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We present a protocol for direct vagus nerve injection in rats, enabling drug delivery directly into the nerve without post-injection complications. This method applies to preclinical neurological studies involving autonomic nervous system manipulation. It can be used for direct nerve injection for other nerves in rats and other species, with necessary modifications.


There is a relative abundance of strategies and methodologies to facilitate drug delivery to the central nervous system. However, drug delivery directly to the peripheral nervous system is less common, with fewer detailed methods publications available to aid researchers. Here, we describe a direct nerve injection method for peripheral nervous system drug delivery, using the vagus nerve as a model nerve. This method can be used in the treatment of autonomic nervous system disorders through targeting of the left vagus nerve, although this general injection method can be extrapolated to injection of other nerves with minor modification. This method explains all critical steps involved in the procedure involving microsurgery in anesthetized adult rats under a dissecting microscope. The use of a tracking dye is described to facilitate the monitoring of injection fidelity in real time. Illustrations of successful and failed injections are provided. If carried out properly, direct vagus nerve injections can be conducted in a safe manner that is well-tolerated by the rat without post-delivery complications. For example, once the surgeons were trained in this method, six out of six rats were successfully injected without any complications. This method of direct nerve injection for preclinical rat studies is capable of delivering agents (including but not limited to gene therapy) to peripheral nerves.


The application of the correct method of drug administration is one of the critical factors in achieving successful therapeutic results. Despite the abundance of methods for therapeutic agent delivery to the central nervous system (CNS), only a few methods are reported for peripheral nervous system (PNS) delivery by direct nerve injection. Direct nerve injection, such as injection into the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) in rats, has been tried in preclinical studies for better understanding of pain mechanisms, drug toxicity, gene transfer1,2,3, and general method development


The following protocol is conducted in accordance with institutional ethics guidelines and approval from the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC).

1. Housing preparation

NOTE: This protocol is for adult rats aged at least 2 months. Smaller animals (including mice and younger rats) are possible but are not recommended and will be considerably more difficult.

  1. Provide moist chow or any other soft food (veterinary recovery gel) for 48 h prior to vagus nerve surgery. As animals may face difficulty eating after the procedure, introduce these items to the animals before surger....


Six adult rats (3 males and 3 females) were used in the present study. Out of six, one rat was injected multiple times to demonstrate a condition of failure injection that shows a diffusion of dye around the injection site Figure 5A. All the other rats showed smooth injection and nerve staining, as shown in Figure 4B and FigureΒ 5B.


The method for direct injection into the left vagus nerve can be done safely and without post-surgery complications in rats. Drug delivery to the vagus nerve can be used to target the autonomic nervous system (ANS). This involves certain critical steps that require practice and a moderate to high degree of surgical skill.

This surgical procedure requires balanced general anesthesia in rats. The surgeon aims to finish the surgery within a shorter duration to limit the exposure of anesthetics f.......


Authors NR and XC have no conflicts of interest. RMB and SJG are inventors of intellectual property related to gene transfer to the ANS via vagus nerve injections (United States patent #11,753,655). SJG and RMB have received royalty income from Taysha Gene Therapies, and SJG has received consulting income from Taysha Gene Therapies.


