This work presents an in vivo dataset with bone poses estimated with marker-based methods. A method is included here to train operators in improving their initial estimates for model-based pose estimation and reducing inter-operator variability.
Measuring the motion of the small foot bones is critical for understanding pathological loss of function. Biplanar videoradiography is well-suited to measure in vivo bone motion, but challenges arise when estimating the rotation and translation (pose) of each bone. The bone's pose is typically estimated with marker- or model-based methods. Marker-based methods are highly accurate but uncommon in vivo due to their invasiveness. Model-based methods are more common but are currently less accurate as they rely on user input and lab-specific algorithms. This work presents a rare in vivo dataset of the calcaneus, talus, and tibia poses, as measured with marker-based methods during running and hopping. A method is included to train users to improve their initial guesses into model-based pose estimation software, using marker-based visual feedback. New operators were able to estimate bone poses within 2° of rotation and 1 mm of translation of the marker-based pose, similar to an expert user of the model-based software, and representing a substantial improvement over previously reported inter-operator variability. Further, this dataset can be used to validate other model-based pose estimation software. Ultimately, sharing this dataset will improve the speed and accuracy with which users can measure bone poses from biplanar videoradiography.
Measuring the movement of the small foot bones is critical for understanding pathological loss of function. However, dynamic foot bone motion measurement is challenging due to the small size and densely packed configuration of the bones and joints1,2. Biplanar videoradiography (BVR) technology is well-suited to measure the in vivo three-dimensional (3D) motion of the small bones of the foot and ankle during dynamic activities. BVR provides insights into arthro-kinematics by using two x-ray sources coupled to image intensifiers, which convert x-rays of dynamic motion to visible light. As the foot moves through the capture volume, high-speed cameras capture the images. The images are un-distorted and projected into the capture volume using calibrated camera positions3,4. The six degrees of freedom (6 d. o. f.) bone pose (3 d.o.f. for position and 3 d.o.f. for orientation) is then estimated using either marker-based or model-based methods3.
The marker- or model-based pose estimation methods vary among laboratories and disciplines. The gold standard of dynamic BVR pose measurement is the implantation of small tantalum markers into the bone of interest4,5. A minimum of three markers per bone is required to estimate the pose, with additional markers leading to higher accuracy5,6. This method is less common in vivo due to its invasiveness, as it requires surgical implantation, and the markers are then embedded permanently in the bone7. Alternatively, model-based tracking uses volumetric information from other imaging modalities, such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging, to recreate the model on the BVR images2,3,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15. The model is then semi-manually manipulated to best match the images (rotoscoping), typically using a combination of user input as an initial estimation and cross-correlative optimization3,8,9,10,15. Model-based pose estimation is less invasive, and therefore more common, but has a greater processing time and requires user input. As the rotoscoping process is currently semi-manual, there remains a need to reliably train operators in the lab-specific software as inter-operator root mean square (RMS) errors can range from 0.83 mm to 4.96 mm, and 0.58° to 10.29° along or about a single axis1. Further, model-matching algorithms are improving, but require validation using experimental paradigms that are as close to in vivo conditions as possible.
The accuracy of model-based pose estimations is often assessed against marker-based metrics. For example, human cadaveric feet implanted with markers have been moved through simulated locomotory positions13,14,16. The captured BVR images are then fed to the model-based rotoscoping method and compared to the marker-based metrics for accuracy (bias and precision). While the use of a static cadaver foot is a valuable approach, it has limitations in assessing true in vivo bone pose accuracy. For example, joint positions are relatively constant in a cadaver foot with the absence of muscular activity and in vivo loads. Thus, it may not represent the limits of joint motion in diverse locomotor tasks. Variations in joint posture change the occlusion in the BVR images, which is a source of measurement error when estimating small, densely packed foot bone poses13. Further, when using image-matching algorithms, the presence of markers in the BVR images would likely bias the results. While groups have removed the markers from the computed tomography (CT) digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) images9,14,16, they are only occasionally also removed from the biplanar videoradiography images16.
