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This article describes how to 3D bioprint phototunable hydrogels to study extracellular matrix stiffening and fibroblast activation.


Phototunable hydrogels can transform spatially and temporally in response to light exposure. Incorporating these types of biomaterials in cell-culture platforms and dynamically triggering changes, such as increasing microenvironmental stiffness, enables researchers to model changes in the extracellular matrix (ECM) that occur during fibrotic disease progression. Herein, a method is presented for 3D bioprinting a phototunable hydrogel biomaterial capable of two sequential polymerization reactions within a gelatin support bath. The technique of Freeform Reversible Embedding of Suspended Hydrogels (FRESH) bioprinting was adapted by adjusting the pH of the support bath to facilitate a Michael addition reaction. First, the bioink containing poly(ethylene glycol)-alpha methacrylate (PEGαMA) was reacted off-stoichiometry with a cell-degradable crosslinker to form soft hydrogels. These soft hydrogels were later exposed to photoinitator and light to induce the homopolymerization of unreacted groups and stiffen the hydrogel. This protocol covers hydrogel synthesis, 3D bioprinting, photostiffening, and endpoint characterizations to assess fibroblast activation within 3D structures. The method presented here enables researchers to 3D bioprint a variety of materials that undergo pH-catalyzed polymerization reactions and could be implemented to engineer various models of tissue homeostasis, disease, and repair.


3D bioprinting is a transformative technology that enables researchers to precisely deposit cells and biomaterials within 3D volumes and recreate the complex hierarchical structure of biological tissues. Over the past decade, advances in 3D bioprinting have created beating human cardiac tissues1, functional models of kidney tissues2, models of gas exchange within the lung3, and tumor models for cancer research4. The invention of embedded 3D bioprinting techniques, such as Freeform Reversible Embedding of Suspended Hydrogel (FRESH) bioprinting, has made it possible to reprod....


1. PEGαMA synthesis and characterization

NOTE: Poly(ethylene glycol)-alpha methacrylate (PEGαMA) synthesis was adapted from Hewawasam et al. and performed under moisture-free conditions9.

  1. Weigh the reactants.
    NOTE: For example, weigh out 5 g 10 kg/mol 8-arm PEG-hydroxyl (PEG-OH) and 0.38 g sodium hydride (NaH) (see Table of Materials).
  2. Add a stir bar to 250 mL Schlenk flask and purge with argon.
  3. Dissolve the PEG-OH in the lowest volume of anhydrous tetrahydrofuran (THF) required for dissolution within the Schlenk flask.

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

This protocol describes how to 3D bioprint phototunable hydrogels within a support bath to create constructs capable of dynamic and temporal stiffening for studying fibroblast activation in geometries that mimic human tissues. First, the protocol explained how to synthesize PEGαMA, the backbone of this phototunable polymer system. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy measurements showed successful PEGαMA functionalization at 96.5% (Figure 1). Functionalization values of 90.......


Dual-stage polymerization reactions in response to controlled light exposure can stiffen biomaterials with spatial and temporal control. Several studies have harnessed this technique to evaluate cell-matrix interactions in various platforms5,8,9,10,11,21,22,23


The authors do not have any conflicts of interest to disclose. Portions of this manuscript are reproduced with permission from © IOP Publishing https://doi.org/10.1088/1758-5090/aca8cf.5 All rights reserved.


