To begin, prepare all the necessary surgical tools and equipment for the procedure. Choose a platinum or polytetrafluoroethylene stapedotomy prosthesis according to the intended size of the reconstruction. Cut the platinum wire at the base of the hook.
Next, obtain a cartilage block from the tragal or conchal cartilage and create appropriate SSY TORP. Create a square block of tragal cartilage with perichondrium left on both sides. Using an insulin needle, create a small hole in the perichondrium in the middle of the block.
Insert the blunt tip of the shaft into the perichondrium hole and gently push it to penetrate the cartilage. Then position the SSY TORP inside the tympanic cavity and locate it precisely onto the stapes footplate with a microhook. Establish a contact to the manubrium of the hammer, if applicable.
Carefully close the tympanomeatal flap with a microhook. The overall graft intake rate showed a success rate of 98.3%Preoperatively, the average air-bone gap was 44.44 decibels, whereas after the surgery, the average air-bone gap significantly reduced to 27.85 decibels.