This protocol describes a cell sorting based method for the purification and culture of fluorescent GABAergic or glutamatergic neurons from the neocortex and hippocampus of postnatal mice or rats.
The overall goal of this protocol is to generate purified neuronal cultures derived from either GABAergic or glutamatergic neurons. Purified neurons can be cultured in defined media for 16 days in vitro and are amenable to any analyses typically performed on dissociated cultures, including electrophysiological, morphological and survival analyses. The major advantage of these cultures is that specific cell types can be selectively studied in the absence of complex external influences, such as those arising from glial cells or other neuron types. When planning experiments with purified cells, however, it is important to note that neurons strongly depend on glia-conditioned media for their growth and survival. In addition, glutamatergic neurons further depend on glia-secreted factors for the establishment of synaptic transmission. We therefore also describe a method for co-culturing neurons and glial cells in a non-contact arrangement. Using these methods, we have identified major differences between the development of GABAergic and glutamatergic neuronal networks. Thus, studying cultures of purified neurons has great potential for furthering our understanding of how the nervous system develops and functions. Moreover, purified cultures may be useful for investigating the direct action of pharmacological agents, growth factors or for exploring the consequences of genetic manipulations on specific cell types. As more and more transgenic animals become available, labeling additional specific cell types of interest, we expect that the protocols described here will grow in their applicability and potential.
Cell sorting is a powerful tool for the isolation of living cells of interest from a heterogeneous mixture of cells. Cells can be sorted based on size and shape criteria, as well as the expression of fluorescent markers1,2. Often, fluorophore-conjugated antibodies are used to label distinct cell types by targeting cell-specific surface antigens3,4. Alternatively, transgenic animals or viral delivery systems have been engineered to express fluorophores under cell-specific promoters5,6. Historically, the development of transgenic tools and animals was costly and time consuming. More recently, decreasing costs and fewer technical difficulties have led to a dramatic increase in the number of available reporter lines. As the availability of transgenic tools and reporter animals continues to grow, so too should the usefulness and applicability of fluorescence-based cell sorting methods.
We recently demonstrated that cell sorting from transgenic animals can be routinely applied to purify primary neurons in preparation for cell culture7. By sorting cells from either rats or mice, we were able to isolate and culture fluorescent neurons, which express fluorescent reporter proteins specifically in either GABAergic or glutamatergic neurons6,8,9. By studying these purified neuronal cultures, we were able to identify an important difference in the way GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons depend on glia-secreted factors for the establishment of synaptic transmission7. Additionally, by co-culturing glial cells with purified neurons, we were able to extend on previous observations demonstrating the critical role that glial cells play in the growth and survival of neurons10,11. Thus, through a combination of cell sorting and cell culture, we were able to study not only the development of specific neuron types in isolation, but were able to investigate the influence of glial cells on their function.
We present here a protocol for the purification and culture of GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons from the cortex and hippocampus of transgenic mice or rats. We also present a method for the non-contact co-culture of purified neurons and glial cells, adapted from Geissler et al.12. In order to generate purified GABAergic cultures, we have sorted fluorescent neurons from VGAT-Venus-A Wistar rats8 or VGAT-Venus mice13, which selectively express an enhanced yellow fluorescent protein variant (Venus) in >95% of cortical GABAergic neurons. To generate purified glutamatergic cultures, we have sorted fluorescent neurons from NexCre;Ai9 mice6,9, which express tdTomato in cortical glutamatergic neurons. The entire sorting and culture procedure can be performed within 3-4 h and can be used to generate hundreds of replicate cultures suitable for electrophysiological, morphological and cell survival analysis. The method is simple, reproducible and can produce purified neuronal cultures that are greater than 97% pure for the cell type of interest.
All procedures and animal maintenance were performed in accordance with institutional guidelines, the German Animal Welfare Act and the European Council Directive 86/609/EEC regarding the protection of animals, in the presence of permissions from local authorities (LaGeSo Berlin, T-0215/11).
NOTE: This protocol describes the culture of purified neurons from a single transgenic mouse or rat pup (postnatal day 0–2). All techniques should be performed under sterile conditions. All solutions should be sterilized using a 0.2 µm filter (see Table of Materials). Glass coverslips and dissection tools should be heat sterilized for 3 h at 185 °C.
1. Coating Glass Coverslips with Poly-L-lysine
2. Dissociation of Hippocampal and Cortical Tissue
3. Cell Sorting of Purified GABAergic or Glutamatergic Neurons
NOTE: To minimize the chance of bacterial contamination during sorting rinse the sample tubing of the sorter with 70% ethanol for at least 5 min prior to sorting. Detailed sorting parameters vary among instruments, fundamental considerations are as follows.
