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In This Article

  • Summary
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Protocol
  • Representative Results
  • Discussion
  • Disclosures
  • Acknowledgements
  • Materials
  • References
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The present protocol describes a single-cell method for iterative epigenomic analyses using a reusable single cell. The reusable single cell allows analyses of multiple epigenetic marks in the same single cell and statistical validation of the results.


Current single-cell epigenome analyses are designed for single use. The cell is discarded after a single use, preventing analysis of multiple epigenetic marks in a single cell and requiring data from other cells to distinguish signal from experimental background noise in a single cell. This paper describes a method to reuse the same single cell for iterative epigenomic analyses.

In this experimental method, cellular proteins are first anchored to a polyacrylamide polymer instead of crosslinking them to protein and DNA, alleviating structural bias. This critical step allows repeated experiments with the same single cell. Next, a random primer with a scaffold sequence for proximity ligation is annealed to the genomic DNA, and the genomic sequence is added to the primer by extension using a DNA polymerase. Subsequently, an antibody against an epigenetic marker and control IgG, each labeled with different DNA probes, are bound to the respective targets in the same single cell.

Proximity ligation is induced between the random primer and the antibody by adding a connector DNA with complementary sequences to the scaffold sequence of the random primer and the antibody-DNA probe. This approach integrates antibody information and nearby genome sequences in a single DNA product of proximity ligation. By enabling repeated experiments with the same single cell, this method allows an increase in data density from a rare cell and statistical analysis using only IgG and antibody data from the same cell. The reusable single cells prepared by this method can be stored for at least a few months and reused later to broaden epigenetic characterization and increase data density. This method provides flexibility to researchers and their projects.


Single-cell technology is entering the era of single-cell multiomics, which integrates individual single-cell omics technologies1. Recently, single-cell transcriptomics has been combined with methods for detecting chromatin accessibility (scNMT-seq2 and SHARE-seq3) or histone modifications (Paired-seq4 and Paired-Tag5). More recently, single-cell transcriptomics and proteomics were integrated with chromatin accessibility (DOGMA-seq6). These methods use transposase-based tagging for detecting chromatin accessibility or histone ....


NOTE: A schematic representation of the method is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Schematic representation of the protocol workflow. Steps 7.2-13 are explained through schematic representations. Each row indicates a step in the protocol. A cellular protein colored in green is a human nucleosome generated based on a crystal structure (PDB: 6M4G).

Representative Results

K562 single cells were generated using the protocol described in step 8 (see Figure 5). Single cells were embedded in the outer layer of the polyacrylamide bead. Cell DNA was stained and visualized using an intercalator dye for DNA staining.

figure-representative results-358
Figure 5: Generated reusable single cells. Cells are sta.......


This article describes the step-by-step protocol for the recently reported single-cell multiepigenomic analysis using reusable single cells7. In the subsequent paragraphs, we discuss critical points, emphasizing potential limitations in the protocol.

One of the critical points throughout the protocol (from steps 7.2-13) is avoiding DNase contamination. A single cell only has two copies of genomic DNA. Therefore, damaging genomic DNA critically reduces the signal number.......


Drs. Ohnuki and Tosato are co-inventors on a patent entitled "Methods for preparing a reusable single cell and methods for analyzing the epigenome, transcriptome and genome of a single cell" (EP3619307 and US20200102604). The patent application was filed in part based on preliminary results related to the technology described in the current manuscript. The invention or inventions described and claimed in this patent application were made while the inventors were full-time employees of the U.S. Government. Therefore, under 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 7, all rights, title, and interest to this patent application have been or should by law be assigned to the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government conveys a portion of the royalties it receives to its employee inventors under 15 U.S. Code § 3710c.


We thank Drs. David Sanchez-Martin and Christopher B. Buck for comments during the conceptualization stage of the project. We also thank the Genomics Core, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health for help in preliminary experiments, and the Collaborative Bioinformatics Resource, CCR, NCI, NIH for advice in computational analysis. We thank Ms. Anna Word for helping with the optimization of DNA polymerases used in the method. This work utilized the computational resources of the NIHHPC Biowulf cluster (http://hpc.nih.gov). This project is supported by the Intramural Program of the Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer I....


NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
10x CutSmart bufferNew England BioLabsB600410x Digestion buffer
200 proof ethanolWarner-Graham Company200 proofEthanol
5-Hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) Monoclonal Antibody [HMC/4D9]EpigentekA-1018-100Anti-5hmC
Acridine Orange/Propidium Iodide StainLogos BiosystemsF23001Cell counter
Acrylamide solution, 40% in H2O, for molecular biologyMilliporeSigma01697-500ML40% acrylamide solution
All-in-One Fluorescence Microscope BZ-X710KeyenceBZ-X710Scanning microscope
Amicon Ultra-0.5 Centrifugal Filter UnitMilliporeSigmaUFC510024Ultrafiltration cassette
Ammonium persulfate for molecular biologyMilliporeSigmaA3678-100GAmmonium persulfate powder
Anhydrous DMFVector laboratoriesS-4001-005Anhydrous N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF)
Anti-RNA polymerase II CTD repeat YSPTSPS (phospho S5) antibody [4H8]Abcamab5408Anti-Pol II
Anti-TRAP220/MED1 (phospho T1457) antibodyAbcamab60950Anti-Med1
BciVINew England BioLabsR0596LBciVI
Bovine Serum Albumin solution, 20 mg/mL in H2O, low bioburden, protease-free, for molecular biologyMilliporeSigmaB8667-5ML20% BSA (Table 7)
Bst DNA Polymerase, Large FragmentNew England BioLabsM0275LBst DNA polymerase
BT10 Series 10 µl Barrier TipNEPTUNEBT10P10 low-retention tip
CellCelectorAutomated Lab SolutionsN/AAutomated single cell picking robot
CellCelector 4 nl nanowell plates for single cell cloning, Plate S200-100 100K, 24 well,ULAAutomated Lab SolutionsCC00794 nL nanowell plate
Corning Costar 96-Well, Cell Culture-Treated, Flat-Bottom MicroplateCorning3596Flat-bottom 96-well plates
Deep Vent (exo-) DNA PolymeraseNew England BioLabsM0259LExo- DNA polymerase
DNA LoBind Tubes, 0.5 mLEppendorf301080350.5 mL DNA low-binding tube
DNA Oligo, 1st random primerIntegrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 31st random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#01Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#02Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#03Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#04Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#05Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#06Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#07Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#08Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#09Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#10Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#11Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd random primer Cell#12Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd random primer
DNA Oligo, 2nd synthesis primerIntegrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 32nd synthesis primer
DNA Oligo, Ligation AdaptorIntegrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 3Ligation Adaptor
DNA Oligo, Reverse Transcription primerIntegrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 3Reverse Transcription primer
DNase I (RNase-free)New England BioLabsM0303LDNase I (RNase-free, 4 U).
DNase I Reaction BufferNew England BioLabsB0303S10x DNase I buffer (NEB)
dNTP Mix (10 mM each)Thermo FisherR019210 mM dNTPs
Fetal Bovine Serum, USA origin, Heat-inactivatedMilliporeSigmaF4135-500MLFetal bovine serum
HiScribe T7 High Yield RNA Synthesis KitNew England BioLabsE2040SIn-vitro-transcription master mix
Histone H3K27ac antibodyActive motif39133Anti-H3K27ac
Histone H3K27me3 antibodyActive motif39155Anti-H3K27me3
IgG from rabbit serumMillipore SigmaI5006-10MGControl IgG
Iron oxide(II,III) magnetic nanopowder, 30 nm avg. part. size (TEM), NHS ester functionalizedMilliporeSigma747467-1GNHS ester functionalized 30 nm iron oxide powder
K-562American Type Culture Collection (ATCC)CCL-243cells
