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The brain secretome plays a pivotal role in the development and normal functioning of the central nervous system. In this article, we provide a detailed protocol for isolation of the brain secretome from ex vivo brain slice cultures.


The brain secretome consists of proteins either actively secreted or shed from the cell surface by proteolytic cleavage in the extracellular matrix of the nervous system. These proteins include growth factor receptors and transmembrane proteins, among others, covering a broad spectrum of roles in the development and normal functioning of the central nervous system. The current procedure to extract the secretome from cerebrospinal fluid is complicated and time-consuming, and it is difficult to isolate these proteins from experimental animal brains. In this study, we present a novel protocol for isolating the brain secretome from mouse brain slice cultures. First, the brains were isolated, sliced, and cultured ex vivo. The culture medium was then filtered and concentrated for isolating proteins by centrifugation after a few days. Finally, the isolated proteins were resolved using sodium dodecyl-sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and subsequently probed for purity characterization by western blot. This isolation procedure of the brain secretome from ex vivo brain slice cultures can be used to investigate the effects of the secretome on a variety of neurodevelopmental diseases, such as autism spectrum disorders.


The extracellular matrix of the nervous system consists of proteins that are either actively secreted or shed from the cell surface, called the "secretome". The brain secretome contains proteins such as growth factor receptors and transmembrane proteins1, which encompass a broad spectrum of roles in the development and normal functioning of the central nervous system. A large number of proteins secreted by the glial cells, including microglia and astrocytes in particular, reflect a wide variety of glial conditions, including neuroinflammation in the central nervous system2. Protein secretome has been demonstrated....


This protocol was approved and follows the animal care guidelines set by the Southern University of Science and Technology Animal Care and Use Committee (SUSTech-JY202112006). Adult male and female C57BL/6J mice (6-8 weeks old, 22-30 g) were used in this study. Mice were housed at 22-25 °C on a circadian cycle of 12 h of light and 12 h of darkness, with ad libitum access to food and water. The steps of the protocol are listed as follows.

1. Isolation of brain slices

  1. Prepare the surgical tools: ophthalmic bending tweezers, beakers (250 mL, 500 mL), filter paper, scissors, razor blade, single-sided b....

Representative Results

To quantify the secretion of extracellular proteins in brain slices, we examined protein concentrations of the brain slice samples and conditioned medium samples through BCA assay experiments. Brain slice samples and conditioned medium samples all had high protein concentrations (Table 1 and Figure 2). We found that a large number of extracellular proteins were secreted into the medium, and the average protein concentrations in the conditioned medium were ca.......


The brain secretome refers to the collection of signaling molecules, known as neurosecretory or neuropeptide products, that are released by neurons or glial cells into the extracellular environment. The brain secretome holds critical functions in many biological and physiological processes in the nervous system17,18. Understanding the brain secretome and its functions is important for gaining insight into the mechanisms underlying brain function and disorders. Mo.......


The authors state that they do not have any conflicts of interest.


This research was supported by Shenzhen Clinical Research Center for Mental Disorders (20210617155253001), Shenzhen Fund for Guangdong Provincial High-level Clinical Key Specialties (SZGSPO13), Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee (JCYJ20200109150700942), Key-Area Research and Development Program of Guang Dong Province (2019B030335001), and Shenzhen Key Medical Discipline Construction Fund (SZXK042) We are grateful for the assistance of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Advanced Biomaterials.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
0.22 μm Non-Sterile Millex Syringe Filters with PES MembraneMilliporeSLGPR33RB
1,4-Dithio-DL-threitol (DTT)Merck (Sigma Aldrich)DTT-RO
6-well platesCORNING3516
Actin antibodyCell Signaling Technology #3700
APP AntibodyCell Signaling Technology2452
BioRad Mini-Protean TGX precast gelsBioRad#1610185
Bovine serum albumin (BSA)Merck (Sigma Aldrich)10735094001
Bromophenol BlueMerck (Sigma Aldrich)B0126
Brush penDeli1.00008E+11
CaCl2Merck (Sigma Aldrich)C1016
CF3COOHMerck (Sigma Aldrich)302031
CH3CNMerck (Sigma Aldrich)34851
Clusterin antibodyCell Signaling Technology#42143
D-GlucoseMerck (Sigma Aldrich)G8270
Easy-nLC1200Thermo Fisher ScientificEasy-nLC1200
Filter paperROHUROHU-DLLZ00105
GAPDH antibodyCell Signaling Technology# 5174S
GlycerolMerck (Sigma Aldrich)G5516-100ML
Hanks' Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS)Invitrogen (Gibco)14175095
Human/Rat NLGN2 AntibodyR&D SystemsAF5645
ICH2CONH2Merck (Sigma Aldrich)I6125
Immun-Blot PVDF membranesBIO-RAD#1620177
KClMerck (Sigma Aldrich)P3911
L-Ascorbic AcidMerck (Sigma Aldrich)A92902
Map2 antibodyCell Signaling Technology# 4542S
MgSO4Merck (Sigma Aldrich)M7506
Millicell-CM 0.4 μmMilliporePIHP03050
Millipore AmiconUltra-0.5MLMilliporeUFC5010
mouse anti-rabbit IgG-HRPSANTA CRUZ BIOTECHNOLOGYsc-2357
NaH2PO4Merck (Sigma Aldrich)S0751
NaHCO3Merck (Sigma Aldrich)S5761
NH4HCO3Merck (Sigma Aldrich)A6141
ParenzymeThermo Fisher ScientificR001100
Penicillin-Streptomycin Solution(P/S)Invitrogen (Gibco)15070063
Pierce BCA Protein Assay KitThermo Fisher Scientific23225
QEactiveThermo Fisher ScientificIQLAAEGAAPFALGMAZR
Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG (H&L)-HRP ConjugatedEasybioBE0103-100
Razor bladeBFYING EAGLEHX-L146-1H
Sodium chloride NaClMerck (Sigma Aldrich)S6150
Sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS)Merck (Sigma Aldrich)V900859
Sodium PyruvateMerck (Sigma Aldrich)P2256
SpeedVac SRF110 Refrigerated Vacuum Concentrator (German)Thermo Fisher ScientificSRF110P2-115
SucroseMerck (Sigma Aldrich)G8270
Tissue grinderSCIENTZSCIENTZ-48
Tris (Hydroxymethyl)Merck (Sigma Aldrich)TRIS-RO
TritonX-100Merck (Sigma Aldrich)T8787
Tween-20Merck (Sigma Aldrich)P1379
Vibratory slicerLeicaLeica VT 1000S


  1. Martín-de-Saavedra, M. D., et al. Shed CNTNAP2 ectodomain is detectable in CSF and regulates Ca2+ homeostasis and network synchrony via PMCA2/ATP2B2. Neuron. 110 (4), 627-643 (2022).
  2. Jha, M. K., et al.

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Brain SecretomeEx Vivo Brain Slice CulturesProtein IsolationSDS PAGEWestern BlotNeurodevelopmental DiseasesAutism Spectrum Disorders

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