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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
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  • References
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The goal of this protocol is to analyze cell division in intact tissue by live and fixed cell microscopy using Drosophila meiotic spermatocytes. The protocol demonstrates how to isolate whole, intact testes from Drosophila larvae and early pupae, and how to process and mount them for microscopy.


Experimental analysis of cells dividing in living, intact tissues and organs is essential to our understanding of how cell division integrates with development, tissue homeostasis, and disease processes. Drosophila spermatocytes undergoing meiosis are ideal for this analysis because (1) whole Drosophila testes containing spermatocytes are relatively easy to prepare for microscopy, (2) the spermatocytes’ large size makes them well suited for high resolution imaging, and (3) powerful Drosophila genetic tools can be integrated with in vivo analysis. Here, we present a readily accessible protocol for the preparation of whole testes from Drosophila third instar larvae and early pupae. We describe how to identify meiotic spermatocytes in prepared whole testes and how to image them live by time-lapse microscopy. Protocols for fixation and immunostaining whole testes are also provided. The use of larval testes has several advantages over available protocols that use adult testes for spermatocyte analysis. Most importantly, larval testes are smaller and less crowded with cells than adult testes, and this greatly facilitates high resolution imaging of spermatocytes. To demonstrate these advantages and the applications of the protocols, we present results showing the redistribution of the endoplasmic reticulum with respect to spindle microtubules during cell division in a single spermatocyte imaged by time-lapse confocal microscopy. The protocols can be combined with expression of any number of fluorescently tagged proteins or organelle markers, as well as gene mutations and other genetic tools, making this approach especially powerful for analysis of cell division mechanisms in the physiological context of whole tissues and organs.


Cell division is often studied using cell lines grown in culture1. While we have gained a wealth of invaluable insight and understanding of fundamental mechanisms from these studies2, cells grown in culture cannot fully recapitulate the physiology of cell division as it occurs in intact, living tissue. For example, in intact tissues and organs, cells must divide at the right place and at the right time so that progeny cells are properly situated within the tissue, so that they can undergo appropriate differentiation or functional programs, and so that cell proliferation is properly coordinated with tissue growth or homeo....


1. Prepare Animals, Tools, and Media for Dissection

  1. Cross male and female flies to obtain progeny of the desired genotype. Useful transgenic markers for identification and staging of meiotic spermatocytes include GFP-tubulin to label the meiotic spindle and RFP-histone 2A to label chromsomes8. Use five to ten females per cross and maintain crosses on standard fly food in vials in a 25 °C incubator until third instar larvae begin crawling up the sides of the vial (4–5 days). .......

Representative Results

When this protocol is successfully executed, testes will remain fully intact for imaging by confocal microscopy or other fluorescence microscopy methods. As seen in Figure 3A, the cellular organization of the testes is preserved, and the progression of cell differentiation from one end of the testis to the other including spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and haploid spermatids is visible. GFP-tubulin is a useful marker for identifying dividing spermatocytes and for live imaging of the progressi.......


We have described a protocol for the preparation of larval or early pupal Drosophila testes, optimized for long-term, live imaging of spermatocyte cell division. This is a powerful method for analysis of cell division in the physiological context of intact tissue. The power of this method is further expanded when combined with Drosophila genetic tools, such as specific gene mutations, tissue-specific RNAi-mediated suppression, and fluorescently labeled protein and organelle markers. In addition, the sma.......


This work was supported by Department of Defense start-up funds to J.T.S.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
5" Dissecting ProbeFisher08-965-A
5.75" Glass Pasteur PipetFisher13-678-20A
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)FisherBP9703-100
Dumont #5 ForcepsFine Science Tools11252-20Straight forcepts with fine tips
Frosted Microscope SlidesFisher12-544-2Slides for mounting fixed tissue, with frosted writing surface
Halocarbon oil 700SigmaH8898-100 mL
Lumox Dish 50SarstedtSAR946077410Gas-permeable tissue culture dish
Microscope Cover GlassFisher12-541-B22x22 mm, #1.5 glass coverslip
Minutien PinsFine Science Tools26002-15Insect pins used to make scalpel tool
Nickel Plated Pin HolderFine Science Tools26018-17
Paraformaldehyde 32% Solution, EM GradeElectron Microsocopy Sciences15714
Plan Beveled Edge Microscope SlidesFisher12-549-5Slides used for dissections
PYREX Spot PlatesFisher13-748B9-well glass dissecting dish
Schneider's Drosophila mediumFisher21720-024
Syringe Filter, 0.22 µmEMD MilliporeSLGS033SB
Triton X-100FisherBP151-500
VectashieldVector LabsH-1000Microscopy mounting medium


  1. Khodjakov, A., Rieder, C. L. Imaging the division process in living tissue culture cells. Methods. 38 (1), 2-16 (2006).
  2. Ong, J. Y., Torres, J. Z. Dissecting the mechanisms of cell division. The Journal of Biological....

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DrosophilaLarvalPupalTestesCell DivisionLive ImagingFluorescence MicroscopyDissectionTissue PreparationMaleForcepsScalpel

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