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A Salt-Templated Synthesis Method for Porous Platinum-based Macrobeams and Macrotubes

Published: May 18th, 2020



1Department of Chemistry and Life Science, United States Military Academy, 2Photonics Research Center, United States Military Academy, 3U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command-Armaments Center, 4United States Army Research Laboratory-Sensors and Electron Devices Directorate, 5Department of Mathematical Sciences, United States Military Academy


The synthesis of high surface area porous noble metal nanomaterials generally relies on time consuming coalescence of pre-formed nanoparticles, followed by rinsing and supercritical drying steps, often resulting in mechanically fragile materials. Here, a method to synthesize nanostructured porous platinum-based macrotubes and macrobeams with a square cross section from insoluble salt needle templates is presented. The combination of oppositely charged platinum, palladium, and copper square planar ions results in the rapid formation of insoluble salt needles. Depending on the stoichiometric ratio of metal ions present in the salt-template and the choice of chemical reducing agent, either macrotubes or macrobeams form with a porous nanostructure comprised of either fused nanoparticles or nanofibrils. Elemental composition of the macrotubes and macrobeams, determined with x-ray diffractometry and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, is controlled by the stoichiometric ratio of metal ions present in the salt-template. Macrotubes and macrobeams may be pressed into free standing films, and the electrochemically active surface area is determined with electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. This synthesis method demonstrates a simple, relatively fast approach to achieve high-surface area platinum-based macrotubes and macrobeams with tunable nanostructure and elemental composition that may be pressed into free-standing films with no required binding materials.

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