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Determination of the Mating Efficiency of Haploids in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Published: December 2nd, 2022



1Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

* These authors contributed equally


Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a widely used model organism in genetics, evolution, and molecular biology. In recent years, it has also become a popular model organism to study problems related to speciation. The life cycle of yeast involves both asexual and sexual reproductive phases. The ease of performing evolution experiments and the short generation time of the organism allow for the study of the evolution of reproductive barriers. The efficiency with which the two mating types (a and α) mate to form the a/α diploid is referred to as the mating efficiency. Any decrease in the mating efficiency between haploids indicates a pre-zygotic barrier. Thus, to quantify the extent of reproductive isolation between two haploids, a robust method to quantify the mating efficiency is required. To this end, a simple and highly reproducible protocol is presented here. The protocol involves four main steps, which include patching the haploids on a YPD plate, mixing the haploids in equal numbers, diluting and plating for single colonies, and finally, calculating the efficiency based on the number of colonies on a drop-out plate. Auxotrophic markers are employed to clearly make the distinction between haploids and diploids.

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Keywords Yeast Mating

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