Linear Acrylamide (5 mg/mL)Thermo FisherAM9520Linear Acrylamide
LUNA-FL Dual Fluorescence Cell CounterLogos BiosystemsL20001Cell counter
LUNA Cell Counting Slides, 50 SlidesLogos BiosystemsL12001Cell counter
Mineral oil, BioReagent, for molecular biology, light oilMilliporeSigmaM5904-500MLMineral oil
N,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine for molecular biologyMilliporeSigmaT7024-100MLN,N,N′,N′-Tetramethylethylenediamine
NaCl (5 M), RNase-freeThermo FisherAM9760G5M NaCl
NanoDrop LiteThermo Fisher2516 Microvolume spectrophotometer
NEST 2 mL 96-Well Deep Well Plate, V BottomOpentronsN/A2 mL deep well 96-well plate
Non-skirted 96-well PCR plateGenesee Scientific27-40596-well PCR plate
NuSive GTG AgaroseLonza50081Agarose
OmniPur Acrylamide: Bis-acrylamide 19:1, 40% SolutionMilliporeSigma1300-500ML40%Acrylamide/Bis-acrylamide
OT-2 lab robotOpentronsOT2Automated liquid handling robot
Paraformaldehyde, EM Grade, Purified, 20% Aqueous SolutionElectron Microscopy Sciences1571320% Pararmaldehyde
PBS (10x), pH 7.4Thermo Fisher7001104410x PBS
PIPETMAN Classic P1000GILSONF123602A P1000 pipette
Protein LoBind Tubes, 1.5 mLEppendorf9250000901.5 mL Protein low-binding tube
QIAgen Gel Extraction kitQiagen28706A P1000 pipette
Quant-iT PicoGreen dsDNA AssayThermo FisherP11495 dsDNA specific intercalator dye
Quick Ligation kitNew England BioLabsM2200LT4 DNA ligase (NEB)
RNaseOUT Recombinant Ribonuclease InhibitorThermo Fisher10777019RNAse inhibitor
S-4FB Crosslinker (DMF-soluble)Vector laboratoriesS-1004-105Succinimidyl 4-formylbenzoate (S-4FB)
S-HyNicVector laboratoriesS-1002-105Succinimidyl 6-hydrazinonicotinate acetone hydrazone (S-HyNic)
Sodium Acetate, 3 M, pH 5.2, Molecular Biology GradeMilliporeSigma567422-100ML3M Sodium acetate (pH 5.2)
Sodium bicarbonate, 1M buffer soln., pH 8.5Alfa AesarJ604081M sodium bicarbonate buffer, pH 8.5
Sodium phosphate dibasic for molecular biologyMilliporeSigmaS3264-250GNa2HPO4
Sodium phosphate monobasic for molecular biologyMilliporeSigmaS3139-250GNaH2PO4
SuperScript IV reverse transcriptaseThermo Fisher18090050Reverse transcriptase
SYBR Gold Nucleic Acid Gel Stain (10,000x Concentrate in DMSO)Thermo FisherS11494An intercalator dye for DNA
T4 DNA Ligase Reaction BufferNew England BioLabsB0202S10x T4 DNA ligase reaction buffer
ThermoPol Reaction Buffer PackNew England BioLabsB9004S10x TPM-T buffer (Tris-HCl/Pottasium chloride/Magnesium sulfate/Triton X-100)
TRIzol LS reagentThermo Fisher10296-028Guanidinium thiocyanate-phenol-chloroform extraction
TruSeq Nano DNA library prep kitIllumina20015965A DNA library preparation kit (see also the manufacturer's instruction)
Ultramer DNA Oligo, Anti-5hmC_Ab#005Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 3An amine-modified DNA probe for antibody
Ultramer DNA Oligo, Anti-H3K27ac_Ab#002Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 3An amine-modified DNA probe for antibody
Ultramer DNA Oligo, Anti-H3K27me3_Ab#003Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 3An amine-modified DNA probe for antibody
Ultramer DNA Oligo, Anti-Med1_Ab#004Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 3An amine-modified DNA probe for antibody
Ultramer DNA Oligo, Anti-Pol II_Ab#006Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 3An amine-modified DNA probe for antibody
Ultramer DNA Oligo, Control IgG_Ab#001Integrated DNA TechnologiesN/A, see Table 3An amine-modified DNA probe for control IgG
UltraPure 0.5 M EDTA, pH 8.0Thermo Fisher155750200.5M EDTA, pH 8.0
UltraPure DNase/RNase-Free Distilled WaterThermo Fisher10977023Ultrapure water
Zeba Splin Desalting Columns, 7K MWCO, 0.5 mLThermo Fisher89882Desalting column


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