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Depolymerizable Olefinic Polymers Based on Fused-Ring Cyclooctene Monomers

Published: December 16th, 2022



1School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering, University of Akron


The growing consumption of synthetic polymers and the accumulation of polymer waste have led to a pressing need for new routes to sustainable materials. Achieving a closed-loop polymer economy via chemical recycling to monomer (CRM) is one such promising route. Our group recently reported a new CRM system based on polymers prepared by ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP) of trans-cyclobutane fused cyclooctene (tCBCO) monomers. This system offers several key advantages, including the ease of polymerization at ambient temperatures, quantitative depolymerization to monomers under mild conditions, and a broad range of functionalities and thermomechanical properties. Here, we outline detailed protocols for the preparation of tCBCO-based monomers and their corresponding polymers, including the preparation of elastic polymer networks and compression molding of linear thermoplastic polymers. We also outline the preparation of high ring strain E-alkene tCBCO monomers and their living polymerization. Finally, the procedures for the depolymerization of linear polymers and polymer networks are also demonstrated.

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Keywords Depolymerizable Olefinic Polymers

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