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本研究では、密度勾配遠心分離(DGC) により ヒトの糞便から濃縮した細菌の細胞外小胞(BEV)を単離・精製する方法を説明し、形態、粒子径、濃度からBEVの物理的特性を特定し、臨床研究および科学研究におけるDGCアプローチの潜在的な応用について議論します。



この研究では、トップダウンとボトムアップの2つの密度勾配遠心分離(DGC)モードを確立することにより、BEVの分離および精製プロセスを最適化しました。BEVの濃縮分布は、フラクション6〜8(F6-F8)で決定されました。このアプローチの有効性は、粒子の形態、サイズ、濃度、およびタンパク質含有量に基づいて評価されました。粒子およびタンパク質の回収率を計算し、特定のマーカーの存在を分析して、2 つの DGC モードの回収率と純度を比較しました。その結果、トップダウン遠心分離モードの方が汚染レベルが低く、ボトムアップモードと同等の回収率と純度を達成していることが示されました。7時間の遠心分離時間は、糞便BEV濃度108/mgを達成するのに十分でした。







1. 糞便検体の採取と分注

  1. 便サンプラー、密封された袋、アイスボックスを配布し、サンプルの調達方法と保存方法について参加者に包括的な指示を提供します。
  2. 各参加者に、提供されたサンプラーを使用して糞便サンプルを収集し、24 時間以内に 4 °C の温度でラボに輸送するように指示します。
  3. ラボで受け取ったら、滅菌スプーンを使用して、事前に計量した50 mL遠心チューブに3.5 g未満の糞便を分注します。その後の前処理手順のために、チューブに糞便サンプルの重量を記録します。

2. 糞便サンプル調製



細菌の細胞外小胞(BEV)濃縮画分の分布を決定するために、外径 340 nm での吸光度値を測定するためのブランクコントロールを確立し、測定値とヨウジキサノールガイドラインに基づいて各画分の密度を計算しました(ステップ 8.1)。 表2 は密度の結果を示しており、フラクションF4〜F9が細胞外小胞に典型的に関連する範囲内の密度を示したこ.......






この研究は 、中国国家自然科学基金(82230080)の主要プロジェクトであるNational Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(82025024)の支援を受けました。中国の国家重点研究開発プログラム(2021YFA1300604);中国国家自然科学基金会(81871735、82272438、82002245)広東省著名な若手学者のための広東省自然科学基金(2023B1515020058); 広東省自然科学財団(2021A1515011639); 中国山東省自然科学基金会の主要国家基礎研究開発プログラム(ZR2020ZD11) ポスドク科学財団(2022M720059);南方医科大学南方病院の優れた青少年育成スキーム(2022J001)。



