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Three-dimensional cultures of patient BMPC specimens and xenografts of bone metastatic prostate cancer maintain the functional heterogeneity of their original tumors resulting in cysts, spheroids and complex, tumor-like organoids. This manuscript provides an optimization strategy and protocol for 3D culture of heterogeneous patient derived samples and their analysis using IFC.


Three-dimensional (3D) culture of organoids from tumor specimens of human patients and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models of prostate cancer, referred to as patient-derived organoids (PDO), are an invaluable resource for studying the mechanism of tumorigenesis and metastasis of prostate cancer. Their main advantage is that they maintain the distinctive genomic and functional heterogeneity of the original tissue compared to conventional cell lines that do not. Furthermore, 3D cultures of PDO can be used to predict the effects of drug treatment on individual patients and are a step towards personalized medicine. Despite these advantages, few groups routinely use this method in part because of the extensive optimization of PDO culture conditions that may be required for different patient samples. We previously demonstrated that our prostate cancer bone metastasis PDX model, PCSD1, recapitulated the resistance of the donor patient’s bone metastasis to anti-androgen therapy. We used PCSD1 3D organoids to characterize further the mechanisms of anti-androgen resistance. Following an overview of currently published studies of PDX and PDO models, we describe a step-by-step protocol for 3D culture of PDO using domed or floating basement membrane (e.g., Matrigel) spheres in optimized culture conditions. In vivo stitch imaging and cell processing for histology are also described. This protocol can be further optimized for other applications including western blot, co-culture, etc. and can be used to explore characteristics of 3D cultured PDO pertaining to drug resistance, tumorigenesis, metastasis and therapeutics.


Three-dimensional cultured organoids have drawn attention for their potential to recapitulate the in vivo architecture, cellular functionality and genetic signature of their original tissues1,2,3,4,5. Most importantly, 3D organoids established from patient tumor tissues or patient derived xenograft (PDX) models provide invaluable opportunities to understand mechanisms of cellular signaling upon tumorigenesis and to determine the effects of drug treatment on each cell population6....


This study was carried out in strict accordance with the recommendations in the Guide for the University of California San Diego (UCSD) Institutional Review Board (IRB). IRB #090401 Approval was received from the UCSD Institutional Review Board (IRB) to collect surgical specimen from patients for research purposes. An informed consent was obtained from each patient and a surgical bone prostate cancer metastasis specimen was obtained from orthopedic repair of a pathologic fracture in the femur. Animal protocols were performed under the University of California San Diego (UCSD) animal welfare and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approved protocol #S10....

Representative Results

3D organoids were successfully established from a patient derived xenograft (PDX) model of bone metastatic prostate cancer (BMPC) as well as directly from patient bone metastatic prostate cancer tissue (Figure 4). Briefly, our PDX models of BMPC were established by intra-femoral (IF) injection of tumor cells into male Rag2-/- c-/- mice and then PDX tumors were harvested and processed as described in this manuscript. As shown in Figure 4, PD.......


3D organoids derived from patient bone metastasis prostate cancer cells are still relatively rare. Here, we describe strategies and further optimized protocol to successfully established serial 3D patient derived organoids (PDOs) of BMPC. In addition, protocols are described to secure the organoids in samples with lower cell density for IFC and IHC analysis. Differential phenotypes in the form of cyst, spheroids and more complex organoids indicate that this protocol provides culture conditions that allows for heterogonou.......


Sanghee Lee and Christina A.M. Jamieson are the guest editors of JoVE Methods Collection.


This study was supported by the Leo and Anne Albert Charitable Foundation and JM Foundation. We thank the University of California San Diego Moores Cancer Center members, Dr. Jing Yang and Dr. Kay T. Yeung for allowing us the use of their microtome and Randall French, Department of Surgery for technical expertise.



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
1 mL PipettmanGilsonF123602
1 mL SyringeBD Syringe329654
1.5 mL tubeSpectrum Lab Products941-11326-ATP083
25G NeedleBD PrecisionGlide Needle305122
4% Paraformaldehyde (PFA)Alfa AesarJ61899
70% Ethanol (EtOH)VWRBDH1164-4LP
A83-01Tocris Bioscience2939
AccumaxInnovative Cell Technologies, Inc.AM105
adDMEMLife Technologies12634010
Antibody -for Cytokeratin 5Biolegend905901
Antibody for Cytokeratin 8Biolegend904801
B27Life Technologies17504044
Bioluminescence imaging system, IVIS 200Perkin Elmer IncIVIS 200
Cell Culture Plate - 24 wellCostar3524
Cell Culture Plate - 48 wellCostar3548
Cell Culture Plate - 6 wellCostar3516
Cell Dissociation Solution, AccumaxInnovative Cell Technologies, Inc.AM105
Cell Recovery SolutionCorning354253
Cell ScraperSarstedt83.180
Cell StrainerFalcon (Corning)352350
CO2 incubatorFisher Scientific3546
DAPIVector VectashieldH-1200
FBSGemini Bio-Products100-106
ForcepsDenville ScientificS728696
LS ColumnsMiltenyi130-0420401
Magnetic Column Seperator: QuadroMACS SeparatorMiltenyi130-090-976
Matrigel (Growth Factor Reduced)Mediatech Inc. (Corning)356231
Matrigel (High Concentration)BD (Fisher Scientific)CB354248
Microscope Imaging Software, KeyenceBZ-X800 (newest software) BZ-X700 (old software)
Microscope, KeyenceBZ-X700 (model 2016-2017)/BZ-X710 (model 2018-2019)
Mouse Cell Depletion KitMiltenyi130-104-694
OCT CompoundTissue-Tek4583
ParafilmAmerican National CanN/A
Pen-StrepMediatech Inc. (Corning)30-002-CI-1
Pipette tipes for 1 mL (Blue Tips)Fisherbrand Redi-Tip21-197-85
Plunger (from 3 mL syringe)BD Syringe309657
Prostaglandin E2Tocris Bioscience2296
R-Spondin 1Trevigen3710-001-01
Small Table Top CentrifugeThermoFisher Scientific75002426
Water BathFisher Sci2320
Y-27632 DihydrochlorideAbmole BioscienceM1817


  1. Fatehullah, A., Tan, S. H., Barker, N. Organoids as an in vitro model of human development and disease. Nature Cell Biology. 18 (3), 246-254 (2016).
  2. Tushir, J. S., et al. U....

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3D OrganoidsPatient derivedProstate CancerBone MetastasisXenograftsCell CultureMatrigelDoming TechniqueBasement MembraneY 27632 Dihydrochloride

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