* These authors contributed equally
DNA curtains present a novel method for visualizing hundreds or even thousands of DNA-binding proteins in real-time as they interact with DNA molecules aligned on the surface of a microfluidic sample chamber.
Homologous recombination (HR) is important for the repair of double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) and stalled replication forks in all organisms. Defects in HR are closely associated with a loss of genome integrity and oncogenic transformation in human cells. HR involves coordinated actions of a complex set of proteins, many of which remain poorly understood. The key aspect of the research described here is a technology called "DNA curtains", a technique which allows for the assembly of aligned DNA molecules on the surface of a microfluidic sample chamber. They can then be visualized by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). DNA curtains was pioneered by our laboratory and allows for direct access to spatiotemporal information at millisecond time scales and nanometer scale resolution, which cannot be easily revealed through other methodologies. A major advantage of DNA curtains is that it simplifies the collection of statistically relevant data from single molecule experiments. This research continues to yield new insights into how cells regulate and preserve genome integrity.
The maintenance of genome integrity is crucial for proper functioning of all living cells1. Defects in genome integrity can lead to severe health conditions, including various types of cancer and age-related degenerative diseases2. Homologous recombination (HR) uses template-dependent DNA synthesis to repair DNA double-stranded breaks (DSB), single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) gaps, and interstrand DNA crosslinks3. HR is also necessary for the recovery of stalled and collapsed replication forks3,4. Moreover, HR is essential for the accurate chromosome segregation during meiosis5,6.
HR involves the coordinated actions of a complex set of proteins, many of which remain poorly understood1. Examples include replication protein A (RPA), Rad51, and Rad54, among many others7. HR reactions in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells involve an ssDNA intermediate, which is rapidly coated by ssDNA-binding proteins (SSB in prokaryotes and RPA in eukaryotes)8. These proteins protect the ssDNA from nucleases, eliminate secondary structure, and promote the recruitment of downstream factors8,9. Rad51 is a member of the highly conserved ATP-dependent Rad51/RecA family of DNA recombinases, which are present in all living organisms1. Rad51 promotes DNA strand invasion of the homologous dsDNA donor. Given its importance, Rad51 is highly regulated, and defects in these regulatory processes are commonly associated with a loss of genome integrity and oncogenic transformation7. Rad54 is a member of the Swi2/Snf2 family of dsDNA translocases and chromatin remodelers10,11. These proteins serve as essential Rad51 regulatory factors. Importantly, Rad54 removes Rad51 from the dsDNA product of strand invasion and is also necessary to prevent misaccumulation of Rad51 on chromatin11. Molecular activities for proteins involved in HR both in yeast and bacterial cells have shed light on their function in HR, but exactly how their activity contributes to HR remains poorly understood 12.
DNA curtains have emerged as a unique platform providing direct access to molecular mechanisms and macromolecular dynamics that would otherwise remain inaccessible13,14. To prepare DNA curtains, the surface of a microfluidic chamber is coated with a lipid bilayer, and DNA molecules are tethered to the bilayer through a biotin-streptavidin linkage. The bilayer renders the surface inert by mimicking natural cell membranes. Hydrodynamic force aligns the DNA along nanofabricated barriers, allowing visualization of hundreds of molecules in a single field-of-view by total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRFM). The barriers are made by electron-beam lithography, and variations in barrier design allow for precise control over the distribution and tethering geometry of the DNA. These approaches are readily applicable with either ssDNA or dsDNA13,14,15,16,17,18. Pedestals may be also nanofabricated (together with the barriers) to allow both ends of the DNA to be tethered to the sample chamber surface such that steady state experiments may be carried out in the absence of buffer flow.
Time-dependent changes in individual protein-nucleic acid complexes are revealed by the inspection of real-time videos and are represented in print using kymographs, which present the changing position of proteins on DNA over time. An important aspect of the DNA curtains approach is that it does not necessarily require a priori models or assumptions about molecular mechanisms, because the behavior of individual reaction components can be observed in real-time. This allows the direct observation of molecular behaviors. Herein, this protocol describes how to prepare DNA curtains with dsDNA substrates as well as its application to study intermediates in homologous recombination.
