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Here we provide a detailed procedure for production, purification, and quantification of high-titer recombinant Newcastle disease virus. This protocol consistently yields > 6 × 109 plaque-forming units/mL, providing virus quantities appropriate for in vivo animal studies. Additional quality control assays to ensure safety in vivo are described.


Newcastle disease virus (NDV), also known as avian orthoavulavirus serotype-1, is a negative sense, single-stranded RNA virus that has been developed both as an oncolytic virus and a viral-vectored vaccine. NDV is an attractive therapeutic and prophylactic agent due to its well-established reverse genetics system, potent immunostimulatory properties, and excellent safety profile. When administered as an oncolytic virus or a viral-vectored vaccine, NDV elicits a robust antitumor or antigen-specific immune response, activating both the innate and adaptive arms of the immune system.

Given these desirable characteristics, NDV has been evaluated in numerous clinical trials and is one of the most well-studied oncolytic viruses. Currently, there are two registered clinical trials involving NDV: one evaluating a recombinant NDV-vectored vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 (NCT04871737), and a second evaluating a recombinant NDV encoding Interleukin-12 in combination with Durvalumab, an antiPD-L1 antibody (NCT04613492). To facilitate further advancement of this highly promising viral vector, simplified methods for generating high-titer, in vivo-grade, recombinant NDV (rNDV) are needed.

This paper describes a detailed procedure for amplifying rNDV in specified pathogen-free (SPF) embryonated chicken eggs and purifying rNDV from allantoic fluid, with improvements to reduce loss during purification. Also included are descriptions of the recommended quality control assays, which should be performed to confirm lack of contaminants and virus integrity. Overall, this detailed procedure enables the synthesis, purification, and storage of high-titer, in vivo-grade, recombinant, lentogenic, and mesogenic NDV for use in preclinical studies.


Newcastle Disease Virus, also known as Avian Orthoavulavirus-1, is an enveloped avian paramyxovirus with the potential to be used both as an oncolytic virus or a viral-vectored vaccine1,2,3,4,5,6,7. Most recently, NDV engineered to express the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 has been characterized as an effective intranasal vaccine in mouse and hamster challenge models7,8,<....


All work involving the use of animals was approved by the University of Guelph Animal Care Committee in accordance with the Canadian Council on Animal Care. All work is performed in a BioSafety Level 2 (BSL2) laboratory in Canada where mesogenic NDV is a Risk Group 2 Pathogen. All steps involved in the amplification and purification of NDV should be performed in a Type IIA biological safety cabinet for safety and sterility purposes.

1. Amplification of NDV using specified pathogen-free embryonated chicken eggs

  1. Inoculation of SPF embryonated chicken eggs
    NOTE: Typically, eight dozen SPF embryonated chicken....

Representative Results

Harvesting allantoic fluid
As allantoic fluid is harvested from embryonated chicken eggs, it should appear clear and transparent. If the fluid appears opaque and yellow, this indicates the presence of contaminants. Inclusion of this allantoic fluid during purification will impede the purification process, as the pressure will quickly rise and surpass 10 psi, resulting in the shearing of the virus and loss of infectious virus. Allantoic fluid that appears bloody suggests that the eggs were inoculate.......


Viruses used as therapeutic agents in preclinical studies must be highly purified to avoid toxicity when administered in vivo15. If adventitious agents or contaminants are not removed, this can lead to severe adverse reactions negating the therapeutic effect of the viral agent28. As NDV is produced in embryonated chicken eggs, there are several contaminating egg proteins, such as ovalbumin, that must be removed prior to its use in vivo in preclinical or cl.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.