4. Culturing of Sorted Neurons
5. Astrocyte Enriched Glial Support Cultures
NOTE: The production of glial cultures14 and the use of cell culture inserts has been described previously12. In brief, astrocyte enriched glia cultures are derived from cortico-hippocampal tissue (with meninges removed; P2–P5), which have been cultured for one week on a 20 µg/mL PLL-coated 6-well plates, in serum supplemented DMEM media.
The dissociation and cell sorting of fluorescent neurons from transgenic mouse or rat cortico-hippocampal tissue can be performed in approximately 3–4 h. The result is a population of highly pure fluorescent neurons, which can be grown in culture for 16 days.
To generate purified cultures, transgenic animals were first identified using a fluorescent lamp with appropriate filter sets (examples of fluorescent neonatal VGAT Venus and NexCre;Ai9 mouse pups are shown in Figure 1A). Following the identification of transgenic animals, dissected tissue was dissociated, and the most strongly fluorescent neurons were sorted to produce a purified cell population. Example fluorescence intensity dot plots for NexCre;Ai9 and VGAT Venus mouse neurons, obtained during FACS, are shown in Figure 1B. When optimized, it is possible to harvest between 500,000 and 800,000 cells from the cortex and hippocampus of individual P0 -2 NexCre;Ai9 or VGAT Venus mice. Cells can be sorted at a speed upwards of 600 events/s. Estimates of cell purity were performed using DAPI as a nuclear marker (Figure 1C). By sorting strongly positive cells, a purity of more than 97% can be routinely achieved7.
Following successful sorting, plated neurons should appear round in shape, have a smooth membrane and should be seen to sprout neurites after approximately 1 h in vitro (Figure 2A, B). By 7 days in vitro, although some cell death may be apparent, viable cells should be present in all culture conditions (Figure 2C, D). At 12–16 days in vitro, using whole-cell patch-clamp recordings and biocytin-filling15, it is possible to investigate the morphological and electrophysiological development of purified neurons (Figure 3). Analysis of purified cultures reveals that both glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons were able to extend axons and dendrites from their cell bodies (Figure 3A, B) and retain the ability to generate action potentials in response to suprathreshold depolarizing current injections (Figure 3C, D). Notably, however, following purification, only GABAergic neurons received significant amounts of spontaneous synaptic transmission, and glutamatergic neurons receive very little synaptic transmission in the absence of glial cells (Figure 3E, F)7.
As we have previously reported, cells in purified cultures tend to survive more poorly than those in unsorted cultures and have significantly smaller dendrites and axons7. To overcome these deficits, we have adapted and applied methods for supporting the development of purified cultures with glial cells12,14. The cellular composition of our glial support cultures (DIV7) is shown in Figure 4A. These cultures contained predominantly glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) positive astrocytes, but also contained some cluster of differentiation molecule (CD11b) positive microglia and myelin basic protein (MBP) positive oligodendrocytes. After DIV 7, these cells can be passaged to cell culture inserts to provide non-contact support of purified neurons (Figure 4B, C). Analysis of glia-neuron co-cultures reveals that approximately 40,000 glial cells were sufficient to improve the long-term survival and growth of both purified glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons (Figure 4D, E)7. Furthermore, electrophysiological analysis reveals that glutamatergic neurons, co-cultured with glial cells, were highly active and had strongly increased network activity (percentage of glial supported glutamatergic neurons firing bursts of action potentials: 62%; n = 28; Figure 4F, G). Glial support is therefore important not only for promoting neuron growth and survival, but also for promoting synaptic transmission and the establishment of network activity in glutamatergic cultures.
