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We demonstrate how to establish a murine model of pulmonary root implantation into the descending aorta to simulate the Ross procedure. This model enables the medium/long-term evaluation of pulmonary autograft remodeling in a systemic position, representing the basis of developing therapeutic strategies to promote its adaptation.


The Ross operation for aortic valve disease has regained new interest due to its outstanding long-term results. Nonetheless, when employed as freestanding root replacement, the possible dilation of the pulmonary autograft and subsequent aortic regurgitation is described. Several animal models have been proposed. However, these are usually limited to ex-vivo models or in-vivo experiments with relatively expensive large animal models. In this study, we sought to establish a rodent model of pulmonary artery graft (PAG) implantation in a systemic position. A total of 39 adult Lewis rats were included. Immediately after euthanasia, the pulmonary root was harvested from a donor animal (n=17). Syngeneic recipient (n=17) and sham-operated (n=5) rats were sedated and ventilated. In the recipient group, the PAG was implanted with an end-to-end anastomosis in infra-renal abdominal aortic position. Sham-operated rats underwent only transection and re-anastomosis of the aorta. Animals were followed with serial ultrasound studies for two months and post-mortem histological analysis. The median PAG diameter in the native position was 3.20 mm (IQR=3.18-3.23). At follow-up, the median diameter of the PAG was 4.03 mm (IQR=3.74-4.13) at 1 week, 4.07 mm (IQR=3.80-4.28) at 1 month, and 4.27 mm (IQR=3.90-4.35) at 2 months (p<0.01). Peak systolic velocity was 220.07 mm/s (IQR=210.43-246.41) at 1 week, 430.88 mm/s (IQR=375.28-495.56) at 1 month, and 373.68 mm/s (IQR=305.78-429.81) at 2 months (p=0.02) and did not differ from the sham-operated group at the end of the experiment (p=0.5). Histological analysis did not show any sign of endothelial thrombosis. This study showed that rodent models may allow for the evaluation of the long-term adaptation of the pulmonary root to a high-pressure system. A systemically placed syngeneic PAG implantation represents a simple and feasible platform for the development and evaluation of novel surgical techniques and drug therapies to further improve the outcomes of the Ross operation.


Congenital aortic valve stenosis is a subgroup of congenital heart disease characterized by an obstruction of the left ventricular tract in which the lesion is located at the valvular level. The malformation affects approximately 0.04-0.38 per 1000 live births1.

The available options for the correction are many, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. For patients suitable for a biventricular correction2, the approach may be aimed at valve repair (percutaneous or surgical valvulotomy) or its replacement3. The latter is preferred when the aortic valve is consider....


All procedures have been approved by the University of Padova Animal Care Committee (OPBA, protocol number n° 55/2017) and authorized by the Italian Ministry of Health (Authorization n° 700/2018-PR), in compliance with the European Union Directive 2010/63/UE and the Italian Law 26/2014 for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.

1. Animal care and experimental model

  1. Ensure all Lewis rats are obtained from a single company (Table of materials). Maintain the rats in conventional facilities with free access to food and water.
  2. Ensure that the weight of the rats ranges from 320-40....

Representative Results

A total of 39 adult Lewis rats were included in this study: 17 animals were used as PAG donors, 17 animals as recipients and 5 as sham-operated (control group) (Table 1). Male rats were 22 (56%) and female 17 (44%); the latter were used only in the donor group.

No fatal event occurred during the operation with 100% survival. During the follow-up, two animals of the transplant group had a fatal outcome, at 12 and 51 days, respectively; the survival rate at the end of the study .......


