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This study presents a protocol for establishing a highly reproducible animal model of hemorrhagic transformation (HT) using middle cerebral artery occlusion/reperfusion (MCAO/R) in C57BL/6 mice with acute hyperglycemia.


Hemorrhagic transformation (HT) is a serious complication that can occur as a result of thrombolytic therapy following ischemic stroke (IS), and it poses significant limitations on the clinical application of recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA). Unfortunately, there are currently no effective interventions available for HT in clinical practice. Therefore, there is an urgent need for stable and reliable experimental animal models to elucidate the pathogenesis of HT and develop effective intervention strategies. This study presented a protocol for establishing a mouse model of HT induced by acute hyperglycemia combined with transient focal ischemia (tMCAO). Male C57BL/6J mice were injected with 30% glucose to induce hyperglycemia and then subjected to 60 min of tMCAO with reperfusion. The infarct volume, integrity of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), and degree of intracranial hemorrhage were assessed at 24 h after MCAO. The results showed that glucose injection led to transient hyperglycemia (14.3-20.3 mmol/L), which significantly increased both the infarct volume and the incidence of HT. Hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining indicated significant hemorrhagic lesions within the infarction zone in hyperglycemic mice. Additionally, hyperglycemic mice exhibited aggravated BBB disruption, as shown by more severe leakage of Evans blue (EB) and FITC-Dextran. In conclusion, acute hyperglycemia reliably and consistently resulted in macroscopic HT in a mouse model of tMCAO. This reproducible model offers a valuable tool for investigating the pathological mechanisms of HT and developing corresponding therapeutic interventions.


Cerebral infarction is the primary cause of disability and the second leading cause of death in adults worldwide1. The acute phase plays a crucial role in the progression of cerebral infarction, serving as a pivotal time point for disease treatment. Early and timely restoration of blood flow in the penumbra area is essential to prevent further brain cell death, with thrombolysis and interventional therapy representing the mainstays for acute cerebral infarction (ACI) treatment. However, hemorrhagic transformation (HT) poses a significant complication following thrombolysis and interventional therapy, occurring in 15%-30% of patients with ischem....


The experimental protocol was approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of Jianghan University (JHDXLL2024-080) and conducted in accordance with the Experimental Animal Ethical Guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control of China. Adult male C57BL/6J mice weighing 21–26 g were used in this study. The details of the reagents and equipment used are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. Animal grouping and acute hyperglycemia inducing

  1. House the mice in the laboratory animal center of Jianghan University in a 12-h light/dark cycle controlled environment (20–22 &#....

Representative Results

The experimental procedure of this study is illustrated in Figure 1. Briefly, the mice underwent thread occlusion-induced MCAO for 60 min, followed by reperfusion. Glucose (30% in normal saline, 7.2 mL/kg body weight) was intraperitoneally administered 15 min before MCAO. Blood glucose levels were measured at baseline (before glucose injection), immediately after MCAO, and at the time of reperfusion. After 24 h of reperfusion, the mice were euthanized, and brain tissues were.......


The current protocol is designed to create a reliable animal model of hemorrhagic transformation following ischemic stroke, which can replicate the harmful effects of vessel revascularization under hyperglycemic conditions. Among the various risk factors for ischemic stroke, the blood glucose level within 24 h after the onset of stroke is positively correlated with the exacerbation of cerebral injury and increased mortality3,18. Numerous clinical investigations h.......


The authors have no conflicting interests to disclose.


Figure 1 was created with BioRender software (https://www.biorender.com/). This study was supported by grants from the guiding project of the Natural Science Foundation of Hubei Province (No. 2022CFC057).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium Chloride (TTC)Sigma-Aldrich108380The dye for TTC staining
24-well culture plateCorning IncorporatedCLS3527The vessel for TTC staining
30% glucose injectionKelun PharmaceuticalH42021188Acute hyperglycemia induction
4% paraformaldehydeWuhan Servicebio Technology
Co., Ltd.
G1101Tissue fixation
5.0 Polyglycolic acid absorbable sutureJinhuan Medical Co., LtdKCR531Equipment for surgery
96-well culture plateCorning IncorporatedCLS3596EB content measuring
Anesthesia machineMidmark CorporationVMRAnesthesia for animal
Antifade Mounting Medium with DAPIBeyotime BiotechP0131Mount for tissue sections
Leica BiosystemsTP1020Dehydrate tissue
Confocal microscopyLeica BiosystemsSTELLARIS 5Image acquisition
Diclofenac sodium gelMaYinglong PharmaceuticalH10950214Analgesia for animal
Eosin staining solutionServicebio TechnologyG1001The dye for H&E staining
Evans BlueAladdinE104208EB staining
Eye gelGuangzhou PharmaceuticalH44023098Material for surgery
Fitc-dextranSigma-Aldrich60842-46-8BBB permeability assessing
Fluorescence microscopeOlympusBX51Image acquisition
Frozen microtomeLeica BiosystemsCM1900Use for frozen sections
GlucometerYuWell580Blood glucose measurement
Hematoxylin staining SolutionServicebioG1004The dye for H&E staining
IodineLircon20020059Material for surgery
IsofluraneRwd Life ScienceR510-22-10Anesthesia for animal
Laser doppler blood flow meterMoor InstrumentsmoorVMSBlood flow monitoring
MCAO SuturesRwd Life Science907-00023-01Material for surgery
MeloxicamBoehringer-IngelheimJ20160020Analgesia for animal
Microsurgical instrument kitRwd Life ScienceSP0003-MEquipment for surgery
MicrotomeThermo Fisher ScientificHM325Tissue section production
Microtome bladeLeica Biosystems819Tissue section production
Mupirocin ointmentGlaxoSmithKlineH10930064Anti-infection for animal
Neutral balsamAbsin Bioscienceabs9177Seal for H&E staining
Paraffin embedding centerThermo Fisher ScientificEC 350Produce paraffin blocks
Pentobarbital sodiumSigma-AldrichP3761Euthanasia for animal
Phosphate buffered salineBeyotime BiotechC0221ARinse for tissue section
ScannerEPSONV330Tissue scanning
ShaverShenzhen Codos Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd.CP-9200Equipment for surgery
SpectrophotometerThermo Fisher Scientific1510-02362EB content measuring
Sucrose solutionShanghai Macklin Biochemical57-50-1Dehydration for tissue
Tissue-Tek O.C.T. CompoundSakura4583Tissue embedding medium
Trichloroacetic acidSigma-AldrichT6399EB content measuring


  1. Patel, P., Yavagal, D., Khandelwal, P. Hyperacute management of ischemic strokes: JACC focus seminar. J Am Coll Cardiol. 75 (15), 1844-1856 (2020).
  2. Goncalves, A., et al.

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MedicineHemorrhagic transformationAcute hyperglycemiaTransient focal ischemia

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