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This article describes a procedure to produce iTenocytes by generating iPSC-derived mesenchymal stromal cells with combined overexpression of Scleraxis using a lentiviral vector and uniaxial stretching via a 2D bioreactor.


Today's challenges in tendon and ligament repair necessitate the identification of a suitable and effective candidate for cell-based therapy to promote tendon regeneration. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have been explored as a potential tissue engineering strategy for tendon repair. While they are multipotent and have regenerative potential in vivo, they are limited in their self-renewal capacity and exhibit phenotypic heterogeneity. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can circumvent these limitations due to their high self-renewal capacity and unparalleled developmental plasticity. In tenocyte development, Scleraxis (Scx) is a crucial direct molecular regulator of tendon differentiation. Additionally, mechanoregulation has been shown to be a central element guiding embryonic tendon development and healing. As such, we have developed a protocol to encapsulate the synergistic effect of biological and mechanical stimulation that may be essential for generating tenocytes. iPSCs were induced to become mesenchymal stromal cells (iMSCs) and were characterized with classic mesenchymal stromal cell markers via flow cytometry. Next, using a lentiviral vector, the iMSCs were transduced to stably overexpress SCX (iMSCSCX+). These iMSCSCX+ cells can be further matured into iTenocytes via uniaxial tensile loading using a 2D bioreactor. The resulting cells were characterized by observing the upregulation of early and late tendon markers, as well as collagen deposition. This method of generating iTenocytes can be used to assist researchers in developing a potentially unlimited off-the-shelf allogeneic cell source for tendon cell therapy applications.


To tackle the contemporary issues in tendon and ligament repair, there's a requirement for a pertinent cell candidate suitable for cell-based therapies. One avenue of investigation in tissue engineering for tendon repair involves the exploration of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BM-MSCs) and adipose tissue-derived stromal cells (ASCs) as potential strategies. These cells have multipotent capability, great abundance, and regenerative potential in vivo. Additionally, they have shown enhanced healing capacity and improved functional outcomes in animal models1. Nonetheless, these cells exhibit restricted self-renewal ca....


This protocol to produce iTenocytes can be conducted in three major steps: iPSCs to iMSCs (10 days), iMSC to iMSCSCX+ (2 weeks), iMSCSCX+ to iTenocytes (minimum 4 days). Each major step in the protocol can be paused and restarted later, depending on the experimental timeline. For methods involved with culturing of cells, sterile techniques should be employed. All cells in this protocol should be grown at 37 °C, 5% CO2, and 95% humidity.

1. Human iPSC induction into induced Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (iMSCs)

  1. Experiment preparation
    1. Prepare Iscove's Modified Dulb....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Human iPSCs differentiation to iMSCs
As previously described, the current protocol for differentiating iPSCs into iMSCs involves the formation of embryoid bodies2. This process takes approximately ten days to induce iMSCs from iPSCs (Figure 1A). However, it is highly recommended to passage the newly generated iMSCs at least twice. This not only helps eliminate the need for gelatin-coated plates but also establishes stable MSC expression. Flow cy.......


In this protocol, iTenocytes are generated through three main steps: (1) induction of iPSCs to iMSCs, (2) overexpression of SCX using a lentiviral vector, and (3) maturation of cells through 2D uniaxial tension.

The protocol presented for differentiating iPSCs into iMSCs has been previously described by our group2. Since that publication, numerous protocols have been developed, including an established protocol for using iMSCs in clinical trials21


All authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.


This study was partially supported by the NIH/NIAMS K01AR071512 and CIRM DISC0-14350 to Dmitriy Sheyn. The two lentivirus packaging plasmids were a gift from the Simon Knott laboratory (Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
2-mercaptoethanol Sigma AldrichM3148
AccutaseStemCell Technologies7920cell dissociation reagent
Antibiotic-antimycotic solutionThermofisher15240096
APC mouse anti-human CD44BD Biosciences559942
APC mouse IgG2 K isotype controlBD Biosciences555745
BenchMark fetal bovine serumGeminiBio100-106
Bovine serum albuminMillipore SigmaA3733
Collagen type I alpha 1 chain human Taqman primerThermofisherHs00164004_m1
Collagen type III alpha 1 chain human Taqman primerThermofisherHs00943809_m1
Dimethyl sulfoxideMillipore SigmaD8418
DMEM, low glucose, pyruvate, no glutamine, no phenol redThermofisher11054020
Eagle's minimum essential medium (EMEM)ATCC30-2003
Fibronectin bovine plasmaSigma AldrichF1141
FITC mouse anti-human CD90BD Biosciences555595
Gelatin from porcine skinSigma AldrichG1890
Goat anti Mouse IgG1-PEBio-RadSTAR117
HEK 293T/17ATCCCRL-11268
IMDM, no phenol redThermofisher21056023
iPSCs: 83i-cntr-33n1Cedars-Sinai iPSC Core FacilityN/Ahttps://biomanufacturing.cedars-sinai.org/product/cs83ictr-33nxx/
Isotype Control Antibody, mouse IgG2a-FITCMiltenyi Biotec130-113-271
KnockOut serum replacementThermofisher10828010
L-ascorbic acidSigma AldrichA4544
MatrigelCorning354230basement membrane matrix
MechanoCulture FXCellScaleN/Astretching apparatus
MEM non-essential amino acids solutionThermofisher11140050
Mohawk human Taqman primerThermofisherHs00543190_m1
mTeSR PlusStemCell Technologies100-0276
Platelet-derived growth factor receptor A human Taqman primerThermofisherHs00998018_m1
Poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)Sigma Aldrich192066
Polybrene infection/transfection reagentsMillipore SigmaTR-1003
Recombinant human  TGF-beta 1 protein human Taqman primerRnD Systems240-B
Scleraxis human Taqman primerThermofisherHs03054634_g1
SCXA (SCX) (NM_00108050514) human tagged ORF cloneOriGeneRC224305L4
Silicone platesCellScaleN/A
Sodium azideMillipore SigmaS2002
Tenascin C human Taqman primerThermofisherHs00370384_m1
Tenomodulin human Taqman primerThermofisherHs00223332_m1
Thrombospondin 4 human Taqman primerThermofisherHs00170261_m1
Transfection reagent, BioTBioland Scientific LLCB01-01
Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%)Thermofisher25200072
Tubulin polymerization promoting protein family member 3ThermofisherHs03043892_m1
Y-27632 dihydrochlorideBiogems1293823


  1. Lim, W. L., Liau, L. L., Ng, M. H., Chowdhury, S. R., Law, J. X. Current progress in tendon and ligament tissue engineering. Tissue Engineering and Regenerative. 16 (6), 549-571 (2019).
  2. Sheyn, D., et al.

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Induced Pluripotent Stem CellsITenocytesScleraxisUniaxial TensionTendon InjuryCell And Tissue EngineeringMesenchymal Stromal CellsTendon DifferentiationTendon RegenerationMechanoregulationTissue Engineering TechnologiesBiomaterials

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