This work presents an open-source BVR dataset of a participant hopping and running in vivo, who has markers implanted in his foot and ankle bones (Figure 1). Marker-based pose estimation for the in vivo bone motion of the tibia, talus, and calcaneus is provided. The markers were removed from both the x-ray and CT images to limit any bias introduced during the assessment of model-based tracking accuracy. This dataset is intended for assessing the accuracy of any model-based pose estimation software, and for improving the selection of initial pose estimates for semi-manual processes. It is most appropriate for individuals who aim to improve the speed and accuracy of the BVR image processing pipeline, and for laboratories that desire low inter-operator variability in initial pose estimation.
Figure 1: Overview of the provided biplanar videoradiography (BVR) dataset. Implanted markers are tracked in vivo as the gold standard for bone pose estimation. The markers were digitally removed from the BVR images and the computed tomography scans to prevent bias in the model-based tracking. Poses estimated from any model-based tracking software can be compared to the gold standard of marker-based tracking. The marker-based pose estimate can also be used to train new operators to improve their initial bone pose estimation for model-based tracking. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Experimental protocols were approved by Queen's University Health Sciences and Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board. The participant gave informed consent prior to participation in the data collection.
1. Patient preparation and dataset generation
NOTE: The participant (male, 49 years, 83 kg, 1.75 m tall) had several 0.8 mm diameter tantalum markers previously implanted into the calcaneus (3 markers), talus (4 markers), and tibia (5 markers; Figure 1).
2. Access the dataset and code
Figure 2: Data tree of the JOVE_BVR_Foot_ModelAndMarkerBased training package. Folders are shown in black boxes, code is shown in light grey boxes, and descriptions of files are contained in dark grey boxes. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
3. Assess the accuracy of the model-tracking algorithm
4. New operator training
NOTE: This section describes the training with feedback for a new operator. Here, Autoscoper is the selected model-based pose estimation software, but other software could be used as a replacement.
Figure 3: Visualization of acceptable and unacceptable tracking. (A) Calcaneus bone tracked using model-based tracking (grey; also indicated by the grey arrow) that does not sufficiently match the pose from the marker-based pose estimate (red; also indicated by the red arrow). (B) Calcaneus that sufficiently matches the pose from the marker-based pose estimate. The marker-tracked calcaneus is shown in green as a result (also indicated by the grey and green arrows). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Two new operators and one expert completed the model-based training. The 41 frames of the assessment trial measured the proficiency of their model-based tracking (Figure 4). The operators' pose estimates were typically well below the set thresholds. The mean median bias (range) in rotation across bones was 0.75° (0.69° to 0.85°) for the calcaneus, 0.40° (0.37° to 0.46°) for the talus, and 0.89° (0.76° to 1.07°) for the tibia. The mean median translation bias was 0.10 mm (0.05 mm to 0.16 mm) for the calcaneus, 0.31 mm (0.22 mm to 0.41 mm) for the talus, and 0.33 mm (0.27 mm to 0.37 mm) for the tibia. These results suggest that the tutorial is effective at training the operators to within a set tolerance.
Figure 4: Rotation and translation bias for new operators and an expert. Violin plots20 showing bias in (A)(C)(E) rotation and (B)(D)(F) translation between model-based and marker-based pose estimates for two new operators and one expert for the (A)(B) calcaneus, (C)(D) talus, and (E)(F) tibia. All 41 frames of the assessment trial are shown as data points, with the median (white circle), interquartile range (thick vertical line), and mean (thick horizontal line). The black line at 2° and 1 mm represent the selected thresholds. Six frames outside the threshold for New Operator 2 in (E) are not shown. Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
One new operator had six frames above the 2° rotation threshold in their tibia tracking. The frames were identified using one of the generated graphs in verifyAssessmentPoses.m (Figure 5). These six frames are more difficult to track due to tibia occlusion by the other foot swinging through the view.
Figure 5: Rotation bias for each frame over stance phase. Example of the second new operator's rotation tracking over part of stance phase of running, for (A) the calcaneus, (B) the talus, and (C) the tibia. Note the red box in (C) shows the frames with high errors. (D) On the left, a representative image shows the approximate difference in alignment of the orange and blue lines of the anterior tibia (indicated by orange and black arrows). The right image shows an example of a well-tracked tibia (indicated by the white arrow). Please click here to view a larger version of this figure.
