitor | 0.6 |
Nuclease-free water | 1.39 |
Reverse Transcriptase | 0.33 |
Total volume | 2.33 |
Table 1A: RT reagent mix components in a 5 µl RT reaction preparation for TaqMan Real-time qPCR using a standard 96-well plate platform.
Components | Volume per 5 µl reaction (µl) | Volume per 20 µl reaction (µl) |
Fast PCR mastermix (2x) | 2.5 | 10 |
TaqMan qPCR assay (20x) * | 0.25 | 1 |
Nuclease-free water | 1.45 | 5.8 |
Total Volume: | 4.2 | 16.8 |
*assay component based on the selected miRNA tested.
Table 1B: qPCR reagent mix components in a 5 or 20 µl qPCR reaction preparation for TaqMan Real-time qPCR using a standard 96-well plate platform.
Components | Volume per reaction (µl) |
Megaplex RT Primers (10x) | 0.8 |
dNTPs with dTTp (100 mM) | 0.2 |
Multiscribe Reverse Transcriptase (50 U/µl) | 1.5 |
10X RT Buffer | 0.8 |
MgCl2 (25 mM) | 0.9 |
RNase Inhibitor (20 U/µl) | 0.1 |
Nuclease-free Water | 0.2 |
Total | 4.5 |
Table 2A: RT reagent mix components in a 5 µl RT reaction preparation for TLDA miRNA panel.
Components | Volume per reaction (µl) |
TaqMan PreAmp Mastermix (2x) | 12.5 |
Megaplex PreAmp Primers (10x) | 2.5 |
Nuclease-free water | 7.5 |
Total | 22.5 |
Table 2B: PreAmp reagent mix components in a 25 µl pre-amplication reaction preparation for TLDA miRNA panel.
Components | Volume per reaction (µl) |
Megaplex RT Primers (10x) | 0.75 |
dNTPs with dTTp (100 mM) | 0.15 |
Multiscribe Reverse Transcriptase (50 U/µl) | 1.5 |
10X RT Buffer | 0.75 |
MgCl2 (25 mM) | 0.9 |
RNase Inhibitor (20 U/µl) | 0.09 |
Nuclease-free Water | 0.35 |
Total | 4.5 |
Table 3A: RT reagent mix components in a 5 µl RT reaction preparation for probe-based nanofluidics miRNA panel.
Components | Volume per reaction (µl) |
TaqMan PreAmp Mastermix (2x) | 12.5 |
Megaplex PreAmp Primers (10x) | 2.5 |
Nuclease-free water | 7.5 |
Total | 22.5 |
Table 3B: PreAmp reagent mix components in a 25 µl pre-amplication reaction preparation for probe-based nanofluidics miRNA panel. NOTE: The interactive supplementary excel spreadsheets provided for the three platforms, already accounts for the 5% addition to compensate for pipetting error.
Sample A | Sample A repeat |
15.535 | 16.156 |
15.471 | 15.652 |
15.623 | 16.063 |
15.963 | 15.889 |
14.006 | 13.993 |
14.502 | 14.623 |
14.907 | 14.384 |
13.732 | 14.946 |
Table 4: Circulating miRNA U6 profiling using microfluidics array card. Using two microfluidics array cards (A and B). Ct-values of U6 control miRNA from Sample A (total = 8). Consistent U6 control miRNA abundance observed between the runs.
The critical steps within the probe-based qPCR protocols to obtain accurate and reproducible results are to make sure 1) the same volume and concentration of RT-product is loaded in each qPCR reaction, 2) the correct ratios and volumes of the components needed for qPCR reaction are prepared and mixed well, 3) the correct and consistent volumes are added to each qPCR reaction, and 4) the preparation and loading of each sample and reaction mix is completed in the shortest amount of time as possible, while still mindful of the above critical steps mentioned earlier.
