This study introduces a modified method for scalable production of homogeneous vascular organoids from human IPSCs. By using novel ROCK inhibitors and the microwell confinement, the approach enhances reproducibility and minimize batch-to-batch variations, making it suitable for downstream morphological analysis and disease modeling applications. Single-cell sequencing technologies have been extensively utilized in organoid research to unravel the genomic, epigenomic, and the transcriptomic heterogeneity and dynamics within cellular populations.
3D imaging technologies such as tissue clearing and the light-sheet microscopy facilitate rapid, high-resolution imaging of cellular morphology and the tissue architecture in a three-dimensional context. The throughput and the standardization are key challenges in organoid research. Manual handling is labor-intensive and limits the throughput, making robotic automation a promising solution.
Standardization of organoid culture, including IPSC quality control and the differentiation protocol optimization can significantly enhance reproducibility and minimize variations between batches and cell lines.