Aortic valve replacement with the autologous pulmonary root (Ross operation) represents an attractive option for congenital aortic valve stenosis repair due to the favorable profile and potential growth of the autograft10. The major limitation to this procedure is the potential dilatation of the aortic neo-valve, which predisposes to the development of long-term regurgitation. The possibility of characterizing the modifications on the pulmonary artery after exposure to systemic pressures could rep.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The study was funded by the integrated budget for interdepartmental research (BIRD) 2019.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.9% Sodium ChlorideMonico SpAAIC 030805105Two bottles of 100 mL. The cold one (4°C) for flushing the harvesting organ; the warm one (39°C) for moistening, and rehydration of the recipient
7.5% Povidone-IodineB BraunAIC 032151211
BarraquerAesculapFD 232RStraight micro needle holder for the vascular anastomoses
Castroviejo needle holderNot availableJ 4065To close the animal
Clip applying forcepsRudolf MedicalRU 3994-05For clip application
Cotton swabsJohnson & Johnson Medical SpAN/ASupermarket product. Sterilized
Curved micro jeweller forcepsRudolf MedicalRU 4240-06Used to pass sutures underneath the vases.
Depilatory creamRB healthcareN/ASupermarket product
Electrocautery machineLED SpASurton 200
Fine scissorsRudolf MedicalRU 2422-11For opening the abdomen (recipient)
Fine-tip curved Vannas micro scissorsAesculapOC 497ROnly for preparing the pulmonary root, cut the lumbar vases and the 10/0 Prolene
Fluovac Isoflurane/Halotane Scavanger unitHarvard Apparatus LtdK 017041Complete of anesthesia machine, anesthesia tubing, induction chamber and scavenger unit with absorbable filter
GentamycinMSD Italia SrlAIC 020891014Antibiotic. Single dose, 5 mg/kg intramuscular, administered during surgery
HeparinPharmatex Italia SrlAIC 034692044500 IU into the recipient abdominal vena cava
I.V. CatheterSmiths Medical Ltd403620G
Insulin Syringe, 1 mLFisher Scientific14-841-33To inject heparin in the harvesting animal and to flush the sectioned aorta in the recipient
Jeweler bipolar forcepsGIMA SpA306650.25 mm tip. For electrocautery of very small vases
Lewis rats (LEW/HanHsd)Envigo RMS SRL, San Pietro al Natisone, Udine, Italy86104MMale or female, weighing 200-250 g (pulmonary root harvesting animals) and 320-400 g (recipients)
Micro-MosquitoRudolf MedicalRU 3121-10In number of four, with tips covered with silicon tubing. To keep in traction the Prolene suture during anastomosis
Operating microscopeLeica MicrosystemsM 400-EUsed with 6x, 10x and 16x in-procedure interchangeable magnifications
Perma-Hand silk 2-0Johnson & Johnson Medical SpAC026DTo lift the aorta
Petrolatum ophthalmic ointmentDechraNDC 17033-211-38
Prolene 10-0Johnson & Johnson Medical SpAW2790Very fine non-absorbable suture, with a BV75-3 round bodied needle, for the vascular anastomoses
RetractorsNot anyN/ATwo home-made retractors
Ring tip micro forcepsRudolf MedicalRU 4079-14For delicate manipulation
SevofluraneAbbVie SrlAIC 031841036Mixed with oxygen, for inhalatory anesthesia
Spring type micro scissorsRudolf MedicalRU 2380-14Straight; 14 cm long
Standard aneurysm clipsRudolf MedicalRU 3980-12Two clips (7.5 mm; 180 g; 1.77 N) to close the aorta
Sterile gauze of non-woven fabric materialLuigi Salvadori SpA26161V7.5x7.5 cm, four layers
Straight Doyen scissorsRudolf MedicalRU/1428-16For use to the donor
Straight micro jeweller forcepsRudolf MedicalRU 4240-0410.5 cm long. Used throughout the anastomosis
SyringesArtsana SpAN/A20 mL (for the harvesting animal) and 5 mL (for the recipient). For saline flushing and dipping
TiCron 4-0CovidienCV-331For closing muscles and skin
Tissue forceps V. MuellerMcKessonCH 6950-009Used for skin and muscles
TramadolSALF SpAAIC 044718029Analgesic. Single dose, 5 mg/kg intramuscular
Virgin silk 8-0Johnson & Johnson Medical SpAW818For arterial branch ligation


  1. Botto, L. D., Correa, A., Erickson, J. D. Racial and temporal variations in the prevalence of heart defects. Pediatrics. 107 (3), 32 (2001).
  2. Vergnat, M., et al. Aortic stenosis of the neonate: A single-center experience.

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Rodent ModelRoss OperationPulmonary Artery GraftCongenital Aortic StenosisPulmonary AutograftAortic RegurgitationSurgical ProcedurePericardiectomyAtherectomyMicro PlierMicro ForcepsMicro Scissors

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