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A protocol is described for generating high-resolution structural images of the lungs using ultra-short-echo time (UTE) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This protocol allows for images to be acquired using a simple MRI pulse sequence during free-breathing.


High quality MRI of the lungs is challenged by low tissue density, fast MRI signal relaxation, and respiratory and cardiac motion. For these reasons, structural imaging of the lungs is performed almost exclusively using Computed Tomography (CT). However, CT imaging delivers ionizing radiation, and thus is less well suited for certain vulnerable populations (e.g., pediatrics) or for research applications. As an alternative, MRI using ultra-short echo times (UTE) is attracting interest. This technique can be performed during free-breathing over the course of a ~5-10 min scan. Respiratory motion information is encoded alongside images; this information can be used to "self-gate" images. Self-gating thus removes the requirement of advanced MRI pulse sequence programming or the use of respiratory bellows, which simplifies image acquisition. In this protocol, simple, robust, and computationally efficient acquisition and reconstruction methods for acquiring high quality UTE MRI of the lungs are presented. This protocol was developed for use on a 3T MRI scanner, but the same principles can be implemented at lower magnetic field strength. The protocol includes recommended parameter settings for 3D radial UTE image acquisition as well as directions for self-gated image reconstruction to generate images at distinct respiratory phases. Through the implementation of this protocol, users can generate high-resolution UTE images of the lungs with minimal to minimal-to-no motion artifacts. These images can be used to evaluate pulmonary structure, which can be implemented for research use in a variety of pulmonary conditions.


High-resolution imaging of the pulmonary structure is an essential part of diagnostic work-ups for many pulmonary conditions. Typically, this is performed using Computed Tomography (CT) imaging, which is ideally suited to generate high-resolution images of the lungs1. However, CT imaging delivers a non-trivial dose of ionizing radiation, making it ill-suited for regular repeat imaging, imaging at multiple different respiratory phases, or imaging certain populations (e.g., pediatrics). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) does not carry the same risk of ionizing radiation, and thus is amenable to such imaging tasks. However, it is challenging to ima....


All human subject imaging was performed with approval from the KUMC IRB. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Images in this study were obtained under a generic technical development protocol, and the inclusion/exclusion criteria were deliberately broad. Inclusion Criteria: Age ≥ 18. Exclusion Criteria: MRI contraindicated based on responses to the MRI screening questionnaire, and pregnancy. The accessories and the equipment used for this study are listed in the Table of Materials.

1. UTE image acquisition

  1. Prepare imaging sequence. Prepare the imaging sequence one t....

Reprezentatywne Wyniki

Representative results (Figure 3) were generated using the settings shown in Table 1. The imaging duration used provides high-quality images that are tolerable by most participants.

figure-representative results-325
Figure 3: Representative UTE images generated. Coronal, sagittal, and axial slices of ima.......


When performing UTE imaging of the lungs, many variations of both acquisition and reconstruction can be used to generate images of the lungs. This protocol focuses on ease of implementation and computational efficiency. Imaging using 3D radial UTE is relatively simple, with imaging sequences generally available from the major MRI vendors. MATLAB-based tools are provided for data handling and self-gating. Because most academic institutions have access to MATLAB licenses, this code should be broadly useable and easily impl.......


Peter Niedbalski receives research funding from the National Scleroderma Foundation, the American Heart Association, and the NIH. He is a consultant for Polarean Imaging Plc., a company that develops hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI technology.


The development of this protocol and the images shown as representative results were supported by the National Scleroderma Foundation.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Chest MRI CoilSiemens, GE, Philips,, Other Clinical MRI Imaging Coil VendorN/AA 26 - 32 channel Chest coil should be used
High Performance WorkstationHP, Apple, or other Computer Hardware companyN/AA computer with a minimum of 64 GB of Memory is needed for image reconstruction
MatlabMathworksR2016A or newerA Matlab license is needed to run the provided computer code
MRI PhantomSiemens, GE, Philips, or Other MRI Phantom VendorN/AAny Phantom can be used to test the MRI sequence prior to its use in human subjects.
MRI ScannerSiemens, GE, Philips, or Other Clinical MRI Scanner VendorN/AThe protocol was developed on a 3T scanner, but 1.5T or 0.55T would also work with minimal adaptation


  1. Raju, S., Ghosh, S., Mehta, A. C. Chest ct signs in pulmonary disease: A pictorial review. Chest. 151 (6), 1356-1374 (2017).
  2. Biederer, J., et al. MRI of the lung (2/3). Why, when, how. Insights Imaging. 3 (4), 35....

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Pulmonary MRIStructural ImagingUltra short Echo Time UTEFree breathing ImagingSelf gated ImagingHigh resolution MRILung ImagingImage Acquisition ProtocolRespiratory Motion Encoding3T MRI ScannerMotion ArtifactsPulmonary ConditionsImage Reconstruction

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