The microfluidics array cards need suitable centrifuge and specific buckets. Each bucket can hold up to 3 cards (loaded / empty). Always ensure that all 3 slots of a bucket are occupied and the bucket is balanced by placing similar bucket (this bucket should also contain 3 cards, either empty or full) in the opposite slot of the centrifuge. While placing the card in the bucket holder, make sure that the 8 reservoirs project upwards and reaction wells face the outer wall of centrifuge. Spin the cards at 331 x g for 1 min at room temperature. After first spin, open the centrifuge and visually ensure the reaction mix has been dispensed through the 384 wells. Repeat the spin at same settings for 1 more time. Remove the card from bucket and ensure that the level of reaction mix in each of the 8 reservoirs is uniform. Any inconsistencies in the liquid volumes left in the reservoirs make the card inappropriate to use further.
To have the same concentration of the RT-product, same input concentration of RNA is added into each RT reaction. The total RNA concentration is measured using a micro-volumespectrophotometer. The observed 260/280 ratio can be as low as 1.3 for the RNA isolated from plasma/serum; this does not appear to have an effect on downstream qPCR-related process or data generated30. Likewise, the 260/280 ratio of the RNA samples tested herein were between 1.3-1.7 with no abnormal effects in the qPCR observed.
When using low RNA content samples, such as those from biofluids, it may be difficult to quantify RNA prior to processing. We recommend the use of synthetic spike-in at the RNA isolation as well as the reverse transcription stages. In our experience, Arabidopsis thaliana miRNA candidates (ath-miR-159a and ath-miR-172a) are preferred over Caenorhabditis elegans miRNAs (such as cel-miR-39 or cel-miR-54), which in our experience may have higher homology than those from A. thaliana. The use of such stage-specific spike-in can account for the normalization of miRNA data across multiple samples assayed at different times. Using a fixed input volume of RNA for cDNA synthesis reaction is also recommended32,33.
The three probe-based protocols for miRNA quantification described here require varying amounts of total RNA input, different workflows and costs. Each of the workflows are designed to cater for different throughputs based on the number of miRNA targets and the number of samples to be analyzed. With increasing throughput (96 rxn 384 rxn 3072 rxn), the cost per reaction decreases with an increase in the amount of data obtained over a unit of time. Since all of these platforms utilize TaqMan chemistry, the quality of data obtained can be expected to be similar. TaqMan qPCR is a well-established method for identifying the abundance of miRNAs in serum/plasma samples9,11,27. Although the three platforms discussed here share the same chemistry, a decrease in the reaction volume leads to a decrease in dynamic range of transcript detection (Farr RJ et al., unpublished data). The 96-well qPCR platform is a lower throughput, but high sensitivity platform and in our view, the “gold standard” for all probe-based (or dye based) PCR platforms. However, this may not be the most economical or efficient platform if several hundred or thousands of samples are being assayed and for multiple microRNAs. Microfluidics (TLDA) and nanofluidics (OA) platforms are high-throughput / content platforms designed to allow acquisition of larger data in a shorter time. Although batch differences have been observed in the TLDA cards, this can be minimized by requesting TLDA cards from the same batch. We observe that TLDA platform (Figure 3) showed significant variation in 17% of mid – low abundance miRNAs when tested using the same sample on different batches of TLDA cards. We therefore recommend using the same batch numbers for analysis using TLDA cards. This variation could also be due to the technical variability including any potential loading and pipetting errors. However, we recommend ordering/requesting the same batch of TLDA cards. No significant batch variation was observed on the OA platform. Despite this, TaqMan based experimental qPCR approaches offer ease to measure the abundance of miRNAs in plasma/serum samples. The low, medium and high throughput approaches discussed here offer the flexibility to analyse a range of samples and miRNAs using a highly efficient, reproducible and clean (low background noise) chemistry.
Article processing/publication costs were covered by Life Technologies, following acceptance of this manuscript for publication.