We would like to thank the UT Southwestern Animal Resource Center Facility for arranging rat surgical space. Funding for this work was provided by the following sources to SJG: NIH/NINDS R01 NS087175, Hannah's Hope Fund, and Taysha Gene Therapies.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 mL BDΒ Tuberculin Syringe with Detachable 25 G x 5/8". NeedleBecton, Dickinson and CompanySKU:309626Used to connect with curved needle to pull the vagus nerve and hold it at the time of injection.
0.5% Bupivacaine Hydrochloride InjectionHospiraNDC 0409-1162-19Local anesthetics used to anesthetize local tissue.
100 mL 0.9% Sodium Chloride Irrigation USPStericare SolutionsItem #6240Normal saline, used to rehydrate rat and tissue.
20 Blunt, Retractor Tips, 7.5 mmKent Scientific CorporationSurgi 5018Used to pull apart and hold tissues at the time of surgery.
3 mL BD-Luer-Lok Syringe, Sterile, Single UseΒ Becton, Dickinson and CompanySKU # 309657Used to inject saline in rat and fill the saline into the Polythene tubing.
AK-Fluor10%AkornNDC 17478-253-10Fluorescein dye visible within the nerve. Used to track injection fidelity.
Animal Weighing ScaleKent Scientific CorporationSCL 4000Used to measure body weight of rat.
Ansell ENCORE Perry Style 42 PF Surgical GlovesAnsellASTM D3577Sterilie glove, it is used at the time of surgery by a surgeon.
Artificial Tears Ointment 3.5gPivetalNDC 46066-753-55Used in eyses to prevent excessive dryness of eyes.
Baby-Myxter HemostatΒ Fine Science Tools13013-14Used to stop bleeding in case of emergency. Also used to bend the 25 G x 5/8" in needle.
BD Intramedic PE TubingBecton, Dickinson and Company14-170-12AUsed in the injection set up system to connect with Hamilton needle and NanoFil Needles. It also holds the injection mixture.
BD Precison Glide Needle, 25 G x 5/8"Becton, Dickinson and CompanyREF#305122Used to inject saline in rat, and to make a curved needle.
BD Precison Glide Needle, 27 G x Β½"Becton, Dickinson and CompanyREF#301629Used to fill sterile saline into the BD Intradermic tubing.
Benchmark Accuris ”NextPette” Variable Volume Pipette Micro Starter Setincludes 4 pipettes: 10/20/200/1000 ΞΌL, plus standMilliporeSigmaBMSP7700S1Used to pippette sterile solution.
Betadine, Povidine Iodine 10%Β Honestmed67618015017Used to disinfect the surgical area.
Carprofen Injectable solution 50 mg/mLSupplied by Covtrus (6451506845)SKU 591149In our case, we used diluted carprofen at the dose rate of 5 mg/kg provided by the Animal Resource Center of University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center.
Curved needle (custom made)Becton, Dickinson and CompanyREF#305122BD PrecisionGlide 25 G x 5/8" in needle is curved to 90 degrees with the help of a hemostat. The tip of the needle is made blunt. It needs to be sterilized before use. It is used to hook the vagus nerve and hold it at the time of separation and injection.
Dissecting microscopeMoticΒ SMZ-171-BLED (Binocular with Lights)Used to magnify the crifical anatomical area at the time of vagus nerve separation, injeciton, and to check injection leakage.
Drape sheetΒ DynarexReorder#8122Used as drape after sterilization.
Dukal Cotton Tip Applicators, Non-SterileDukalItem 9003Used to blunt separation of tissue, needs to sterilize before use.
Dumont #7 - Fine ForcepsFine Science Tools11274-20Used to separate the left vagus nerve from common carotid artery. It is curved so easy to use.
Ethicon PDS II Undyed Monofilament Suture - SUTURE, 4/0 18 PDS II CLR MONO PSEthiconVA - Z682GUsed in suturing the wound.
Ethilon Nylon Suture Black MonofilamentEthicon1856GUsed in suturing the wound if non-absorbale suture is used. Also used to hook the rat tooth to fix nose inside the nose cone.
Fine Forceps - Mirror FinishFine Science Tools11412-11Used at the time of vagus nerve separation from the common carotid artery. This is straight.
Fine Scissors - SharpFine Science Tools14060-09Ued to cut tissue.
Hamilton cleaning solutionHamiltonHT18311Used to clean the Hamilton after use.
Hamilton Needle, 27G, Small Hub RN Needle, 2”, PT3, 6/PKHamilton7762-01Used to connect BD Intramedicβ„’ PE Tubing.
Hamilton Syringe , 710RNΒ Hamilton7638-01Used to hold drug at the time of vagus nerve injection.
Insulin SyringeEXEL INT, Comfort pointREF 26027Used to inject carprofen and local anesthetics.
Lidocaine 2% InjectionCovetrusReorder#002468Used to mix with Bupivacaine and inject at the site of incision.Β 
Luxol Fast Blue MBSNAcros Organics212170250Dye visible within the nerve, used to mix with drug so that injection mixture is visible.
Micro Bead Sterilizer with Glass BeadsFine Science ToolsItem No. 18090-46Used to sterilize surgical tools in between the rat surgery.
NanoFil Needles-NF35BV-2Β World Precision InstrumentNC9708956Used to inject drug - dye mixture inside the vagus nerve.
Olsen-Hegar Needle Holders with Suture CuttersFine Science Tools12002-12Used in wound suturing.
Parafilm M Laboratory Wrapping Film, 4 Inches x 125 Feet, 1 Roll per Box, 12 CountHonestmedPM#996Used to hold the aliquoted 5 uL of drug-dye mixture so that loading of drug-dye mixture into the BDTM intradermic tubing is accurate.Β Β 
PDI Alcohol Prep PadsHonestmedNDC 10819-3914-2Used to disinfect the surgical area.
Premium Care Sterile Type VII Gauze Sponges, 8-Ply, 2" x 2"DukalItem C5119Used as cushon under the neck of rat at the time of surgery.Β 
Press’n Seal Cling FilmGladUsed to cover a rat at the time of surgery like a drape.Β 
Rat Retractor SetKent Scientific CorporationSurgi 5002Used to keep the incision open so that it is easy to separate the vagus nerve from the carotid artery.
RightTemp Jr.Kent Scientific Corporation20.3 cm W x 25.4 cm L (8 in W x 10 in L), used to keep rat warm.
S&T Forceps - SuperGrip TipsFine Science Tools00632-11Used at the time of suturing to hold tissue without damage.
S&T Suture Tying ForcepsFine Science Tools00272-13Used to tight the suture.
Scalpel blade #15Fine Science Tools10015-00Used to make an incision in the skin at the ventral side of neck.
Scalpel Handle-#7Fine Science Tools10007-12Used to hold the scalpel blade.
Syringe PumpΒ KD Scientific78-81-8052GLΒ Serial #D107034, Model#LEGATO-180, is a programmable pump that can pump small volume of mixture under a program.
TipOne Filter Tip Refill Starter SystemsUSA ScientificItem #1120-3510Used to pipette the drug and dye mixture.
Vaporizer for Isoflurane, Funnel FilledKent Scientific CorporationVetflow 1231Used to anesthetize rats.
Vetbond Tissue Adhesives3M Science Applied to LifeID B00016067Used to seal tissue at the site of cut wound if suturing is not perfect.
Wahl BravMini+ Professional Cordless Clipper KitKent Scientific CorporationCL7300-KitUsed to cut hair of rat.


  1. Fischer, G., et al. Direct injection into the dorsal root ganglion: Technical, behavioral, and histological observations. J Neurosci Methods. 199 (1), 43-55 (2011).
  2. O'donnell, M., Fontaine, A., Caldwell, J., Weir, R.

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Direct Vagus Nerve InjectionDrug DeliveryPeripheral Nervous SystemAutonomic Nervous System DisordersLeft Vagus NerveMicrosurgeryAnesthetized RatsTracking DyeInjection FidelityPreclinical StudiesGene TherapyInjection Method

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