The authors would like to acknowledge Dr. Adam Feinberg (Carnegie Mellon University) and those who hosted the 3D Bioprinting Open-Source Workshop. These individuals made it possible to learn the techniques of FRESH bioprinting and build the 3D bioprinter used for these studies. Additionally, the authors would like to acknowledge Biorender.com, which was used to produce figures in this manuscript. This work was supported by multiple groups or funding sources including the Rose Community Foundation (DDH and CMM), a Colorado Pulmonary Vascular Disease Research Award (DDH and CMM), the National Science Foundation under Award 1941401 (CMM), the Department of the Army under....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AccuMax Radiometer/Photometer KitSpectronics CorporationXPR-3000To measure light intensity, used for photostiffening
Acetic Acid Fisher ScientificBP2401-500Used during PEGaMA synthesis
AcetoneFisher ScientificA184Used with the cryosections
ActinGreen 488 ReadyProbesFisher ScientificR37110Used for staining
Aluminum FoilReynoldsF28028
Anhydrous Tetrahydrofuran (THF)Sigma-Aldrich401757-1LUsed during PEGaMA synthesis
Argon Compressed GasAirgasAR R300Used during PEGaMA synthesis
8 Arm Poly(ethylene glycol)-hydroxyl (PEG-OH)JenKem Technology8ARM-PEG-10KUsed during PEGaMA synthesis
365 nm Bandpass FilterEdmund Optics65-191Used for photostiffening
Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA)Fisher ScientificBP9700-100Used during staining process
Buchner FunnelQuark GlassQFN-8-14Used during PEGaMA synthesis
Calcein AMInvitrogen65-0853-39Used during staining process
Celite 545 (Filtration Aid)EMD MilliporeCX0574-1Used during PEGaMA synthesis
Charged Microscope SlidesGlobe Scientific1358W
Chloroform-dSigma-Aldrich151823-10X0.75MLUsed to characterize PEGaMA
Click-iT Plus EdU Cell Proliferation KitInvitrogenC10637Used for staining
50 mL Conical TubesCELLTREAT667050B
Cryogenic Safety KitCole-ParmerEW-25000-85
CryostatLeicaCM 1850-3-1
Dialysis TubingRepligen132105
4’,6-Diamidino-2-Phylindole (DAPI)Sigma-AldrichD9542-1MGUsed for staining
Diethyl EtherFisher ScientificE1384Used during PEGaMA synthesis
1,4-Dithiothreitol (DTT) Sigma-Aldrich10197777001Bioink component
Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's Medium (DMEM)CytivaSH30271.FS
Ethyl 2-(Bromomethyl)Acrylate (EBrMA)Ambeed Inc.A918087-25gUsed during PEGaMA synthesis
Filter PaperWhatman1001-090Used during PEGaMA synthesis
Freezone 2.5L Freeze Dry SystemLabconcoLA-2.5LRLyophilizer
Fusion 360AutodeskN/ASoftware download
2.5 mL Gastight SyringeHamilton81420Used for bioprinting
15 Gauge 1.5" IT Series TipJensen GlobalJG15-1.5XUsed for bioprinting
30 Gauge 0.5" HP Series TipJensen GlobalJG30-0.5HPXUsed for bioprinting
Goat Anti-Mouse Alexa Fluor 555 AntibodyFisher ScientificA21422Used for staining
GlycineFisher ScientificC2H5NO2Used during staining process
HemocytometerFisher Scientific1461
HoechstThermo Scientific62249Used during staining process
Human Pulmonary Artery Adventitial Fibroblasts (HPAAFs)AcceGenABC-TC3773 From a 2-year-old male patient
Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)Fisher ScientificA144-500Used to pH adjust solutions
ImageJNational Institutes of Health (NIH)N/AFree software download
ImmEdge® PenVector LaboratoriesH-4000Used during staining process
LifeSupport Gelatin Microparticle Slurry (Gelatin Slurry)Advanced Biomatrix5244-10GMUsed for bioprinting
Light MicroscopeOlympusCKX53Inverted light microscope
Lithium Phenyl-2,4,6-Trimethylbenzoylphosphinate (LAP)Sigma-Aldrich900889-5GPhotoinitiator used for photostiffening
Liquid NitrogenN/AN/A
LulzBot Mini 2 LulzBotN/ABioprinter adapted
Methacryloxyethyl Thiocarbamoyl Rhodamine B Polysciences Inc.669775-30-8
Microman Capillary Pistons CP1000VWR76178-166Positive displacement pipette tips
MMP2 Degradable Crosslinker (KCGGPQGIWGQGCK)GL BiochemN/ABioink component
Mouse Anti-Human αSMA Monoclonal AntibodyFisher ScientificMA5-11547Used for staining
OmniCure Series 2000 Lumen DynamicsS2000-XLAUV light source used for photostiffening
Paraformaldehyde (PFA) Electron Microscopy Sciences15710Used to fix samples
pH MeterMettler Toledo FP20 
pH StripsCytiva10362010
Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS)Hyclone Laboratories, Inc.Cytiva SH30256.FS
Pipette SetFisher Scientific14-388-100
10 µL Pipette TipsUSA Scientific1120-3710
20 µL Pipette TipsUSA Scientific1183-1510
200 µL Pipette TipsUSA Scientific1111-0700
1000 µL Pipette TipsUSA Scientific1111-2721
Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Alpha Methacrylate (PEGαMA)N/AN/ARefer to manuscript for synthesis steps
Poly(Ethylene Oxide) (PEO)Sigma-Aldrich372773-250GBioink component
Positive Displacement PipetteFisher ScientificFD10004G100-1000 µL
Potassium Hydroxide (KOH)Sigma-Aldrich221473-500GUsed to pH adjust solutions
ProLong Gold Antifade ReagentInvitrogenP36930Used during staining process
PronterfaceAll3DPN/ASoftware download
Propidium IodideSigma-AldrichP4864-10MLUsed for staining
RGD Peptide (CGRGDS)GL BiochemN/ABioink component
Rotary Evaporator Thomas Scientific11100V2022Used during PEGaMA synthesis
Rubber BandStaples808659
Schlenk Flask Kemtech AmericaF902450Used during PEGaMA synthesis
Slic3rSlic3rN/ASoftware download
Smooth Muscle Cell Growth Medium-2 (SmGM-2) BulletKitLonzaCC-3182Kit contains CC-3181 and CC-4149 components
Sodium Hydride Sigma-Aldrich223441-50GUsed during PEGaMA synthesis
Sorvall ST 40R CentrifugeFisher Scientific75-004-525
Stir BarVWR58948-091
Syringe FilterVWR28145-483Used to sterile filter solutions
T-75 Tissue-Cultured Treated FlaskVWR82050-856Used for cell culture work
Tissue-Tek CyromoldSakura4557
Tissue-Tek O.C.T Compound (OCT)Sakura4583
Tris(2-Carboxyethyl) Phosphine (TCEP)Sigma-AldrichC4706-2G
Triton X-100Fisher BioreagentsC34H622O11Used during staining process
Trypan BlueSigma-AldrichT8154-20MLUsed for cell culture work
0.05% Trypsin-EDTAGibco25-300-062Used for cell culture work
Tween 20Fisher BioreagentsC58H114O26Used during staining process
Upright MicroscopeOlympusBX63FFluorescent microscope capabilities
Water BathPolyScienceWBE20A11B
24-Well Tissue Culture PlatesCorning3527


  1. Ahrens, J. H., et al. Programming cellular alignment in engineered cardiac tissue via bioprinting anisotropic organ building blocks. Advanced Materials. 34 (26), e2200217 (2022).
  2. Lin, N. Y. C., et al.

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3D BioprintingPhototunable HydrogelsFibroblast ActivationLung Tissue EngineeringExtracellular MatrixFibrotic DiseaseFRESH BioprintingPEG MACell degradable CrosslinkerMicroenvironmental StiffnessTissue MechanicsBiomaterialsCell Culture Platform

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