Figure 1: Purification of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons. (A) Images showing fluorescent signal from the transgene expression of TdTomato in NexCre;Ai9 mice (top) and Venus in VGAT Venus mice (bottom). Scale bars = 5 mm. (B) Intensity scatter plots of the TdTomato and Venus fluorescence of cortico-hippocampal dissociated cells from NexCre;Ai9 mice (top) and VGAT Venus mice (bottom). Strongly fluorescent TdTomato or Venus neurons were selected for sorting (indicated by the gating boxes). (C, left) Confocal images of sorted TdTomato (top) and Venus (bottom) positive neurons. (C, right) Merged image showing cells co-stained with DAPI (in blue pseudocolour). TdTomato fluorescence is endogenous and remains strong despite fixation (in magenta pseudocolor). Venus expression is enhanced using a combination of a primary antibody directed against GFP and Alexa Fluor-488-conjugated secondary antibody (in green pseudocolor). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Cell culture of purified glutamatergic or GABAergic neurons. (A) Combined infrared (bright field) images and superimposed fluorescent signal from TdTomato (left) and Venus (right) positive neurons cultured for 1 h in vitro. White arrows indicate the location of growing neurites. (B) Confocal images of TdTomato (left) and Venus (right) positive neurons cultured for 1 h in vitro. (C, D) Bright field (top) and combined bright field and fluorescent images (bottom) of TdTomato (C) and Venus positive neurons (D) cultured for 7 days in vitro (DIV). White arrows show the location of condensed nuclei from dead cells. Colored arrows identify fluorescently labeled neurons. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 3: Morphological, electrophysiological and synaptic properties of purified neurons. (A, B) Confocal images of TdTomato (A) and Venus positive neurons (B) at DIV 13 and DIV 14, respectively. Cells are presented in black using an inverted look-up table to aid neurite visualization. Insets show the fluorescent signal expressed by the identified neurons. (C, D) The voltage response from a TdTomato (C) and Venus positive neuron (D) to hyperpolarizing (200 to -20 pA, in 20 pA steps) and depolarizing (200 pA) current pulses, obtained by whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. Insets show the corresponding recorded neurons. The resting membrane potential of each cell is indicated to the left of the recording trace. (E, F) Representative voltage-clamp recordings (10 s) obtained from TdTomato (E) and Venus positive neurons (F). Spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic events (EPSCs) were recorded from TdTomato positive neurons, maintained at a holding potential of 50 mV. Spontaneously occurring inhibitory postsynaptic events (IPSCs) were recorded from Venus positive neurons maintained at a holding potential of 0 mV. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 4: Supporting neuron development with glial co-culture. (A) Confocal images of glial cultures immunolabeled for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP, left), cluster of differentiation molecule (CD11b, middle) and myelin basic protein (MBP, right). Glial cells were cultured for DIV 7. (B) Images of cell culture inserts used to co-culture glial cells with purified neurons in a non-contact arrangement. (C) A schematic of the spatial arrangement used to co-culture neurons and glia. (D, E) Confocal images of TdTomato (D) and Venus positive neurons (E), grown for 14 days, in the absence (left) or presence (right) of glial support. (F, G) Current-clamp recordings (60 s) from TdTomato (F) and Venus positive neurons (G) cultured for 14 days in the absence (top) or presence (bottom) of glial support. Neurons were recorded at their resting membrane potential (presented to the left of each recording trace). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
We describe here a method that combines the sorting and culturing of primary neurons to generate purified neuronal cell cultures. This method takes around 1 h longer than a typical primary dissociated neuronal culture protocol yet allows for the generation of hundreds of replicate cultures containing specific neuronal types. Purified neurons, which can be grown in isolation for at least 16 days, extend axons and dendrites and can fire repetitive trains of action potentials (Figure 2 and Figure 3). Importantly, these cells are amenable to the same experimental analyses as regular primary dissociated neuronal cultures, including electrophysiological, morphological and survival analyses. A major benefit of working with these purified cultures is that the development of specific cell types can be studied in isolation. To support the development of purified cultures, we also present a protocol for co-culturing purified neurons with glial cells. As shown previously, co-culturing purified neurons with glial cells improves their survival, growth and can promote network formation7 (Figure 4). Thus, we present here a combination of methods that should further the study of glia-neuron interactions and may prove useful for studying the development and interaction between of other cell types of interest.
Studies on cultures of purified glutamatergic neurons have revealed fundamental insights into the way glial cells secrete factors that promote the development of neuronal networks and synapse formation16,17,18. In general, methods for purifying specific neuron types have been more successfully applied to studying the development of glutamatergic neurons rather than GABAergic neurons. This has led to a disparity in our understanding of how these two cell types develop. Given that GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons differ significantly in terms of their anatomy, physiology and developmental origins, it is vital that we study GABAergic neurons in their own right, to better understand their function and physiology. Using the protocol presented here, we have previously identified important differences in the way GABAergic and glutamatergic neurons depend on glia-secreted factors for the establishment of synaptic transmission7. By publishing this protocol we hope that others can make further insights into the important interactions between neurons and glial cells.
