mStrawberry OP9 cells allow for complete evaluation of all ES-derived progeny from co-culture.
The in vitro differentiation of ES cells towards a hematopoietic cell fate is useful when studying cell populations that are difficult to access in vivo and for characterizing the earliest genes involved in hematopoiesis, without having to deal with embryonic lethalities. The ES/OP9 co-culture system was originally designed to produce hematopoietic progeny, without the over production of macrophages, as the OP9 stromal cell line is derived from the calvaria of osteopetrosis mutant mice that lack functional M-CSF. The in vitro ES/OP9 co-culture system can be used in order to recapitulate early hematopoietic development. When cultured on OP9 stromal cells, ES cells differentiate into Flk-1+ hemangioblasts, hematopoietic progenitors, and finally mature, terminally differentiated lineages. The standard ES/OP9 co-culture protocol entails the placement of ES cells onto a confluent layer of OP9 cells; as well as, periodic replating steps in order to remove old, contaminating OP9 cells. Furthermore, current protocols involve evaluating only the hematopoietic cells found in suspension and are not optimized for evaluation of ES-derived progeny at each day of differentiation. However, with replating steps and the harvesting of only suspension cells one potentially misses a large portion of ES-derived progeny and developing hematopoietic cells. This issue becomes important to address when trying to characterize hematopoietic defects associated with knockout ES lines. Here we describe a modified ES/mStrawberry OP9 co-culture, which allows for the elimination of contaminating OP9 cells from downstream assays. This method allows for the complete evaluation of all ES-derived progeny at all days of co-culture, resulting in a hematopoietic differentiation pattern, which more directly corresponds to the hematopoietic differentiation pattern observed within the embryo.
1. Preparation of ES cells
2. Preparation of OP9 cells
Β | Stock | Final conc. | Volume (mL) |
aMEM | Β | Β | 39.5 |
FBS (OP-9 tested) | 100% | 20% | 10 |
L-glutamine | 100X (200mM) | 2mM | 0.5 |
Β | Β | Β | 50mL |
3. ES/mStrawberry OP9 Co-culture
Β | Stock | Final | Volume (mL) |
aMEM | Β | Β | 39.5 |
FBS | 100% | 20% | 10 |
L-glutamine | 200mM | 2mM | 0.5 |
Β | Β | Β | 50mL |
4. Representative Results:
Figure 1. ES/mStrawberry OP9 Co-culture System. Our lab uses an in vitro ES cell co-culture system to model hematopoietic development. In this co-culture system, ES cells differentiate, into hemangioblasts at Day5, when placed on a confluent layer of mStrawberry OP9 cells. As the co-culture proceeds, hematopoietic precursors are present at Day 8, while terminally differentiated hematopoietic lineages appear by Day 14. Arrows indicate days of differentiation when passaging of ES-derived progeny onto new confluent layers of mStrawberry OP9 cells in necessary.
Figure 2. Proper ES cell Differentiation. ES cells are seeded onto a confluent layer of mStrawberry OP9 at Day 0. ES-derived progeny begin to become visible at Day 3 of differentiation, with ES-derived progeny looking like a cluster of cells with a defined border or beginning to form a whorl pattern. Hemangioblasts, which are the common mesodermal precursor for the endothelial and hematopoietic lineages, should appear as piled up whorls of cells at Day 5. For co-culture periods longer than five days, ES-derived progeny should appear as clusters of hematopoietic cells. Two to four celled clusters, at Day 6/7, should appear and grow into larger cell clusters by Day 8/9 of co-culture. Other ES derived progeny are also found tightly bound to the adherent stromal cell layer.
Figure 3. Unsuccessful ES cell differentiation. Results from this co-culture reflect improper ES cell differentiation. Note how the ES-derived progeny do not appear in a whorl pattern at Day 5. The absence of cells in a whorl pattern indicates improper hemangioblast formation. If hemangioblast do not develop properly, then continued co-culture will result in stunted hematopoietic lineage differentiation. Co-cultures with improper hemangioblast formation should be discarded.
Figure 4. mStrawberry OP9 cell cultures. (A) mStrawberry OP9 cell are subcultured at 70-90% confluency. (B) For proper differentiation, ES cells and ES-derived progeny are placed onto a overly confluent layer of mStrawberry OP9 cells.
Figure 5. Representative ES/mStrawberry OP9 Co-culture flow profile. All ES-derived progeny are mStrawberry negative cells and can be flow sorted from the mStrawberry OP9 cells. mStrawberry negative cell gate was determined using a traditional ES/OP9 co-culture.