1. Preparation of lipid stock
2. Preparation of dsDNA substrate
3. Nanofabrication of chromium patterns
4. Assembly of flow cell
5. Assembly of dsDNA curtain
6. Recycling of flow cells
Described above are the preparation, assembly, and imaging of single- and double-tethered dsDNA curtains in the context of studying protein-DNA interactions in DNA repair intermediates. Figure 1A shows all components in a flow cell, layered in the order that they are assembled. Figure 1B depicts the schematic of a single- or double-tethered DNA curtain. A lipid bilayer is used to passivate the surface of the flow cell. The DNA curtain consists of a parallel array of DNA molecules tethered at one end to the lipid and aligned at the chromium barrier, oriented perpendicular to the direction of flow. For double-tethered DNA curtains, the other end of DNA is tethered to the pedestal through Digoxigenin and anti-Digoxigenin interactions, such that imaging can be carried out in the absence of flow while DNA remains extended. dsDNA can be stained with fluorescent dye YoYo1 and visualized by TIRF microscopy. Figure 2A shows a representative wide-field image of YoYo1-stained double-tethered DNA curtain.
Time-lapse image series collected from DNA curtain experiments are typically analyzed by first generating a kymograph, which plots the position along the DNA molecule on the vertical axis vs. time on the horizontal axis for each DNA molecule of interest in ImageJ. Figure 2B are representative kymographs showing the resection of YoYo1-stained single-tethered λ-DNA (green) by the yeast resection machineries GFP-Sgs1 (not visible), Top3-Rmi1, and Dna2 in the presence of single-stranded DNA binding protein RPA-mCherry (magenta) and ATP. YoYo1 signal is lost over time as dsDNA is resected from the free end by Sgs1-Dna2. Simultaneously, mCherry signal colocalizes with DNA ends at which ssDNA is being generated as a result of the resection. Biophysically relevant characteristics of the resection, such as velocity and processivity, can be extracted from by quantifying the slopes of the YoYo1 signal loss trajectories. Figure 2C,D shows the distribution of velocities and processivity, respectively, of resection by Sgs1-Dna2.
Figure 1: Schematics of flow cell assembly and DNA curtains. (A) Stepwise illustration for flow cell assembly. Double-sided tape is placed on top of the quartz slide, and a paper template is used to cut out a rectangular channel from the center, which is sealed with a cover slip on top to form a chamber. (B) Schematics of fully assembled DNA curtains. Middle panel presents a single-tethered flow cell, while the bottom panel presents a double-tethered flow cell. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Figure 2: Single molecule DNA curtain visualization and analysis. (A) Representative wide-field image of a double-tethered λ-DNA curtain stained with YoYo1 (green). (B) Representative kymographs showing the resection of YoYo1-stained dsDNA (green) in the presence of pre-bound GFP-Sgs1 (not visible) when chased with Dna2, in the presence of RPA-mCherry (magenta) and 2 mM ATP. Velocity distribution (C) and processivity plot (D) of dsDNA resection by Sgs1-Dna2, obtained by quantifying the rate and extent of the YoYo1 signal loss over time. Panels (B), (C), and (D) are adapted from Xue et al.19. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
DNA curtains has proven to be a versatile platform for studying various DNA repair processes13,14,15,16. DNA molecules that remain extended near the surface throughout the experiment, through either continuous buffer flow or double-tethering to the pedestal, allow for TIRFM imaging of protein-DNA interactions on repair intermediates at the single molecule level. The method provides improvement in experimental throughput and predictability, since hundreds of DNA molecules are orderly aligned at nanofabricated barriers rather than non-specifically attached to the surface, which further benefits processing of large data sets.
Careful analysis of the resulting time-lapse image series provides quantitative measurements of protein-DNA interactions (i.e., binding lifetimes, positions, stoichiometry, dissociation kinetics, translocation rates, processivities of motor proteins, and colocalizations and interactions between proteins and/or DNA). Compared to other single molecule imaging techniques that either tether DNA molecules directly to the surface or combine confocal imaging with force manipulation in commercial instruments, the major trade-off of DNA curtains for higher throughput is establishing the techniques necessary for initial set-up13,14,15,16. Once established, however, the ability to collect data on hundreds of molecules simultaneously in one flow cell leads to significant savings in time spent on data collection.