In this protocol, we describe a flow cytometry based cell sorting method, which we have used to purify GABAergic or glutamatergic neurons from different transgenic rodent lines. Venus positive GABAergic neurons were sorted from VGAT Venus mice13 or rats8 and TdTomato positive glutamatergic neurons were sorted from NexCre;Ai9 mice (bred originally from NexCre9 and Ai9 reporter lines6, see Turko et al., 20187). In recent years, due to technological advancements, the generation of transgenic animals has become significantly easier. As such, the availability of animals expressing fluorescent molecules, in many different cell types, has grown rapidly. This has, in turn, increased the use and applicability of fluorescent activated cell sorting. While alternative methods for isolating cells of interest currently exist16,19,20, they are somewhat hindered by their dependence on the availability of suitable antibodies to naturally occurring surface antigens. This limits their versatility when compared with fluorescence-based cell sorting methods, which can already be used to sort cells from the many cell specific transgenic reporter animals that are already available. Nevertheless, when optimized, antibody-based sorting methods can be rapid and high yielding, and may even better preserve cell anatomy, by allowing purification of cells with their axons and dendrites intact21. Antibody sorting methods should therefore still be considered when deciding on a sorting strategy. Ultimately, the cell type of interest, the age at which cells are to be sorted, the availability of transgenic animals or surface antigens and the number of cells needed will be the determining factors when choosing the most suitable sorting strategy.
Although fluorescence-based cell sorting is a simple and reproducible method for purifying cells, care should be taken during certain steps of the protocol to preserve cell quality. For instance, following each centrifugation step, it is important to make sure that the cell pellet is re-suspended as quickly as possible and that cells have been successfully recovered. Occasionally, the cell pellet can be disturbed when removing the supernatant. It is therefore advised, between centrifugation steps, to check the presence of cells under the microscope to rule out any extensive cell loss. Following cell plating, cells should be allowed to adhere for at least 1 h before feeding. If cells are fed too soon, some cells may become dislodged from the coverslip, thereby reducing the culture density. After 1 h in culture, it is prudent to assess cell health. If cells do not appear healthy (an example of healthy cells is shown in Figure 2A), or there is significant cell death, then this may be an indication of a problem during the dissociation or sorting procedure. A further important consideration, when culturing any cell type, is to take care when managing the cell culture media. NBA media contains phenol red, which acts as a pH indicator22. If the media becomes too yellow in color, then this indicates that the pH is too acidic; if the media becomes too pink, then this indicates that the solution is too alkaline. Stock solutions open for long periods, particularly media aliquoted into conical tubes, tend to become more alkaline over time. It is therefore advised to make up fresh complete NBA media each week and complete media every two weeks (the medium buffers under atmospheric conditions and should therefore be more stable). Taking these points into consideration it should be possible to establish purified cell cultures in any laboratory with access to cell sorting and cell culture equipment.
In the majority of our experiments we produced purified cultures from a single animal. However, when purifying cells for biochemical analyses, it may be necessary to pool together multiple animals for sorting. We have successfully sorted up to 8 embryonic mice (embryonic day 13 animals) using the above protocol (data not shown). However, if more animals are to be sorted, it may be necessary to increase the volume of both papain and BSA solutions (described in steps 2.1.1–2.1.4) to accommodate the increase in tissue amount. Additionally, if more cells are plated in culture, then a more frequent feeding schedule may be required. As a starting point, cells can be fed every 7 days by removing 100 µL of conditioned media and adding 200 µL of fresh complete NBA media. For the sake of neuron viability, if sorting more animals, thought should be given to minimizing the sort time as much as possible. This often requires the careful optimization of downstream analyses for the efficient use of purified cells. We have routinely sorted mouse neurons at rates of 600 events/s, up to 500,000–800,000 cells per animal (postnatal day 0–2). However, this was without exhaustive optimization of sorting speeds and conditions. Therefore, further improvements in sorting speed and yield should be possible.
Purified neurons require glia-conditioned media for their survival. This has been demonstrated previously by culturing neurons and glial cells separately, before treating neurons with glial conditioned media10. In our experiments, we chose to support purified neurons by culturing glial cells on semi-permeable cell culture inserts, which are placed inside the cell culture plate. This method has been successfully applied to study glia-derived extracellular matrix proteins and their interaction with neurons12. The non-contact, but continuous support provided by this method has a number of advantages when compared to the separate culture of cells. Most notably, the co-culture of glial cells with neurons allows for the continuous regulation and conditioning of the cell culture media, which more closely resembles the in vivo situation. In addition, continuous co-culture of cells allows for potential feedback signaling between neurons and glia, which is not possible in separated cultures. In our protocol, if required, the continuous co-culture method can be easily omitted and a classical treatment of neurons with glia-conditioned media can be performed.
