Here, we present a protocol to produce tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy in swine. This model represents a potent way to study the hemodynamics of progressive chronic heart failure and the effects of applied treatment.
Here detailed protocols for culturing the murine myeloid precursor 32D/G-CSF-R cell line, performing viral infections, and carrying out proliferation and differentiation assays are presented. This cell line is suitable for studying myeloid cell development, and the role of genes of interest in myeloid cell growth and neutrophilic differentiation.
Evaluating the potency of environmental chemicals and drugs, to be enzymatically bioactivated to intermediates generating covalent DNA adducts, is an important field in the development of cancer and its treatment. Methods are described for compound activation to form DNA adducts, as well as techniques for their detection and quantification.
The hamstrings are a group of muscles that are sometimes problematic for athletes, resulting in soft tissue injury in the lower limbs. To prevent such injuries, functional training of the hamstrings requires intensive eccentric contractions. Additionally, hamstring function should be tested in relation to quadricep function at different contraction speeds.
In this article, we provide a detailed protocol for the expression of fluorescent fusion proteins in murine bone marrow derived dendritic cells and macrophages. The method is based on the transduction of bone marrow progenitors with retroviral constructs followed by differentiation into macrophages and dendritic cells in vitro.
Biogenesis of spliceosomal snRNAs is a complex process involving various cellular compartments. Here, we employed microinjection of fluorescently labelled snRNAs in order to monitor their transport inside the cell.
Here, we present a MATLAB implementation of automated detection and quantitative description of lipid droplets in fluorescence microscopy images of fission and budding yeast cells.
A reliable and easily reproducible method for preparation of functionalizable, near-infrared emitting photoluminescent gold nanoclusters and their direct detection inside HeLa cells by flow cytometry and confocal laser scanning microscopy is described.
Primary cilia are extracellular structures associated with the centriole. Primary cilia detection by immunofluorescent staining is a relatively simple procedure that results in extremely high-quality images. In this protocol, fibroblasts expressing primary cilia were fixed, immunostained, and imaged in a fluorescent or confocal microscope.
The manuscript presents a miniature implantable pH sensor with ASK modulated wireless output together with a fully passive receiver circuit based on zero-bias Schottky diodes. This solution can be used as a basis in the development of in vivo calibrated electrostimulation therapy devices and for ambulatory pH monitoring.
In this work, we describe a modified protocol to test mitochondrial respiratory substrate flux using recombinant perfringolysin O in combination with microplate-based respirometry. With this protocol, we show how metformin affects mitochondrial respiration of two different tumor cell lines.
The subretinal implantation of retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) is one of the most promising approaches for the treatment of degenerative retinal diseases. However, the performance of preclinical studies on large-eye animal models remains challenging. This report presents guidelines for the subretinal transplantation of RPE on a cell carrier into minipigs.
We present a minimally invasive leporine model of long-term cardiac pacing that can be utilized for artificial pacing and heart failure development in preclinical studies.
The presence of mast cells in the inner margin and peritumor areas of hepatocellular carcinoma after resection confers a favorable prognosis. This study endorses QuPath image analysis software as a promising platform that could meet the need for reproducibility, consistency, and accuracy in digital pathology.
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