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Immunology and Infection

A Modified Murine Heterotopic Heart Transplant Protocol Matching Contemporary Standards of Aseptic Technique, Anesthesia, and Analgesia

Published: September 28th, 2022



1Medical School, The University of Western Australia, 2Animal Care Services, The University of Western Australia, 3Western Australian Liver and Kidney Transplant Service, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, 4Department of Immunology, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital and Pathwest Laboratory Medicine, 5School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Western Australia


The development of experimental models of cardiac transplantation in animals has contributed to many advances in the fields of immunology and solid organ transplantation. While the heterotopic vascularized murine cardiac transplantation model was initially utilized in studies of graft rejection using combinations of mismatched inbred mouse strains, access to genetically modified strains and therapeutic modalities can provide powerful new preclinical insights. Fundamentally, the surgical methodology for this technique has not changed since its development, especially with respect to important factors such as aseptic technique, anesthesia, and analgesia, which make material impacts on postsurgical morbidity and mortality. Additionally, improvements in perioperative management are expected to provide improvements in both animal welfare and experimental outcomes. This paper reports upon a protocol developed in collaboration with a subject matter expert in veterinary anesthesia and describes the surgical technique with an emphasis on perioperative management. Additionally, we discuss the implications of these refinements and provide details on troubleshooting critical surgical steps for this procedure.

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Keywords Modified Murine Heterotopic Heart Transplant

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