During the development of the cerebral cortex, neurons and gray cells are derived from the ventricular zone and migrate to other part of the brain surface. Many genes are involved in this process, including those responsible for neurodevelopmental and psychiatric disorders. We are addressing their functions on the three behaviors in this process.
Recently, we have reported that astrocyte progenitors assume two distinct migration modes:Erratic and blood-vessel guided migration. These observations were made using a combination of serotype-specific labeling and time observation methods introduced in this video. To level cells, we utilize in utero electroporation system, which we developed to visualize individual cells with a high signal to noise ratio.
This in vivo gene transfer system also enable us to easily perform gain of function or loss of function experiments on the given genes by electroporation of their expression or neutron vectors. Using this experimental system, we aim to observe the cell behaviors of neurons, glial, and blood vessels, and elucidates the crosstalk between them. The findings from these studies will contribute to understanding the pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders.