To begin, use the PROSPERO database to register the systematic review procedure. From EndNote's official website, purchase and download the EXE file as an installation program. Double click the EXE file to start the installer.
After purchasing Stata software from the official website, double-click the Stata application program to start the installer. From the Copenhagen Trial Unit website, register and download the TSA software zip file. Then double-click the TSA executable jar file for installation.
In the EndNote, click My Group, followed by Create Group, and type ANP. To import the retrieved literature, click the File menu, then sequentially select Import Options, Import Options, EndNote Import, and Import. Select the included literature.
Right-click on Add References To and select ANP. Then click Reference, Find Duplicates, and Keep This Record to remove the duplicates. Fill the Excel spreadsheet with details like first author, publication year, baseline data of a patient with viral encephalitis, and outcome measures.
Extract data from dichotomous variables using sample size and composition ratio. Use mean and standard deviation to extract data from the continuous variables. Create a PRISMA flow chart visualizing the number of studies processed at each step and the reasons for removing them.
Use the Cochrane risk of bias tool to evaluate the study's methodology. For analysis, include the terms of bias assessment, random sequence generation, allocation concealment, blinding of participants and personnel, blinding of outcome assessment, incomplete outcome data, selective reporting, and other biases.