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Presented here are protocols for in vitro biochemical assays using biotin labels that may be widely applicable for studying protein-nucleic acid interactions.


Protein-nucleic acid interactions play important roles in biological processes such as transcription, recombination, and RNA metabolism. Experimental methods to study protein-nucleic acid interactions require the use of fluorescent tags, radioactive isotopes, or other labels to detect and analyze specific target molecules. Biotin, a non-radioactive nucleic acid label, is commonly used in electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) but has not been regularly employed to monitor protein activity during nucleic acid processes. This protocol illustrates the utility of biotin labeling during in vitro enzymatic reactions, demonstrating that this label works well with a range of different biochemical assays. Specifically, in alignment with previous findings using radioisotope 32P-labeled substrates, it is confirmed via biotin-labeled EMSA that MEIOB (a protein specifically involved in the meiotic recombination) is a DNA-binding protein, that MOV10 (an RNA helicase) resolves biotin-labeled RNA duplex structures, and that MEIOB cleaves biotin-labeled single-stranded DNA. This study demonstrates that biotin is capable of substituting 32P in various nucleic acid-related biochemical assays in vitro. 


Protein-nucleic acid interactions are involved in many essential cellular processes such as DNA repair, replication, transcription, RNA processing, and translation. Protein interactions with specific DNA sequences within the chromatin are required for the tight control of gene expression at the transcriptional level1. Precise posttranscriptional regulation of numerous coding and noncoding RNAs necessitates extensive and complicated interactions between any protein and RNA2. These layers of gene expression regulatory mechanism comprise a cascade of dynamic intermolecular events, which are coordinated by interactions of tr....


1. Protein preparation

  1. MEIOB and MOV10 expression constructs
    1. Generate cDNA expression constructs encoding mouse MEIOB-A, C, and E (Figure 1A) and MOV10.
      1. Set up the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reactions for each fragment. Mix 1 μL of mouse cDNA (from C57BL/6 mouse testis), 1 μL of dNTP, 2 μL of 10 μM forward primer, 2 μL of 10 μM reverse primer, 1 μL of DNA polymerase, 25 μL of 2x PCR buffer, an.......

Representative Results

The protein structure of MEIOB and the expression constructs used in this study are illustrated in Figure 1A. OB folds in MEIOB are compact barrel-like structures that can recognize and interact with single-stranded nucleic acids. One of the OB domains (aa 136-307, construct A) binds single stranded DNA (ssDNA), the truncated protein (aa 136-178 truncations, construct C) and the point mutant form (R235A mutation, construct E) of MEIOB do not have DNA-binding activity


Investigating protein-nucleic acid interactions is critical to our understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying diverse biological processes. For example, MEIOB is a testis-specific protein essential for meiosis and fertility in mammals25,26,27. MEIOB contains an OB domain that binds to single-stranded DNA and exhibits 3' to 5' exonuclease activity26, which directly relates to its ph.......


We thank P. Jeremy Wang (University of Pennsylvania) for helpful edits and discussions. We also thank Sigrid Eckardt for language editing. K. Z. was supported by National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0500902, 2018YFC1003500) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (31771653). L. Y. was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (81471502, 31871503) and Innovative and Entrepreneurial Program of Jiangsu Province. J. N. was supported by Zhejiang Medical Science and Technology Project (2019KY499). M. L. was supported by grants of National Natural Science Foundation of China (31771588) and the 1000 Youth Talent Plan.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
CentrifugeEppendorf, Germany5242R
Chemiluminescent Imaging SystemTanon, China5200
Digital soniferBranson, USABBV12081048A450 Watts; 50/60 HZ
Semi-dry electrophoretic blotterHoefer, USATE77XP
Tube Revolver Crystal, USA3406051
UV-light cross-linkerUVP, USACL-1000
Amicon Ultra-4 Centrifugal Filter Milipore, USAUFC8010964 ml/10 K
Nylon membraneThermo Scientific, USATG263940A
TC-treated Culture DishCorning, USA430167100 mm 
TC-treated Culture DishCorning, USA430597150 mm 
Microtubes tubesAXYGEN, USAMCT-150-C1.5 mL 
TubesCorning, USA43079115 mL
AmpicillinSunShine Bio, China8h288h28
Anti-FLAG M2 magnetic beadsSigma, USAM8823
ATPThermo Scientific, USA591136
BCIP/NBT Alkaline Phosphatase Color Development KitBeyotime, ChinaC3206
CelLyticTM M Cell Lysis Reagent Sigma, USA107M4071V
ClonExpress II one step cloning kit Vazyme, ChinaC112
Chemiluminescent Nucleic Acid Detection KitThermo Scientific, USAT1269950
dNTPSigma-Aldrich, USADNTP100-1KT
DMEMGibco, USA10569044
DPBS bufferGibco, USA14190-136
EDTAInvitrogen, USAAM9260G0.5 M
EDTA free protease inhibitor cocktailRoche, USA04693132001
EndoFree Maxi Plasmid Kit Vazyme, China 
FastPure Gel DNA Extraction Mini KitVazyme, ChinaDC301-01
FBSGibco, USA10437028
FLAG peptideSigma, USAF4799
GlycerolSigma, USASHBK3676
GST Bulk KitGE Healthcare, USA27-4570-01
HEPES bufferSigma, USASLBZ28371 M 
IPTGThermo Scientific, USA34060
KoAcSangon Biotech, China127-08-02
Lipofectamin 3000 Transfection ReagentThermo Scientific, USAL3000001
MgCl2Invitrogen, USAAM9530G1 M
NaClInvitrogen, USAAM9759
5 M 
NP-40Amresco, USAM158-500ML
Opti-MEM mediumGibco, USA31985062
PBSGibco, USA10010023PH 7.4
RNase InhibitorPromega, USAN251B
Streptavidin alkaline phosphatasePromega, USAV5591
TBEInvitrogen, USA15581044
Tris-HCI Buffer Invitrogen, USA155670271 M, PH 7.4
Tris-HCI Buffer Invitrogen, USA155680251 M, PH 8.0
Tween-20Sangon Biotech, ChinaA600560


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Biotin LabelsProtein nucleic Acid InteractionsIn Vitro Biochemical AssaysMEIOBMOV10Affinity PurificationGST tagged ProteinsFLAG tagged ProteinsCentrifugationCell LysisMagnetic BeadsElution

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