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This work reports a method for controlling the cardiac rhythm of intact murine hearts of transgenic channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) mice using local photostimulation with a micro-LED array and simultaneous optical mapping of epicardial membrane potential.


Ventricular tachyarrhythmias are a major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Electrical defibrillation using high-energy electric shocks is currently the only treatment for life-threatening ventricular fibrillation. However, defibrillation may have side-effects, including intolerable pain, tissue damage, and worsening of prognosis, indicating a significant medical need for the development of more gentle cardiac rhythm management strategies. Besides energy-reducing electrical approaches, cardiac optogenetics was introduced as a powerful tool to influence cardiac activity using light-sensitive membrane ion channels and light pulses. In the present study, a robust and valid method for successful photostimulation of Langendorff perfused intact murine hearts will be described based on multi-site pacing applying a 3 x 3 array of micro light-emitting diodes (micro-LED). Simultaneous optical mapping of epicardial membrane voltage waves allows the investigation of the effects of region-specific stimulation and evaluates the newly induced cardiac activity directly on-site. The obtained results show that the efficacy of defibrillation is strongly dependent on the parameters chosen for photostimulation during a cardiac arrhythmia. It will be demonstrated that the illuminated area of the heart plays a crucial role for termination success as well as how the targeted control of cardiac activity during illumination for modifying arrhythmia patterns can be achieved. In summary, this technique provides a possibility to optimize the on-site mechanism manipulation on the way to real-time feedback control of cardiac rhythm and, regarding the region specificity, new approaches in reducing the potential harm to the cardiac system compared to the usage of non-specific electrical shock applications.


Early investigations of the spatial-temporal dynamics during arrhythmia revealed that the complex electrical patterns during cardiac fibrillation are driven by vortex-like rotating excitation waves1. This finding gave new insights into the underlying mechanisms of arrhythmias, which then led to the development of novel electrical termination therapies based on multi-site excitation of the myocardium2,3,4. However, treatments using electric field stimulation are non-local and may innervate all surrounding excitable cells, including muscle tissue, causin....


All experiments strictly followed the animal welfare regulation, in agreement with German legislation, local stipulations, and in accordance with recommendations of the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations (FELASA). The application for approval of animal experiments has been approved by the responsible animal welfare authority, and all experiments were reported to our animal welfare representatives.

1. Experiment preparation and materials

  1. Optical mapping setup
    NOTE: The optical setup, as well as the electrical setup, are shown in Figure 1. All components used in the o....

Representative Results

The protocol allows the induction of ventricular arrhythmias in intact murine hearts using photostimulation pulses generated by LED 1 and LED 2 (Figure 1) with a frequency find between 25 Hz and 35 Hz and a pulse duration Wind between 2 ms and 10 ms. Please notice that the aim of such rapid light pulses is not to capture the cardiac rhythm but rather to unbalance the cardiac activity so that erratic electrical waves can be generated, which then facilitate an arrhythmia........


A successful treatment of cardiac tachyarrhythmias is key to cardiac therapy. However, the biophysical mechanisms underlying arrhythmia initiation, perpetuation and termination are not fully understood. Therefore, cardiac research aims to optimize electrical shock therapy towards a more gentle termination of arrhythmias, thereby increasing the quality of life of patients28,29,30,31. Low energy .......


The authors do not declare any conflict of interests.