J.G.E.Y was the recipient of an Ontario Veterinary College PhD Scholarship and an Ontario Graduate Scholarship. This work was funded by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Discovery Grants to SKW (grant #304737) and LS (grant #401127).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.25% TrypsinHyCloneSH30042.02
1 mL Slip-Tip SyringeBD309659
10 mL Luer-Lok SyringeBD302995
10% Povidone Iodine SolutionLORIS109-08
15 mL Conical TubesThermo-Fisher14955240
18G x 1 1/2 in Blunt Fill NeedleBD305180
18G x 1 1/2 in Precision Glide NeedleBD305196
25 G x 5/8 in NeedleBD305122
30% Acrylamide/Bis Solution 37.5:1BioRad1610158
4% Paraformaldehyde-PBSThermo-FisherJ19943-K2
5 mL Luer-Lok SyringeBD309646
96 Well Tissue Culture Plate - Flat BottomGreiner Bio One655180
Acetic Acid, GlacialThermo-FisherA38-212
Alexa-Fluor 488 Goat-Anti-MouseInvitrogenA11001
Allegra X-14 CentrifugeBeckman CoulterB08861
Ammonium PersulfateBioRad161-0700
Bleach (5%)Thermo-Fisher36-102-0599
Broad, unserrated tipped forcepsThermo-Fisher09-753-50
Bromophenol BlueSigma-Aldrich114405-25G
Centramate Cassette HolderPALLCM018V
ChemiDoc XRS+BioRad1708265
CO2 IncubatorThermo-Fisher
Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-259Thermo-FisherBP101-50
DF1 CellsATCCCRL-12203
Diet Gel RecoveryClearH2O, INC72-01-1062
Digital 1502 Sportsman Egg IncubatorBerry Hill1502W
Egg CandlerBerry HillA46
Ethanol (70%)Thermo-FisherBP82031GAL
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution, pH 8.0, 0.5 M in H2OThermo-FisherBP2482-500
Female Threaded Tee fittings, nylon, 1/8 in NPT(F)Cole-Parmer06349-50
Fetal Bovine SerumGibco12483-020
Fine Point High Precision ForcepsThermo-Fisher22-327379
Fluorescent MicroscopeZEISS AXIONot necessary if not performing IFA or if NDV does not encode a fluorescent protein
Freeze Dry System Freezone 4.5LABCONCO
GiBOX Gel ImagerSyngeneImaging of Agarose Gels
High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcriptase KitThermo-Fisher4368814
High Glucose Dulbecco's Modified Essential MediumCytivaSH30022.01
Humidity KitBerry Hill3030
IodixanolSigma-AldrichD155660% (w/v) solution of iodixanol in water (sterile)
L-Lysine MonohydrochlorideSigma-Aldrich62929-100G-F
Male and Female Luer-Lok a 1/8 in national pipe thread, NPTCole-Parmer41507-44
Masterflex L/S Digital DriveCole-ParmerRK-07522-20Peristaltic Pump with digital display
Masterflex L/S Easy Load Pump Head for Precision TubingCole-ParmerRK-07514-10
Masterflex Silicon tubing (Platinum) L/S 16Cole-Parmer96420-16BioPharm Platinum-Cured Silicone
MC Pro 5 ThermocyclerEppendorfEP950040025
Mini Protean Tetra CellBioRad1658000EDUSDS-PAGE cast and running appartus
Mouse-Anti-NDVNovus BiologicalsNBP2-11633Clone 6H12
Normal Goat SerumAbcamAB7481
Omega Membrane LV Centramate Cassette, 100KPALLOS100T02
Optima XE-90 UltracentrifugeBeckman CoulterA94471
OWL Easycast B1A Mini Gel Electrophoresis SystemThermo-FisherB1A
PBS 10X SolutionThermo-FisherBP399-20
Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Average Mn 20,000Sigma-Aldrich81300-1KG
PowePac 300BioRadModel 1655050 - for Agarose gel electrophoresis
Q5 High Fidelity 2X Master MixNew England BiolabsM0492S
QIA Amp Viral RNA Mini KitQiagen52904
Slide-a-lyzer Dialysis Cassette (Extra Strength), 10,000 MWCO 0.5-3 mLThermo-Fisher66380
Sodium Dodecyl SulfateThermo-FisherBP166-500
Sodium Hydroxide (Pellets)Thermo-FisherS318-10
Specific pathogen free eggsCFIANASupplier will vary depending on location
Supracap 50 Depth FilterPALLSC050V100P
Surgical ScissorsThermo-Fisher08-951-5
Sw41Ti RotorBeckman Coulter331362Used in protocol step 2.3.1, 2.3.6, 2.3.7
SX4750 RotorBeckman Coulter369702
SxX4750 Adaptor for Concial-Bottom TubesBeckman Coulter359472
Thin-Wall Ultraclear centrifuge tubes (9/16 in x 3 1/2 in)Beckman Coulter344059
Tris BaseThermo-FisherBP152-5
Tubing Screw ClampPALL88216
Tween 20Sigma-AldrichP1379-1L
Utility Pressure GaugesCole-Parmer68355-06


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