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This protocol describes how to perform efficient adenine base editing without PAM limitation to construct a precise zebrafish disease model using zSpRY-ABE8e.


CRISPR/Cas9 technology has increased the value of zebrafish for modeling human genetic diseases, studying disease pathogenesis, and drug screening, but protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) limitations are a major obstacle to creating accurate animal models of human genetic disorders caused by single-nucleotide variants (SNVs). Until now, some SpCas9 variants with broad PAM compatibility have shown efficiency in zebrafish. The application of the optimized SpRY-mediated adenine base editor (ABE), zSpRY-ABE8e, and synthetically modified gRNA in zebrafish has enabled efficient adenine-guanine base conversion without PAM restriction. Described here is a protocol for efficient adenine base editing without PAM limitation in zebrafish using zSpRY-ABE8e. By injecting a mixture of zSpRY-ABE8e mRNA and synthetically modified gRNA into zebrafish embryos, a zebrafish disease model was constructed with a precise mutation that simulated a pathogenic site of the TSR2 ribosome maturation factor (tsr2). This method provides a valuable tool for the establishment of accurate disease models for studying disease mechanisms and treatments.


Single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) that cause missense or nonsense mutations are the most common source of mutations in the human genome1. To determine whether a particular SNV is pathogenic, and to shed light on its pathogenesis, precise animal models are required2. Zebrafish are good human disease models, exhibiting a high degree of physiological and genetic homology with humans, a short developmental cycle, and strong reproductive ability, which is advantageous for research into pathogenic characteristics and mechanisms, as well as drug screening3.

The clustered regul....


This study was conducted in strict compliance with the guidelines of the Care and Use Committee of the South China Normal University.

1. Preparing synthetically modified gRNA and zSpRY-ABE8e mRNA

  1. Design the gRNA according to previous publications37,38.
    1. Preferentially select NRN as the PAM sequence, as zSpRY-ABE8e shows a higher preference for NRN PAM than NYN PAM (where R is A or G, and Y is C or T)18. Ensure that the target adenine nucleotide is in the highly active editing window (third to ninth nucleotide along the ....

Representative Results

The mutation of TSR2 has been reported to cause Diamond Blackfan anemia (DBA)42. Here, a DBA zebrafish model was constructed with a tsr2 (M1V) mutation using the i-Silence strategy. The adenine of the start codon of the zebrafish tsr2 was successfully converted to guanine using zSpRY-ABE8e (Figure 3).

The EditR analysis of the Sanger sequencing results showed that there was an A/G overlap at the adenine base of th.......


This protocol describes the construction of a zebrafish disease model using the base editor zSpRY-ABE8e. Compared with the traditional HDR pathway for base substitution, this protocol can achieve more efficient base editing and reduce the occurrence of indels. At the same time, this protocol involves implementing the recently proposed i-Silence gene-knockout strategy in zebrafish. Taken together, zSpRY-ABE8e will enhance the application of zebrafish models in disease research.

Off-target effec.......


The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


We thank Barbara Garbers, PhD, from Liwen Bianji (Edanz) for editing the English text of a draft of this manuscript. This work was supported by the Key-Area Research and Development Program of Guangdong Province (2019B030335001), the National Key R&D Program of China (2019YFE0106700), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (32070819, 31970782), and the Research Fund Program of Guangdong Provincial Key Lab of Pathogenic Biology and Epidemiology for Aquatic Economic Animals (PBEA2020YB05).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AgaroseSigma-AldrichA95391.5% Agarose used to make an injection plate
Borosilicate Glass Capillaries Harvard ApparatusBS4 30-0016
Cell culture dishes Falcon351029
ClonExpress Ultra One Step Cloning KitVazymeC115Kit for Infusion clone 
Codon optimization serviceSangon Biotech
Drummond MicrocapsDrummond MicrocapsP1299-1PAKLength:32 mm, capacity:0.5 μL
EasyEdit gRNA serviceGenScript
Fine ForcepsFine Scientific Instrument11254-20Used to break meedle
Flaming/Brown Micropipette Puller Stutter InstrumentP-97Used to pull the glass capillaries
HotStart Taq PCR StarMixGenstarA033-101Used for PCR reaction
Intelligent artificial climate boxTENLINPRX-1000AUsed to culture zebrafish embryos
MethylcelluloseSigma-AldrichM0512Used to fix zebrafish when photographing
Microloader pipette tips Eppendorf5242956003
Mut Express II Fast Mutagenesis Kit V2VazymeC214-01Kit for site-directed mutagenesis
Pneumatic MicroinjectorZGene BiotechZGPCP-1500 PLUS
RNeasy FFPE kit Qiagen73504Kit for RNA purification
Sanger Sequencing serviceSangon Biotech
Sodium hydroxide, granularSangonA100173-0500NaOH used for genome extraction
Stereo MicroscopeOlympus SZX10Used for photograph of phenotype
SZ Series Zoom Stereo MicroscopeCNOPTECSZ650
T3 mMESSAGEAmbionAM1348Kit for in vitro transcription 
TIANprep Mini Plasmid KitTIANGENDP103-03Kit for plasmid extraction kit
TIANquick Mini Purification KitTIANGENDP203-02Kit for purification for linearized plasmid
TricaineSigma-AldrichE10521Used to anesthetize zebrafish
Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethaneSangonA600194-0500Component of Tris·HCl used for genome extraction
XbaINew England BiolabsR0145SRestriction endonuclease used for plasmid linearization


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PAM less Base EditingZSpRY ABE8eZebrafish ModelingSingle nucleotide VariantsDisease MechanismsDrug ScreeningMicropipette PullerMRNASgRNAPneumatic Microinjector

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