The authors would like to thank Marion Kunze and Tina Althaus for their excellent technical support during experiments. The research leading to the results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under grant agreement number HEALTH-F2-2009-241526. Support was also provided by the German Center for Cardiovascular Research, DZHK e.V. (Project MD28), partner site Goettingen, the German Research Foundation CRC 1002 (project C03), and the Max Planck Society. This work was partly supported by BrainLinks-BrainTools, Cluster of Excellence funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, grant number EXC 1086).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
Chemical Components
BlebbistatinTargetMolT603810 mM stock solution
Calcium ChlorideSigma-AldrichC1016CaCl2
CarbogenWestfalen50 l bottle
DI-4-ANBDQPQAAT Bioquest21499Dye for Optical Mapping
HeparinLEO PharmaHeparin-Natrium Leo 25.000 I.E./5 ml, available only on prescription
Hydrochlorid AcidMerck1.09057.1000HCl, 1 M stock solution
IsofluraneCP Pharma1 ml/ml, available only on prescription
Magnesium ChlorideMerck8.14733.0500MgCl2
Monopotassium PhosphateSigma-Aldrich30407KH2PO4
Pinacidil monohydrateSigma-AldrichP154-500mg10 mM stock solution
Potassium ChlorideSigma-AldrichP5405KCl
Sodium BicarbonateSigma-AldrichS5761NaHCO3
Sodium ChlorideSigma-AldrichS5886NaCl
Sodium HydroxideMerck1.09137.1000NaOH, 1 M stock solution
Electrical Setup
Biopac MP150Biopac SystemsMP150WSWdata acquisition and analysis system
Custom-built ECG, alternative ECG100CBiopac SystemsECG100CElectrocardiogram Amplifier
Custom-built water bath heater using heating cableRMS Heating SystemHK-5,0-12Heating cable 120W
Hexagonal water bath
LED Driver Power supplyThorlabsKPS10115 V, 2.4 A Power Supply Unit with 3.5 mm Jack Connector for One K- or T-Cube.
LEDD1B LED DriverThorlabsLEDD1BT-Cube LED Driver, 1200 mA Max Drive Current
MAP, ECG ElectrodeHugo Sachs ElektronikBS4 73-0200Mini-ECG Electrode for isoalted hearts
micro-LED Driver e.g. AFGAgilent InstrumentsA-2230Arbitrary function generator (AFG)
Signal GeneratorAgilent InstrumentsA-2230AFG
micro-LED Array Components
Epoxid glueEpoxy TechnologyEPO-TEK 353NDTwo component epoxy
Fluoropolymer Asahi Glass Co. Ltd.Cytop 809MFluoropolymer with high transparency
Image reversal photoresistMerck KGaAAZ 5214EImage Reversal Resist for High Resolution
LED chip Cree Inc.C460TR2227-S2100Blue micro-LED
PhotoresistMerck KGaAAZ 9260Thick Positive Photoresists
PolyimideUBE Industries Ltd.U-Varnish SPolyimide Solution
SiliconeNuSil Technology LLCMED-6215Low viscosity silicone elastomer
Solvent free adhesiveJohn P. Kummer GmbHEpo-Tek 301-2Epoxy resin with low viscosity
Optical Mapping
Blue FilterChroma Technology CorporationET470/40xBlue excitation filter
CameraPhotometricsCascade 128+High performance EMCCD Camera
Camera ObjectiveNavitarDO-5095Navitar high speed fixed focal length lenses work with CCD and CMOS cameras
Dichroic MirrorSemrockFF685-Di02-25x36685 nm edge BrightLine® single-edge standard epi-fluorescence dichroic beamsplitter
Emmision FilterSemrockFF01-775/140-25775/140 nm BrightLine® single-band bandpass filter
HeatsinkAdvanced Thermal SolutionsATSEU-077A-C3-R0Heat Sinks - LED STAR LED Heatsink, 45mm dia., 68mm, Black/Silver, Unthreaded Baseplate Hardware
LED 1 and LED 2LED Engin OsramLZ4-00B208High Power LEDs - Single Colour Blue, 460 nm 130 lm, 700mA
LED 3ThorlabsM625L3625 nm, 700 mW (Min) Mounted LED, 1000 mA
LensesLED Engin OsramLLNF-2T06-HLED Lighting Lenses Assemblies LZ4 LENS NARROW FLOOD BEAM
Photodiode for power meterThorlabsS120VCStandard Photodiode Power Sensor
Power MeterThorlabsPM100DCompact Power and Energy Meter
Red FilterSemrockFF02-628/40-25BrightLine® single-band bandpass filter


  1. Davidenko, J. M., Pertsov, A. V., Salamonsz, R. Stationary and drifting spiral waves of excitation in isolated cardiac muscle. Nature. 355, 349-351 (1992).
  2. Fenton, F. H., et al. Termination of a....

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