All authors acknowledge the infrastructure support from the NHMRC CTC, University of Sydney, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), Australia and the Rebecca Cooper Foundation, Australia. This research was funded through grants from the Australian Research Council (FT110100254) and the JDRF, Australia (CRN201314) to AAH WW, RJF and MVJ carried out all wet lab experimentation, ASJ carried out data analysis. WW wrote the first draft. AAH planned the study and analysed the data. All authors read and agreed on the final version of the manuscript, figures and worksheets submitted for publication.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
96 well-platform | |||
For Reverse transcription | |||
TaqMan MicroRNA Assays INV SM | Applied Biosystems | 4427975 | The assays comes as a pack of RT primers and PCR primer. |
TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit | Applied Biosystems | 4366597 or 4366596 | or The TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit is the same kit used for reverse transcription in all the threeTaqMan platform- 96-well platform, TLDA and OpenArray. |
For qPCR run on a 96-well platform | |||
2X TaqMan Fast Universal PCR Master Mix, no AmpErase UNG | Applied Biosystems | 4367846 | The 2X TaqMan Fast Universal PCR Master Mix is used for qPCR on the two TaqMan platforms-96-well platform and TLDA. |
MicroAmp Optical Adhesive Film | Applied Biosystems | 4311971 | |
MicroAmp Fast Optical 96-Well Reaction Plate, 0.1 mL | Applied Biosystems | 4346907 | |
Microfluidics platform (TLDA) | |||
For Reverse transcription | |||
Refer to 96-well platform TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit kit (4366597 or 4366596) (as shown above). | |||
Megaplex RT Primers, Human Pool A v2.1 | Applied Biosystems | 4399966 | The Megaplex RT Primers, Human Pool A v2.1 is used for RT on the two TaqMan platforms- TLDA and OpenArray. |
Megaplex RT Primers, Human Pool B v3.0 | Applied Biosystems | 4444281 | The Megaplex RT Primers, Human Pool B v3.0 is used for RT on the two TaqMan platforms- TLDA and OpenArray. |
OR | OR | ||
Megaplex Primer Pools, Human Pools Set v3.0 | Applied Biosystems | 4444750 | The Megaplex Primer Pools, Human Pools Set v3.0 is used for RT on the two TaqMan platforms- TLDA and OpenArray. |
For Pre-amplification | |||
TaqMan PreAmp Master Mix | Applied Biosystems | 4391128 or 4488593 | or The TaqMan PreAmp Master Mix is used for pre-amplification of qPCR on the two TaqMan platforms- TLDA and OpenArray. |
Megaplex PreAmp Primers, Human Pool B v3.0 | Applied Biosystems | 4444303 | The Megaplex PreAmp Primers, Human Pool B v3.0 is used for pre-amplification of qPCR on the two TaqMan platforms- TLDA and OpenArray. |
Megaplex PreAmp Primers, Human Pool A v2.1 | Applied Biosystems | 4399233 | The Megaplex PreAmp Primers, Human Pool A v2.1 is used for pre-amplification of qPCR on the two TaqMan platforms- TLDA and OpenArray. |
1X TE Buffer (100 mL) | Invitrogen | 12090-015 | The 1X TE Buffer is used for pre-amplification of qPCR on the two TaqMan platforms- TLDA and OpenArray. |
To load and run the 384 well microfluidics (TLDA) card | |||
TaqMan Array Human MicroRNA A+B Cards Set v3.0 | Applied Biosystems | 4444913 | |
Nanofluidics platform (OpenArray) | |||
For Reverse transcription | |||
Refer to 96-well platform TaqMan MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit kit (4366597 or 4366596) (as shown above). | |||
For Pre-amplification | |||
Refer to TLDA pre-amplification reagents (as shown above) | |||
To load and run the slides | |||
TaqMan OpenArray Human MicroRNA Panel, QuantStudio 12K Flex (1 panel) | Applied Biosystems | 4470187 | |
QuantStudio 12K Flex OpenArray Accessories Kit | Applied Biosystems | 4469576 | |
OpenArray 384-well Sample Plates | Applied Biosystems | 4406947 | |
TaqMan OpenArray Real-Time PCR Master Mix | Applied Biosystems | 4462159 | |
OpenArray AccuFill System Tips | Applied Biosystems | 4457246 | |
Others | |||
Nuclease-Free Water | Qiagen | 129117 | |
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