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 % (w/v) glutaraldehyde (prepared from 2.5 % stock solution in deionized water)ACMECAP1126Morphological observation for BEVs using TEM at Step 8.3.3
1 % (w/v) methylcellulose (prepared from original powder in deionized water)Sigma-AldrichM7027Morphological observation for BEVs using TEM at Step 8.3.6
1.5 % (w/v) uranyl acetate (prepared from original powder in deionized water)Polysciences21447-25Morphological observation for BEVs using TEM at Step 8.3.5
1000 μL, 200 μL, 10 μL PipetteKIRGENKG1313, KG1212, KG1011Transfer the solution
5 % (w/v) bovine serum albumin solution (prepared from the original powder in TBST buffer)Fdbio scienceFD0030Used in western blotting for blocking at Step 8.5.6
5 × loading bufferFdbio scienceFD006Used in western blotting and Coomassie brilliant blue stain at Step 8.5.1
75 % (v/v) alcoholLIRCONLIRCON-500 mLSurface disinfection
96-well plateRarA8096Measure the absorbance values 
Anti-Calnexin antibodyAbcamab92573Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
Anti-CD63 antibodyAbcamab134045Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
Anti-CD9 antibodyAbcamab236630Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
Anti-Flagellin antibodySino Biological40067-MM06Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
Anti-Integrin beta 1 antibodyAbcamab30394Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
Anti-LPS antibodyThermo FisherMA1-83152Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
Anti-LTA antibodyThermo Fisher MA1-7402Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
Anti-OmpA antibodyCUSABIOCSB-PA359226ZA01EOD, https://www.cusabio.com/Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
Anti-Syntenin antibodyAbcamab133267Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
Anti-TSG101 antibodyAbcamab125011Western blotting (Primary Antibody)
AutoclaveZEALWAYGR110DPSterilization for supplies and mediums used in the experiment
BalanceMettler ToledoAL104Balance the tube sample-loaded with PBS
Bicinchoninic acid assay Fdbio scienceFD2001Measure protein content of BEVs at Step 8.2
BioRenderBioRenderhttps://app.biorender.comMake the schematic workflow of BEVs isolation and purification showed in Figure 1
Biosafety cabinetHaierHR1200- II B2Peform the procedures about feces sample handling
Centrifuge 5810 R; Rotor F-34-6-38Eppendorf5805000092; 5804727002, adapter: 5804774000Preprocess for BEVs (Step 3)
Chemiluminescence ApparatusBIO-OIOI600SE-MFUsed in western blotting for signal detection at Step 8.5.12
Cytation 5BioTekF01Microplate detector for measuring the absorbance (Step 8.1) and fluorescence (Figure 6) values 
Dil-labled low density lipoproteinACMECAC12038Definition of distribution of interfering components 
Electrophoresis equipmentBio-rad1658033Used in western blotting for protein separation and transfer at Step 8.5.2, 8.5.3, 8.5.5
Enhanced Chemiluminescence kit HRP Fdbio scienceFD8020Used in western blotting for signal detection at Step 8.5.12
Escherichia coli American Type Culture CollectionATCC8739Isolate BEVs as a positive control. Protocol: Dissolve 25 g of the LB powder in 1 L deionized water, and autoclave. Transfer the 800 μL of preserved Escherichia coli into the medium. Cultivate at 37 °C in the incubator shaker. Then centrifuge at 3, 000 × g for 20 min at 4 °C, 12, 000 × g for 30 min at 4 °C, filter the supernatant through 0.22 μm membrane, and perform ultra-speed centrifugation at 160, 000 × g for 70 min at 4 °C. Pellet defined as crude BEVs from Escherichia coli was suspended in 1.2 mL PBS (Step 3, 4).    
Falcon tubes 50 mLKIRGENKG2811Preprocess for BEVs (Step 3)
Feto Protein Staining BufferAbsciab.001.50Coomassie brilliant blue staining at Step 8.5.4
Filter paperBiosharpBS-TFP-070BMorphological observation for BEVs using TEM at Step 8.3 (Blotting the solution)
Formvar/Carbon supported copper grids Sigma-AldrichTEM-FCF200CU50Morphological observation for BEVs using TEM at Step 8.3
HEPES powderMeilunbioMB6078Prepare iodixanol buffers with different concentrations for density gradient centrifugation
HRP AffiniPure Goat Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L)Fdbio scienceFDM007Western blotting (Secondary Antibody)
HRP AffiniPure Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L)Fdbio scienceFDR007Western blotting (Secondary Antibody)
Incubator shakerQiangwenDHZ-LCultivate Escherichia coli 
Kimwipes™ Delicate Task WipesKimtech Science34155Wipe the inner wall of the ultracentrifuge tube at Step 4.15
LB brothHopebioHB0128Cultivate Escherichia coli 
Low temperature freezer (-80 °C)HaierDW-86L338JStore the samples
MethanolAlalddinM116118Used in western blotting for activating PVDF membrane at Step 8.5.5
Micro tubes 1.5 mLKIRGENKG2211Recover fractions after density gradient centrifugation
Micro tubes 2 mLKIRGENKG2911Recover fractions after density gradient centrifugation
Micro tubes 5 mLBBIF610888-0001Recover fractions after density gradient centrifugation
Microplate reader Thermo Fisher Multiskan MK3Measure protein content of BEVs at Step 8.2
Millipore filter 0.22 μmMerck milliporeSLGP033RBFiltration sterilization; Material: polyethersulfone, PES
NaClGHTECH1.01307.040Density gradient centrifugation solution
NaOHGHTECH1.01394.068Density gradient centrifugation solution (pH adjustment)
Optima™ XPN-100Beckman CoulterA94469Ultracentrifugation for BEVs isolation at Step 4, 7
OptiPrep™Serumwerk Bernburg AG1893Density gradient centrifugation stock solution
Orbital ShakerYouningCS-100Dissolve feces at Step 2
Phosphate buffered salineProcellPB180327Dissolve feces at Step 2
PipettorEppendorf3120000267, 3120000259Transfer the solution
Plastic pasteur pipetteABCbioABC217003-4Remove supernatant in preprocessing at Step 3.4
Polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membranesMilliporeISEQ00010, IPVH00010Used in western blotting for protein transfer at Step 8.5.5
Prefabricated polyacrylamide gel, 4–20% 15 WellsACEF15420GelUsed in western blotting for protein separation at Step 8.5.2, 8.5.3
Primary antibody diluentFdbio scienceFD0040Used in western blotting at Step 8.5.8
Protein ladderFdbio scienceFD0672Used in western blotting and Coomassie brilliant blue stain at Step 8.5
Rapid protein blotting solutionUBIOUW0500Used in western blotting for protein transfer at Step 8.5.5
Rotor SW 32 Ti Swinging-Bucket RotorBeckman Coulter369650Ultracentrifugation for BEVs isolation at Step 4, 7
Syringe 20 mL, 50 mL JetwayZSQ-20ML, YCXWJZSQ-50 mLTransfer buffers amd remove supernatant in preprocessing
TBS powderFdbio scienceFD1021Used in western blotting at Step 8.5
Transmission electron microscope (TEM)Hitachi H-7650Morphological observation for BEVs at Step 8.3
Tween-20Fdbio scienceFD0020Used in western blotting at Step 8.5
Ultracentrifuge tubeBeckman326823, 355642Ultracentrifugation for BEVs isolation at Step 4, 7
Ultra-clean benchAIRTECHSW-CJ-2FDPeform the procedures about liquid handling
Water bathBluepardCU600Used for measuring protein content of BEVs at Step 8.2.5
ZetaViewParticle MetrixS/N 21-734, Software ZetaView (version 8.05.14 SP7)Nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA) for measuring the particle size and concentrarion of BEVs at Step 8.4


  1. Costello, E. K., et al. Bacterial community variation in human body habitats across space and time. Science. 326 (5960), 1694-1697 (2009).
  2. Greenhalgh, K., Meyer, K. M., Aagaard, K. M., Wilmes, P.





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