Supplemental File. Please click here to download this File.
Accurate model-based pose estimation is fundamental to measuring arthro-kinematics and skeletal motion. Previous validation methods for pose estimation have been based on cadaveric specimens with implanted markers, without in vivo loading and joint ranges of motion. This in vivo dataset of running and hopping with marker-based pose estimation enables validation of model-based algorithms. Further, the dataset is organized to train new operators, such that the initial estimate required for most model-based algorithms is within a set tolerance, reducing inter-operator variability. MATLAB code is provided such that the bones can be animated and pose quality feedback is automatically generated.
The new operators were successfully trained to within a set tolerance of 2° of rotation and 1 mm of translation. These limits are much lower than reported inter-operator reliability, which can be as large as 5 mm and 10°1. However, the selected tolerances are 2x to 4x higher than the RMS error of other intact cadaveric foot experiments (0.59 mm and 0.71°16). The tolerances include the higher-end ranges of RMS error, but still represent a substantial improvement over reported inter-operator variability. Further, in vivo conditions are more challenging to track than static foot postures due to variation in occlusion of bones, soft tissue, and artifacts of high-speed movement through the x-ray volume. The new operators successfully rotoscoped the trials within the tolerance and were close to the expert's results, except for the six frames shown in Figure 5C. Thus, the set tolerance represents an improvement over reported inter-operator variability, and the results show that this method can successfully train new operators within that tolerance.
A critical step in this protocol is the iteration between rotoscoping in the selected software and visualizing in 3D. This iteration is important for understanding how the bones are oriented in space. It allows the operator to verify if the bone poses are biologically feasible and not colliding with other bones. Continually alternating between rotoscoping and visualization improves the quality of final bone pose estimates and helps catch optimization errors.
The training set, particularly the assessment trial, includes challenging tracking scenarios to push the limits of the new operators. The position of the x-ray sources and image intensifiers in this collection caused the swinging foot to occlude the views, creating challenges for aligning the bone models. The new operator, with several frames above the rotation threshold, was affected by the contralateral foot obscuring the view. Strategies such as changing the filter settings and rotoscoping the frames immediately before and after the occlusion can help mitigate these issues. Furthermore, the orientation of the coordinate systems differs sufficiently between the DICOMs and the pose estimation software, causing an angle flip in the tibia. The operators must track every frame at this point to overcome this challenge. These scenarios are not uncommon in data collections and represent challenges that automatic model-based pose estimation should navigate in the future and are thus a valuable addition to this dataset.
There are certain limitations with this protocol. First, declaring the marker-based pose estimation as the gold standard is contentious as the accuracy difference between marker- and model-based pose estimation is not typically an order of magnitude different2,3,10. However, it is probable that the visual changes in BVR images that arise with in vivo collections (i.e., movement artifact, soft tissue, and bone occlusion) are more likely to induce errors in model-based pose estimation compared to marker-based methods. Further experimentation is required to confirm this hypothesis. In addition, this dataset does not capture every biplanar x-ray collection. The orientation of the cameras, such that the bones are in different relative positions, could change bone feature prominence and correspondingly affect the pose matching algorithm's cost function. Further, these features may be affected by the image filter settings15,17. Thus, this dataset is not necessarily a generalizable assessment of BVR accuracy. Instead, it is a tool for training users to input appropriate initial pose estimates and for improving model-based pose estimation algorithms until manually rotoscoped initial guesses are no longer needed.
The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
This work was funded by the NSERC Discovery Grant (RGPIN/04688-2015) and the Ontario Early Researcher Award.
Name | Company | Catalog Number | Comments |
Autoscoper | Brown University |; pose estimation software | |
Code | Queen's University | Based | |
Content-Aware Fill algorithm, Photoshop | Adobe | ||
Dataset | Queen's University | Download here | |
MATLAB | Mathworks | n/a | computing platform |
Mimics | Materialise, Belgium | 3D image processing software | |
Revolution HD | General Electric Medical Systems | CT scan device used | |
WristVisualizer | Brown University |; Visualization software | |
XMALab | Brown University | |
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