As with many other single molecule imaging methods, the ability to prepare a clean surface largely dictates the user's ability to reliably assemble DNA curtains. In this case, clean surfaces require not only starting with a clean slide but also making sure not to introduce microscopic air bubbles into the chamber while making any of the fluidic connections. First, regarding cleanliness of the slides, the steps detailed above in section 6 should suffice as a routine cleaning process. Use of filtered solutions and buffers is also recommended. Second, making drop-to-drop connections during attachment of the flow cell to the buffer injection system is essential to avoid introducing bubbles. It may be helpful to degas the double-distilledwater used for making buffers. It is also recommended to carefully observe any injection process to ensure that no bubbles are present. Should a microscopic bubble be introduced before it reaches the center patterned area, it may be remedied by injecting buffer from the microfluidic port on the opposite side to push the bubble back out.
Another important point of consideration in any fluorescence-based experiments is signal-to-noise. A key to observing single fluorescent proteins (i.e., GFP) also resides in clean surfaces. After extended usage, protein aggregates typically accumulate at the chrome barriers and pedestals. Therefore, if a strong fluorescence signal is observed at the barriers prior to the addition of fluorescent proteins, it is advised to treat slides with a 10 min submersion in Piranha solution. The time period is kept short to avoid eroding the chrome features. The Piranha wash should be followed by the regular cleaning procedure.
Nanofabrication using electron beam lithography can be challenging, due to its requirements of equipment and facilities as well as existing expertise in material science. As an alternative, UV lithography-based method for fabrication of chromium features for DNA curtains has been developed20. Also provided with this protocol is a basic pattern for double-tethering lambda DNA at 12 μm (see supplemental information). Several aspects of the design of this pattern may be adjusted to suit various experimental needs. These include the distance between barriers and pedestals, spacing between adjacent wells in the barrier to control DNA density, and the shape and size of pedestals to optimize double-tethering efficiency and minimize uncertainty in double-tethering lengths. Other practical challenges may include choice of fluorescent labeling strategies for proteins, minimizing bias in manual data analysis, and development of scripts for more streamlined data processing.
While the protocol described here involves dsDNA substrates, DNA curtains based on ssDNA have also been used extensively13,14,15,16. Preparation of ssDNA substrates utilizes rolling circle replication of the M13 ssDNA plasmid with biotinylated primers13. Assembly of the ssDNA curtain also requires the use of urea and ssDNA-binding protein RPA to eliminate secondary structure and extend the ssDNA substrate13. It may also be possible to extend DNA curtains to using RNA or DNA/RNA hybrids for studies of RNA-interacting proteins. As it currently stands, the DNA curtain platform can benefit from automation in the assembly process as detailed in section 5, most of which is repetitive injections of a standard set of buffers. This may lead to improved efficiency in carrying out multiple experiments simultaneously. In addition, a unified and potentially machine learning-based suite of analysis scripts would further quicken data processing with minimal biasing.
The authors have nothing to disclose.
The authors thank the past and current members of the Greene lab for developing, optimizing, and discussing the DNA curtains protocol, as well as commenting on this manuscript. This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (MCB1154511 to E.C.G.) and the National Institutes of Health (R01CA217973 to E.C.G.).
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
nano pattern generation system software | JC Nabity Lithography Systems | N/A | NPGS |
PFA Tubing, Natural 1/16" OD x .020" ID | IDEX | 1512L | |
Poly(Methyl Methacrylate), Atactic (24.3K MW) | Polymer Source Inc. | P9790-MMA | |
Quartz Microscope Slide | G. Finkenbeiner Inc. | N/A | 1" x 3" x 1 mm thick |
Scanning Electron Microscope | FEI | N/A | Nova Nano SEM 450 |
Scotch Double Sided Tape, 3/4 x 300 inches | 3M | N/A | |
Sonicator | Misonix | S-4000 | For preparation of lipids |
Sonicator | Branson | 1800 | For sonicating slides |
Streptavidin from Streptomyces avidinii | Sigma-Aldrich | S4762 | Dissolved in 1X PBS to a final concentration of 1 mg/mL |
Sulfuric Acid | Avantor - J.T.Baker | 9681-01 | |
Syringe Pump | KD Scientific | 78-0200 | |
Syringe, 500 µL, Model 750 RN SYR, Large Removable NDL, 22 ga, 2 in, point style 2 | Hamilton | 80830 | Reserve for use only with lipids |
T4 DNA Ligase (400,000 units/ml) | NEB | M0202S |
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