In summary, the protocol presented here aims to provide the reader with a solid foundation from which they can establish their own purified cell culture experiments. We predict that the availability of transgenic animals and viral constructs will continue to increase for the foreseeable future. Therefore, cell sorting techniques based on fluorescence are likely to become even more widely used and valuable.
The authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.
The authors would like to thank the excellent technical support provided by Jenny Kirsch and Ana Teichmüller at the Flow Cytometry Core Facility, Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum, Berlin. We would like to thank Jie Song for his help with survival analysis. We would also like to thank Rita Loureiro for her help capturing the images of fluorescent mice and Christian Ebner for critical reading of the protocol. VGAT-Venus transgenic rats were generated by Drs. Y. Yanagawa, M. Hirabayashi and Y. Kawaguchi in National Institute for Physiological Sciences, Okazaki, Japan, using pCS2-Venus provided by Dr. A. Miyawaki. This work was supported by the German Research Council (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG EXC 257 to IV).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Neural Basal A media (NBA) | ThermoFisher Scientific | 10888022 | Cell Culture Buffer |
B27 | ThermoFisher Scientific | 17504001 | Culture supplement |
Glutamax | ThermoFisher Scientific | 35050-038 | Culture supplement |
Penicillin Streptomycin (10,000 U/mL) | ThermoFisher Scientific | 15140-122 | Antibiotic |
Poly-L-Lysine | SIGMA | P1399 | Coverslip coating |
Papain | SIGMA | P4762-1G | Enzyme |
Bovine Serum Albumin | SIGMA | A3294-100G | Serum |
Hibernate A low fluorescence media | Brain Bits Ltd | HALF | Cell Transport media |
Dulbeccos Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM) | Biochrom | F0435 | Glial Culture Buffer |
Fetal Calf Serum (FCS) | Biochrom | S0115 | Serum |
Trypsin / EDTA | Biochrom | L2163 | Enzyme |
Fine Tip Pasteur Pipette | Neo Labs | - | Used for trituration of cells |
24-well plates | BD | 353047 | Culture plate |
50 mL Falcon tubes | BD | 352070 | - |
15 mL Falcon tubes | BD | 352096 | - |
Glass coverslips: 12 mm round | Roth | P231.1 | - |
35 mm Petri dish | Corning | 353001 | - |
100 mm Petri dish | Corning | 353003 | - |
30 µm CellTrics Cell Sieve | sysmex | 04-004-2326 | To remove cell clumps before cell sorting |
Round bottom polystyrene tubes | BD | 352054 | Transport tube for sorted cells |
Round bottom polypropylyne tubes | BD | 352063 | Collection tube for sorted cells |
Cell culture inserts – 0.4 µm transparent PET | Falcon | 353 095 | For the co-culture of neurons and glia |
Extra fine Bonn Scissors | Fine Scientific Tools | 14084-08 | To remove overlying skin and bone of mice |
Extra narrow Scissors | Fine Scientific Tools | 14088-10 | To remove overlying skin and bone of rats |
Forceps | Fine Scientific Tools | 11242-40 | To hold the head in place |
Spatula (130 mm long / 5 mm tip width) | Fine Scientific Tools | 3006.1 | To remove the brain to filter paper |
Scalpel Blades | Swan-Morton | #0308 | To mechanically dissociate neural tissue |
Haemocytometer (Neubauer Imroved) | Optik Labor | - | To cell count dissociated cells |
Fluorescent Miners Goggles (excitation light) | Biological Laboratory Equipment Maintenance and Servce Ltd (BLS) | FHS/LS-1G | To excite TdTomato |
Fluorescent Miners Goggles (emission filter) | Biological Laboratory Equipment Maintenance and Servce Ltd (BLS) | FHS/EF-4R2 | Td Tomato compatible emission filter |
Fluorescent Miners Goggles (excitation light) | Biological Laboratory Equipment Maintenance and Servce Ltd (BLS) | FS/ULS-02B2 | To excite Venus |
Fluorescent Miners Goggles (emission filter) | Biological Laboratory Equipment Maintenance and Servce Ltd (BLS) | FS/TEF-3GY1 | Venus compatible emission filter |
Mouse-Anti-GFP primary antibodies | UC Davis | 75-132 | To enhance Venus signal following fixation |
Mouse-Anti-GFAP primary antibodies | SIGMA | G-3893 | The identification of reactive astrocytes |
Rabbit-Anti-CD11b primary antibodies | Southern Biotech | 1561-15 | The identification of microglial cells |
Rabbit-Anti-MBP primary antibodies | Millipore | AB980 | The identification of oligodendrocyes |
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