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This article describes in detail a method based on silver nanoparticles for ameliorating biliary atresia syndrome in an experimental biliary atresia mouse model. A solid understanding of the reagent preparation process and the neonatal mouse injection technique will help familiarize researchers with the method used in neonatal mouse model studies.


Biliary atresia (BA) is a severe type of cholangitis with high mortality in children of which the etiology is still not fully understood. Viral infections may be one possible cause. The typical animal model used for studying BA is established by inoculating a neonatal mouse with a rhesus rotavirus. Silver nanoparticles have been shown to exert antibacterial and antiviral effects; their function in the BA mouse model is evaluated in this study. Currently, in BA animal experiments, the methods used to improve the symptoms of BA mice are generally symptomatic treatments given via food or other drugs. The aim of this study is to demonstrate a new method for ameliorating BA syndrome in mice by the intraperitoneal injection of silver nanoparticles and to provide detailed methods for preparing the silver nanoparticle gel formulation. This method is simple and widely applicable and can be used to research the mechanism of BA, as well as in clinical treatments. Based on the BA mouse model, when the mice exhibit jaundice, the prepared silver nanoparticle gel is injected intraperitoneally to the surface of the lower liver. The survival status is observed, and biochemical indicators and liver histopathology are examined. This method allows a more intuitive understanding of both the establishment of the BA model and novel BA treatments.


BA is a form of cholestasis characterized by persistent jaundice and has high mortality in the absence of liver transplantation. Viral infections are closely associated with the pathogenesis of BA. The cytomegalovirus, reovirus, and rotavirus have all been suggested as pathogens in BA1,2,3. During the neonatal period, the response of the immature immune system to a viral infection results in immune dysregulation against extra- and intrahepatic bile ducts, leading to biliary epithelial cell apoptosis, inflammatory cell infiltration in the portal area, intrahepatic and extrahep....


All animal experimental protocols have been approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee of the Sun Yat-Sen University Laboratory Animal Center (#IACUC-DB-16-0602).

1. Establishing the Biliary Atresia Mouse Model

  1. Maintain pregnant BALB/c mice in a specific pathogen-free environment under a 12 h dark/light cycle at 25 °C, with access to autoclaved chow ad libitum.
  2. To prepare the RRV strain MMU 18006, amplify the virus in MA104 cells and measure.......

Representative Results

Based on the established BA mouse model, the infected neonatal mice were administered an i.p. injection of the prepared AgNP collagen mixture 2x after exhibiting jaundice. Mouse survival was checked for daily, and liver function testing, liver pathology, and flow cytometry were performed. Compared to the untreated control BA mice, the AgNP-treated mice showed reduced jaundice and maintained their normal body weight (Figure 3). The levels of bilirubin metaboli.......


AgNPs exhibit potent broad-spectrum antibacterial properties and a strong permeability22; additionally, they are used to produce a range of antibacterial medical products23. However, AgNPs can take a long time to clear once they accumulate in organs, and this persistence may lead to toxic effects24,25. A previous study examined the acute toxicity and genotoxicity of AgNPs after a single i.v. injection in a rat exper.......


The authors have nothing to disclose.


The AgNPs used here were a gift from C. M. Che in the Department of Chemistry, the University of Hong Kong. This work was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 81600399) and the Science and Technology Project of Guangzhou (No.201707010014).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
BALB/c mouseGuangdong Medical Experimental Animal CenterSYXK2017-0174Animal experiment
Rhesus rotavirus (RRV)ATCCATCC VR-1739Establish biliary atresia mouse model
MA104 cellsATCCATCC CRL-2378.1For laboratory use only
DMEMThermo Fisher10569010Mammalian Cell Culture
Fetal Bovine SerumThermo Fisher10099141Mammalian Cell Culture
collagen Type ICORNING354236For research use only
PBS bufferOXOIDBR0014GFor washing
NaOHSigma1310-73-2Adjust the PH value
Note: The AgNps was a gift from Prof CM Che. in the Department of Chemistry, the University of Hong Kong.
Insulin syringe with integrated needleBD9161635SFor medical use
15-mL Centrifuge TubeCorning430791For laboratory use only
1.5-mL Microcentrifuge TubeGEBCT0200-B-NFor laboratory use only
MicroscopeNikonECLIPSE-CiFor laboratory use
Dissecting/Intravital microscopeNikonSMZ 1000For laboratory use
anti-Mouse NKp46 FITCeBioscience11-3351For research use only
anti-Mouse CD4 PE-Cyanine5eBioscience15-0041For research use only
Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Human CD4DAKO20001673For research use only
anti-NKG2DRDMAB1547For research use only
BD FACSCanto Flow CytometerBD BiosciencesFACS Canto PlusFor laboratory use only


  1. Szavay, P. O., Leonhardt, J., Czechschmidt, G., Petersen, C. The role of reovirus type 3 infection in an established murine model for biliary atresia. European Journal of Pediatric Surgery. 12 (04), 248-250 (2002).
  2. Coots, A., et al.

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Silver NanoparticleBiliary AtresiaMouse ModelNeonatal InjectionRhesus RotovirusCollagenPeritoneal InjectionBlood CollectionPathogenesisTreatment

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