A method is proposed using histone extraction protocol with 95%efficiency. Together with LC-TIMS-ToF MS/MS, in a short time, it is possible to obtain a screening for those PTMs present in the histone. And above all, the possibility of separating isomers.
The separation of isomeric peptides though possible using tandem mass spectrometry alone is often difficult. By incorporating TIMS, we introduce an extra dimension of separation, simplifying many positional isomer identifications. In addition, passive technology increases the sensitivity of these experiments, further improving our ability to analyze epigenetic variations.
With the increased ability to identify PTM positions, there comes the ability to further determine the correlation between various environmental or biological factors, and their effects on the epigenome. Methods that improve and facilitate analysis of histones can be applied to several research areas, including medical and environmental chemistry. The dynamics of protein confirmation in native or damaged states will be established from the implementation of TIMS MS/MS with HDX.
Through LC-TIMS-ToF MS/MS and Nano LC-TIMS-ToF MS/MS, the differences in PTM existing in various biological sample will be charted.