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Here, we outline a comprehensive protocol for generating and utilizing laboratory-engineered glioblastoma organoids (LEGO) to investigate genotype-phenotype dependencies and screen potential drugs for glioblastoma treatment.


Glioblastoma (GBM) is described as a group of highly malignant primary brain tumors and stands as one of the most lethal malignancies. The genetic and cellular characteristics of GBM have been a focal point of ongoing research, revealing that it is a group of heterogeneous diseases with variations in RNA expression, DNA methylation, or cellular composition. Despite the wealth of molecular data available, the lack of transferable pre-clinic models has limited the application of this information to disease classification rather than treatment stratification. Transferring the patients' genetic information into clinical benefits and bridging the gap between detailed descriptions of GBM, genotype-phenotype associations, and treatment advancements remain significant challenges. In this context, we present an advanced human GBM organoid model, the Laboratory Engineered Glioblastoma Organoid (LEGO), and illustrate its use in studying the genotype-phenotype dependencies and screening potential drugs for GBM. Utilizing this model, we have identified lipid metabolism dysregulation as a critical milestone in GBM progression and discovered that the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein inhibitor Lomitapide shows promise as a potential treatment for GBM.


Glioblastoma (GBM) accounts for more than 60% of all diagnosed primary brain tumors in adults, with a median survival of less than two years1,2,3. Despite considerable efforts in deciphering the underlying complexity of this disease, continuous attempts with targeted therapies or immunotherapies, and screening for potential anti-cancer drugs, the treatment strategy for newly diagnosed GBM patients remains to be the maximal safe surgical resection followed by radiotherapy (RT) combined with temozolomide (TMZ) and then adjuvant TMZ4.


1. Luciferase labeling of the iPSCs

NOTE: For detailed instructions on culturing iPSCs, refer to the protocol provided by the institutions or the companies from which the cells were obtained. In all experiments described in this protocol, the iPSCs at passages 3-10 post-recovery were used, and any cells showing signs of differentiation were discarded. For the virus production, plasmids containing an EF1α promoter driving Luc2, along with a puromycin-resistant cassette, were used.

  1. When the cells reach ~70% confluency, digest iPSCs with passaging reagents A and B (see Table of Materials), res....

Representative Results

In our hands, LEGOs derived from mutant iPSCs displayed increased expansion compared to the WT isogenic control (Figure 1C) and showed atypical nuclear after 4 weeks of culture (Figure 1D), which supports the potential malignant transformation of the cells in mutant organoids18. The tumorigenic potential of the organoids can be further verified with xenografted experiments if required, as we have shown previously12.......


The lack of personalized treatment in human GBM could largely be attributed to the fact that many GBM models, such as human cell lines or mouse models, cannot faithfully recapitulate the human GBM. Consequently, the treatment strategies selected based on these model systems cannot be transferred into clinical applications. Instead, organoids can tackle these translational problems with the presence of human physiological conditions. To this end, we have generated LEGO and shown that LEGOS can faithfully recapitulate many.......


The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose


This work is supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft grant SFB1389 (H-K.L.), Deutsche Krebshilfe grant 110227 (H-K.L.), European Research Council (ERC) grant 647055 (H-K.L.), Deutschen Konsortium für Translationale Krebsforschung (DKTK) grant AIM2GO (H-K.L.).



NameCompanyCatalog NumberComments
AccutaseA6964Sigma-Aldrich Passaging reagent B
B27 17504044Life Technologies 
B27 without vitamin A 12587010Life Technologies 
Bbs1-HFR3539SNew England Biolabs
Bsa1-HFR3535SNew England Biolabs
CHIR990214423Tocris Bioscience
CloneR#05889STEMCELL Technologies Reagent to facilitate single-cell survival
D-LuciferinL2916InvitrogenLuciferase Substrate
DMEM/F-1211330032Life Technologies 
EcoRl-HFR3101TNew England Biolabs
Fetal Bovine Serum 30-2020ATCC 
GlutaMAX35050038Life Technologies 
hES-quality Fetal Bovine Serum10270106Life Technologies 
Insulin SolutionI9278Sigma-Aldrich 
IVIS Lumina IINAPerkinElmer
Knockout serum replacement10828-028Life Technologies 
L-Ascorbic AcidA4544-25GSigma-Aldrich 
Matrigel® hES qualified354277CorningBasement matrix membrane
MEM-NEAA11140050Life Technologies 
mTeSR Plus100-0276STEMCELL Technologies Human embryonic cell qualified culture medium
N2 17502048Life Technologies 
Neon Electroporation SystemNAThermo Fisher ScientificElectroporation system
Neon Transfection System 100 µL KitMPK10096InvitrogenElectroporation kit
Neurobasal medium21103049Life Technologies 
Online knockout efficiency analysisNAhttp://shinyapps.datacurators.nl/tide/
Organoid Embedding Sheet # 08579STEMCELL Technologies 
Penicillin-Streptomycin 15140122Life-Technologies
Polybrene (10mg/mL)TR-1003-50ULMerck Millipore
px330-S-2 https://www.addgene.org/58778/Addgene 
ReleSR5872STEMCELL Technologies Passaging reagent A
Rock Inhibitor72304STEMCELL Technologies 
sgRNA designNAhttps://zlab.bio/guide-design-resources
sgRNA designNANAwww.benchling.com
T4 DNA ligaseM0202SNew England Biolabs
β-Mercaptoethanol M3148Sigma-Aldrich 


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