Proper differentiation of ES cells on confluent layer of mStrawberry OP9 cells results in the production of Flk1+ hemangioblasts at Day 5 of co-culture. Hemangioblasts should appear as piled up whorls of cells, as observed in Figure 1. For the remainder of the co-culture, visible ES-derived progeny should appear as clusters of hematopoietic cells (Figure 1). At Day6/7 two to four cell clusters should appear and grow into larger cell clusters (both adherent and in suspension) by Day 8/9 of co-culture. Other ES derived progeny are also found tightly bound within the adherent stromal cell layer.
Although not listed in the protocol, it is critical to pre-test the FBS used in the ES growth medium, the mStrawberry OP9 growth media and the ES/mStrawberry OP9 differentiation media. Properly tested serum should ensure proper growth of mStrawberry OP9 cells, as well as, proper differentiation of ES cells in co-culture until Day 5 of differentiation. As an alternative or in addition to mStrawberry OP9 cells, OP9 cells can be irradiated, at 8000 rads, prior to seeding at confluency (7.8x104 cells/cm2). Irradiation of OP9 cells allows for the elimination of repeated replating steps, as well as, allows for almost complete elimination of old, contaminating OP9 cells from downstream assays.
OP9 cells were engineered to express mStrawberry protein by transducing OP9 cells with 3ug/mL of a lentiviral vector expressing mStrawberry under the control of a CMV promoter (pRRLsin-CMV vector, UCLA vector core).
Standard ES/OP9 co-culture protocols entail the placement of ES cells onto a confluent layer OP9 cells, as well as, a day 5 replating step in order to reduce old, contaminating OP9 cells from cell passage. Additionally, only hematopoietic cells found in suspension are removed for evaluation of ES-derived progeny. However, with both a replating step and the harvesting of only suspension cells one potentially misses a substantial number of the developing ES-derived hematopoietic cells. This issue becomes important to address when trying to characterize hematopoietic defects associated with knockout ES lines. In order to circumvent this issue our lab used a modified co-culture, through the use of mStrawberry-expressing OP9 cells. This assures that all ES progeny are transferred to the continued co-culture at day 5, and for the harvest of all ES-derived progeny for downstream assays. This modification provides a useful tools in the evaluation and characterization of hematopoietic progeny derived from both human and mouse ES lines.
This ES-mStrawberry OP9 co-culture model recapitulates the various stages primitive and definitive hematopoiesis. In studying the earliest stages of hematopoietic development, many people use the BL-CFC(Blast-like colony forming cell) assay, which assess the development of the hemangioblast from the ES cell. While the BL-CFC assay is a useful tool when investigating early hematopoietic development, the mStrawberry-ES co-culture systems exhibits increase utility as it allows for the assessment of hemangioblast, as well as, more adult hematopoietic lineages.
Previous work using traditional OP9/ES and EB differentiation protocols has shown that additional factors maybe necessary, such as overexpression of HoxB4, in order to derive long-term repopulating hematopoietic stem cells in vitro. Additional work is necessary to assess whether mStrawberry negative, sorted ES-derived populations contain true hematopoietic stem cells.
No conflicts of interest declared.
We thank U. Ganapati for the establishment and testing of the mStrawberry OP9 cell line. Additionally, we thank H. Shafifor her assistance with the co-culture. H.P. is supported by a fellowship from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (F31HL087714) (H.P.). The content of this work is solely the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Heart, Lung, And Blood Institute or the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The UCLA Flow Cytometry Core Facility is supported by the NIH (CA-16042 and AI-28697), the Jonsson Cancer Center, the UCLA AIDS Institute, and the UCLA School of Medicine.
OP-9 Cell Maintenance Medium Stock Components
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Name of Reagent | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
aMEM | Invitrogen | 12571-063 | |
FBS | Omega Scientific | FB01 | Pre-Tested |
L-glutamine | Cellgro | 25-005-C I | 200nM |
Trypsin-EDTA | Stem Cell Technologies | 07901 |
ES/OP-9 Cell Differentiation Medium Stock Components
Name of Reagent | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
aMEM | Invitrogen | 12571-063 | |
FBS | Hyclone | SH30070 | Pre-Tested |
L-glutamine | Cellgro | 25-005-CI | 200mM |
PBS (without Ca2+ and Mg2+) | Cellgro | 21-031-CV | |
Trypsin-EDTA | Stem Cell Technologies | 07901 |
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