siRNA Transient HIV-Tat-interactive Protein 60 kDa (TIP60) Depletion
Wound-healing Assay Cell Seeding and TIP60 Knockdown Efficiency Evaluation
Wound Creation, Imaging, and Single Cell Movement Tracking
Results: Representative Videos and Quantifications of siTIP60 and siControl Cell Migration
The overall goal of this procedure is to observe the effects of the depletion of specific genes of interest on cell migration. This method can help us answer key questions in cancer metastasis, such as cancer cell migration. The main advantage of
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Here, we present the real-time monitoring of cell migration in a wound-healing assay using TIP60-depleted MCF10A breast epithelial cells. The implementation of live-cell imaging techniques in our protocol allows us to analyze and visualize single-cell movement in real time and across time.