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  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
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Here, we establish a protocol using minimal amounts of fresh-frozen brain tissue sections and an accessible high-speed centrifugation method coupled with size exclusion chromatography to obtain small extracellular vesicles as sources for microRNA (miRNA) biomarkers for neurological disorders.


Small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) are crucial mediators of cell-cell communication, transporting diverse cargoes like proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids (microRNA, mRNA, DNA). The microRNA sEV cargo has potential utility as a powerful non-invasive disease biomarker due to sEV's ability to traverse biological barriers (e.g., blood-brain barrier) and become accessible through various body fluids. Despite numerous studies on sEV biomarkers in body fluids, identifying tissue or cell-specific sEV subpopulations remains challenging, particularly from the brain. Our study addresses this challenge by adapting existing methods to isolate sEVs from minimal amounts of frozen human brain sections using size exclusion chromatography (SEC).

After ethical approval, approximately 250 µg of fresh-frozen human brain tissue (obtained from Manchester Brain Bank [UK]) was sliced from the 3 donor tissues and incubated in collagenase type 3/Hibernate-E solution, with intermediate agitation, followed by serial centrifugation and filtration steps. Then, sEVs were isolated using the SEC method and characterized by following MISEV guidelines. Before isolating RNA from within these sEVs, the solution was treated with Proteinase-K and RNase-A to remove any non-sEV extracellular RNA. The RNA quantity and quality were checked and processed further for qPCR and small RNA sequencing experiments.

The presence of sEVs was confirmed through fluorescence nanoparticle tracking analysis (fNTA) and western blot for surface markers (CD9, CD63, CD81). Size distribution (50-200 nm) was confirmed by NTA and electron microscopy. The total RNA concentration within lysed sEVs ranged from 3-9 ng/µL and was used for successful quantification by qPCR for selected candidate microRNAs. Small RNA sequencing on MiSeq provided high-quality data (Q >32) with 1.4-5 million reads per sample.

This method enables efficient isolation and characterization of sEVs from minimal brain tissue volumes, facilitating non-invasive biomarker research and holds promise for equitable disease biomarker studies, offering insights into neurodegenerative diseases and potentially other disorders.


Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are one of the key players of inter-cellular communication in all multicellular organisms1. EVs are cell-derived lipid bilayer membrane particles that can facilitate the transfer of a variety of cargo loads, such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, to recipient cells. EVs can have a broad size range ranging from 30 nm up to 1 µM. Small EVs (sEVs), defined as lipid-bound vesicles with an average diameter size of <200 nm, have the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier; therefore, they have been implicated in the prion-like spread and exacerbation of neurodegenerative diseases and other conditions such ....


The work has been ethically approved by the Manchester Brain Bank (REC reference 09/H0906/52) and by the ethics committee at the University of Salford (Application ID: 3408).

1. Breakdown of intracellular matrix using collagenase on frozen brain tissue sections

  1. Thinly slice 250 mg frozen brain tissue(around 0.4 mm thick fragments) using a sterilized scalpel on a cold plate and add 2 mL of 75 U/mL collagenase type-III/ Hibernate-E solution.
  2. Incubate each sample in a water bath at 37 °C for 20 min. At the 5 min point, invert each sample two times to mix; at the 10 min point, pipette each sample thre....

Representative Results

To confirm the presence of BDsEVs, three techniques were utilized: western blotting, NTA, and TEM (Figure 3). Western blot results (Figure 3A and Supplementary File 1) show the presence of all five positive markers (CD9, CD63, CD81, Flot-1, and TSG101) and the absence of Calnexin in sEVs (used as a negative control), confirming no contamination with cellular contents. As expected, the brain homogenates (BH) show more protein than observed in the.......


This modified and improved protocol for isolating brain-derived small extracellular vesicles and their microRNA cargo demonstrates the feasibility of using minimal tissue without compromising the quality and quantity of the products downstream. In the field of biomarker discovery, identifying molecular identifiers that are specific to cell and tissue types can lead to more accessible means of non-invasive diagnostic tests using body fluids. Furthermore, the approach described here provides the fr.......


There are no conflicts of interest for any of the authors.


This work was funded by the PhD studentship for Joseph Morgan from Alzheimer's Society UK (Grant number 549/SERA-52) and by the Innovation Strategy funds of the University of Salford (grant SEFA-39). The brain tissue was obtained from the Manchester brain bank (REC Reference 09/H0906/52) of the Brains for Dementia Network.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Bovine Serum AlbuminMerckA9418-100G
Cell Mask Orange Plasma Membrane StainThermoFisher ScientificC10045
Collagenase Type-IIIStemCell Technologies07422
ExoSpin Columns and BufferCell Guidance Systems Ltd.EX01-50This kit contains SEC columns used in this experiment, precipitation buffer and EV free PBS.
Halt Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (100x)ThermoFisher Scientific78429
Hibernate-E MediumThermoFisher ScientificA1247601
Laemmli Sample Buffer (4x)BioRad1610747
Lexogen Small RNA-Seq Library Prep KitLexogen052.24This kit contains Small RNA preparation reagent box with i7 Index primer plate. 
miRNeasy Micro Kit (50)Qiagen217084This kit contains high-quality RNA recovery lysis reagent (Qiazol), RNA isolation columns, isolation buffers (RWT, RPE) and RNase free water.
MiSeq Reagent Kit v3IlluminaMS-102-3001This is the Illumina Preparation Kit
Nitrocellulose Membrane, 0.45 μmThermoFisher Scientific88018
PE/Dazzle 594 anti-human CD63 AntibodyBioLegend143914Used for fNTA Analysis
PE/Dazzle 594 anti-human CD81 AntibodyBioLegend349520Used for fNTA Analysis
PE/Dazzle 594 anti-human CD9 AntibodyBioLegend312118Used for fNTA Analysis
Pierce BCA Protein Assay KitThermoFisher Scientific23225
Proteinase KThermoFisher Scientific25530049
Qubit microRNA Assay KitThermoFisher ScientificQ32880
Qubit 1X dsDNA HS assay kitThermoFisher ScientificQ33230
Qubit 3.0 FluorometerThermoFisher ScientificQ33216
RIPA Lysis and Extraction BufferThermoFisher Scientific89901
RNase AThermoFisher ScientificEN0531
SuperSignal West Femto Maximum Sensitivity SubstrateThermoFisher Scientific34094


  1. Jia, Y., et al. Small extracellular vesicles isolation and separation: Current techniques, pending questions and clinical applications. Theranostics. 12 (15), 6548-6575 (2022).
  2. Fornari, S., Schäfer, A., Jucker, M., Goriely, A., Kuhl, E.

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MicroRNASmall Extracellular VesiclesSEVsDisease BiomarkerBrain TissueSize Exclusion ChromatographyRNA IsolationFluorescence Nanoparticle Tracking AnalysisQPCRSmall RNA SequencingNeurodegenerative DiseasesExtracellular RNAMISEV GuidelinesCD9CD63CD81

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