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We describe a protocol to monitor radial mobility of non-adherent immune cells in vitro using a cell sedimentation manifold/slide apparatus. Cell migration is tracked on monolayers of tumor cells or on extracellular matrix proteins. Examination by light and fluorescence microscopy allows for observation of cell mobility and cytotoxic functionality.


We report a novel adaptation of the Radial Monolayer Cell Migration assay, first reported to measure the radial migration of adherent tumor cells on extracellular matrix proteins, for measuring the motility of fluorescently-labeled, non-adherent human or murine effector immune cells. This technique employs a stainless steel manifold and 10-well Teflon slide to focally deposit non-adherent T cells into wells prepared with either confluent tumor cell monolayers or extracellular matrix proteins. Light and/or multi-channel fluorescence microscopy is used to track the movement and behavior of the effector cells over time. Fluorescent dyes and/or viral vectors that code for fluorescent transgenes are used to differentially label the cell types for imaging. This method is distinct from similar-type in vitro assays that track horizontal or vertical migration/invasion utilizing slide chambers, agar or transwell plates. The assay allows detailed imaging data to be collected with different cell types distinguished by specific fluorescent markers; even specific subpopulations of cells (i.e., transduced/nontransduced) can be monitored. Surface intensity fluorescence plots are generated using specific fluorescence channels that correspond to the migrating cell type. This allows for better visualization of the non-adherent immune cell mobility at specific times. It is possible to gather evidence of other effector cell functions, such as cytotoxicity or transfer of viral vectors from effector to target cells, as well. Thus, the method allows researchers to microscopically document cell-to-cell interactions of differentially-labeled, non-adherent with adherent cells of various types. Such information may be especially relevant in the assessment of biologically-manipulated or activated immune cell types, where visual proof of functionality is desired with tumor target cells before their use for cancer therapy.


The Radial Monolayer Cell Migration assay was originally developed to measure the infiltrative properties of adherent tumor cells1-4 on slides coated with extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins5-7 or with individual ECM components, such as fibronectin or laminin1,2. The technique involved seeding a single cell suspension of tumor cells in the center of wells using a stainless steel cell sedimentation manifold (CSM). After sedimentation, the tumor cells would adhere to the bottom of the well and the change in the diameter of the initial cell population over time was used to establish a rate of horizontal motility. The Radial Monolayer Cell....


1. Slide Preparation

  1. Insert Cell Sedimentation Manifold slides into sterilization pouches and seal with autoclave tape. Face the Teflon-coated side of the slide the paper-side of the pouch to avoid plastic deposits on the wells.
  2. Autoclave pouches for 15 min at 121 °C.
  3. Remove slide from sterilization pouch inside a biosafety cabinet and place in a sterile 150 x 15 mm sterile Petri dish. Up to four slides can fit per dish. Place a 35 x 10 mm Petri dish next to the slides. Add 2-3 ml of sterile H2O to provide humidification.
  4. Pre-coat slides with poly-D-lysine at 100 µg/ml by using enough volume to cover the e....

Representative Results

Viral vectors encoding for fluorescent proteins can be used in addition to, or instead of, fluorescent dye. Viral transduction should be performed in advance of the motility assay. Both adherent and non-adherent cell types can be differentially-labeled. The protocol for transduction will depend on the type of vector employed. Here, we transduced the alloCTL in Figures 3, 5 and 6 with RRV-EMD at least two days in advance of the assay using the protocol described12


Tumor cells in a single cell suspension were pipetted into the wells of a Teflon-masked slide. The cells were allowed to adhere and then formed monolayers in a humidified 5% CO2, 37°C incubator (Figure 1A). Established monolayers or ECM proteins derived from the monolayer could be harvested for these assays (Figure 1B). Effector T lymphocytes labeled with vital fluorescent dyes or transduced with vectors coding for EMD were seeded into the center of the well using a CSM. .......


The authors declare they have no competing financial interests.


Supported in part by NIH R01 CA121258, R01 CA125244, R01 CA154256, NIH/NCATS UCLA CTSI Grant Number UL1TR000124, USAMRMC W81XWH-08-1-0734, and the Joan S. Holmes Memorial Research Fund. MJH and GCO received supported from the Joan S. Holmes Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship at UCLA. The CSM device was obtained from Creative Scientific Methods: www.creative-sci.com. The lentiviral vector was received from the UCLA Vector Core, which is supported by CURE/P30 DK041301.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Name of Reagent/ EquipmentCompanyCatalog NumberComments/Description
Teflon-masked microscope slidesCreative Scientific MethodsCSM002
Cell Sedimentation ManifoldCreative Scientific MethodsCSM001
Petri Dish, 150mmCorning430597
Petri Dish, 35mmCorning430588
Phosphate-Buffered Saline (PBS)Mediatech21-040
20 μL PipetmanGilsonF123600
200 μL PipetmanGilsonF123601
200 μL pipette tipsVWR89003-060
Distilled, deionized water (sterile)Mediatech25-055
Celltracker Red CMPTXInvitrogenC34552
TrypLE Express (optional)Gibco12604
Tumor cell culture media (e.g. DMEM)Mediatech10-013
AIM-V serum-free mediaInvitrogen12055-083
Fetal Bovine SerumOmega ScientificFB-02
Inverted microscope
SPOT AdvancedDiagnostic Instruments
31/2 x 51/4 Autoclave PouchesCrosstexSCXS2
Trypan BlueMediatech25-900-CI
Cell Proliferation eFluor 670eBioscience65-0840-85


  1. Hwang, J. H., Smith, C. A., Salhia, B., Rutka, J. T. The role of fascin in the migration and invasiveness of malignant glioma cells. Neoplasia. 10 (2), 149-159 (2008).
  2. Valster, A., et al. Cell migration and invasion assays.

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Radial MobilityCytotoxic FunctionRetroviral Replicating VectorNon adherent Alloresponsive T LymphocytesRadial Monolayer Cell Migration AssayNon adherent Effector Immune CellsFluorescence MicroscopyCell to cell InteractionsCancer Therapy

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